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Dariush Derakhshani | Introducing Autodesk Maya 2013 / Знакомство с Autodesk Maya 2013 [2012] [PDF, EPUB] [En] 
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Dariush Derakhshani | Introducing Autodesk Maya 2013 / Знакомство с Autodesk Maya 2013 [2012] [PDF, EPUB] [En]

Автор: Dariush Derakhshani
Название: Introducing Autodesk Maya 2013 / Знакомство с Autodesk Maya 2013
Год: 2012
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN: 978-1-118-22570-7
Отрасль (жанр): 3D графика
Язык: английский
Формат: EPUB, PDF (конвертировано из EPUB)
Качество: Изначально электронное (ebook)

Maya 2013 - один из лучших на сегодняшний день пакетов трехмерной графики и анимации. В настоящее время знание Maya является обязательным требованием для всех художников, дизайнеров, режиссеров и программистов игр. Maya используется в индустрии кинопроизводства, а также для создания различных спецэффектов. Если вы только начинаете работать с Maya, эта книга поможет вам быстро и эффективно освоить последнюю версию программы.
Данное издание описывает базовые концепции программы, а также множество теоретических и практических сведений по работе с ней. В книге мы применяем систему упражнений, которая позволяет вам шаг за шагом пройти по всем этапам формирования проекта. Вы научитесь моделировать и визуализировать персонажи и сцены в Maya.
Книга - официальное руководство от Autodesk.



Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Graphics and 3D
Computer Graphics
A Preview of the CG Process
The Stages of Production
How It All Works Together
The CG Production Workflow
Core Concepts
Computer Graphics Concepts
Basic Design Concepts
Basic Film Concepts
Planning a Production
Basic Animation Concepts

Chapter 2: Jumping in Headfirst, with Both Feet
You Put the U in UI
A Quick Screen Roadmap
Keys and Syntax in Maya
Mouse Controls
Making Selections
Manipulating Objects
Project Overview: The Solar System
The Preproduction Process: Planning
Creating a Project
The Production Process: Creating and Animating the Objects
Creating the Sun and the Planets
Saving Your Work
Creating the Moons
Applying a Simple Shader
Creating the Animation
Hierarchy and Maya Object Structure
Understanding Nodes
Parents and Children
The Solar System Resumed
Animating Mercury’s Orbit Around the Sun
Creating Venus
Earth and the Moon
Using the Outliner
Outputting Your Work: Playblasting

Chapter 3: The Autodesk Maya 2013 InterfaceNavigating in Maya
Exploring the Maya Layout
The Main Menu Bar
Work Panels and Navigation
The Manipulators
Soft Selection
Building a Decorative Box
Creating Reference Planes
The Channel Box/Attribute Editor Explained
Mapping the Box’s Reference Planes with Hypershade
The Hypershade Explained
Organizing Workflow with Layer Editor
Layer Editor Explained
Modeling the Decorative Box
Status Line Explained
Editing the Decorative Box Model Using the Shelf
The Shelf and Tool Box Explained
Continuing the Decorative Box Model
Time Slider and Help Line Explained
Finishing the Decorative Box Model
The Attribute Editor and Outliner Explained
The Outliner

Chapter 4: Beginning Polygonal Modeling
Planning Your Model
Choosing a Method
An Overview of Polygons
Using Primitives
Polygon Basics
Creating Polygonal Primitives
The Polygon Tool
Poly Editing Tools
The Poly Extrusion Tools
The Wedge Face Tool
The Poke Face Tool
The Bevel Tool
Putting the Tools to Use: Making a Simple Hand
Creating Areas of Detail on a Poly Mesh
The Add Divisions Tool
The Interactive Split Tool
The Insert Edge Loop Tool
The Offset Edge Loop Tool
The Combine and Merge Functions
The Cut Faces Tool
The Duplicate Face Tool
The Extract Tool
The Smooth Tool
The Sculpt Geometry Tool
Modeling a Catapult
The Production Process
The Base
The Wheels
The Winch Assembly
The Arm
Suggestions for Modeling Polygons

Chapter 5: Modeling with NURBS, Subdivisions, and DeformersNURBS! NURBS!
NURBS Modeling
Levels of Detail
NURBS Surfacing Techniques
Combining Techniques
Surface History
Using NURBS Surfacing to Create Polygons
Converting a NURBS Model to Polygons
Editing NURBS Surfaces
Project Curve on Surface
Trim and Untrim Surfaces
Attach Surfaces
Detach Surfaces
Insert Isoparms
Patch Modeling: A Locomotive Detail
Starting the NURBS Pump
Adding End Caps
Stitching and Tangency
Integrating the Pump into the Locomotive Model: Importing a Scene
Using Artisan to Sculpt NURBS
Modeling with Simple Deformers
Modeling Using the Bend Deformer
Adjusting an Existing Axe Model
The Lattice Deformer
Creating an Alien Hand
Creating Alien Fingers
Animating Through a Lattice
Subdivision Surfaces
Creating a Starfish
Converting to a Subdivision Surface
Building a Teakettle
Creating the Base Polygon Model
Converting to Subdivisions
Converting Back to Polygons
Taking the Kettle Further

Chapter 6: Practical Experience
Evaluating the Table Lamp
Modeling the Base
Creating the Lamp Stem
The Stem
The Lampshade Bracket
Modeling the Lampshade
Making the Toy Airplane
Reference Images
Creating Reference Planes for the Images
Creating the Fuselage
Using Booleans to Finish the Fuselage
Cleaning Up the Fuselage
Creating the Propeller and Nose
Using References
Finishing the Toy Airplane
Making the Wheels
Updating the Reference

Chapter 7: Autodesk Maya Shading and TexturingMaya Shading
Shader Types
The Lambert Shader Type
The Phong Shader Type
The Blinn Shader Type
The Phong E Shader Type
The Anisotropic Shader Type
The Layered Shader Type
The Ramp Shader Type
Shader Attributes
Texturing the Table Lamp
The Socket, Stem, and Lampshade
The Metal Parts
Textures and Surfaces
UV Mapping
Using Projections
Texture Nodes
Textures and UVs for the Red Wagon
Assigning Shaders
Creating a Shading Network for the Wheels
Putting Decals on the Body
Working with UVs
Texturing the Floor
Shading the Wood Railings
Finishing the Wagon
Photo-real Mapping: The Decorative Box
Setting Up UVs (Blech!)
Color Mapping the Box
For Further Study

Chapter 8: Introduction to Animation
Keyframe Animation—Bouncing a Ball
Creating a Cartoon Ball
Setting Up the Hierarchy
Animating the Ball
Throwing an Axe
The Preproduction Process
Setting Up the Scene
Preproduction: Keyframes and Motion Study
Animating the Axe: Keyframing Gross Animation
Adding Follow-Through
Adding Secondary Motion
Motion Trails
Path Animation
Axe Project Summation
Replacing an Object
Replacing the Axe
Transferring Animation
Animating Flying Text
Rigging the Locomotive, Part 1
The Scene Setup
Selection Handles
Animating the Locomotive
Animating the Catapult
Animating with Deformers

Chapter 9: More Animation!Skeletons and Kinematics
Skeletons and Hierarchy
Forward Kinematics: The Block Man
Creating the Skeleton
Attaching to the Skeleton
The Block Man: FK Walk Cycle
Skeletons: The Hand
Rigging the Hand
Binding to Geometry
Binding the Hand: Rigid
Binding the Hand: Smooth
Binding the Hand: Interactive Skin Bind
Inverse Kinematics
Rigging the IK Legs
Creating an IK Walk Cycle
Further Uses for IK Chains
Basic Relationships: Constraints
The Point Constraint
The Orient Constraint
The Point on Poly Constraint
The Aim Constraint
Geometry and Normal Constraints
Scale, Parent, Tangent, and Pole Vector Constraints
Basic Relationships: Set-Driven Keys
Creating a Set-Driven Key
An Advanced Set-Driven Key: The Hand
Application: Rigging the Locomotive
Setting Up Wheel Control
Controlling the Wheel Arms
Controlling the Pump Arm
Controlling the Back Wheel
Finishing the Rig

Chapter 10: Autodesk Maya Lighting
Basic Lighting Concepts
Learning to See
What Your Scene Needs
Three-Point Lighting
Practical Lighting
Maya Lights
Common Light Attributes
Light Types
Lighting a Scene
Light Linking
Adding Shadows
Creating Shadows in Maya
Controlling Shadows per Object
Raytracing Soft Shadows
mental ray Lighting
Global Illumination: A Downloadable PDF Exercise
Image-Based Lighting
mental ray Physical Sun and Sky
Lighting Effects
Volumetric Lighting
Lens Flare
Shader Glow Effects
Lighting the Table Lamp and Decorative Box
Further Lighting PracticeTips for Using and Animating Lights
Animating a Light
Using the Show Manipulator Tool for Lights

Chapter 11: Autodesk Maya Rendering
Rendering Setup
Choosing a Filename
Image Format
Frame Range
Setting Resolution
Selecting a Render Engine
Previewing Your Render: The Render View Window
Saving/Loading an Image
Keep/Remove Image
IPR Rendering
Reflections and Refractions
Raytraced Reflections
Rendering Refractions
Using Cameras
Creating a Camera
Camera Types
Camera Attributes
Motion Blur
Batch Rendering
Rendering the Wine Bottle
Selecting Render Settings Options
Setting Up the Scene
Setting Up the Camera
Batch Rendering and Playing Back the Sequence
mental ray for Maya
mental ray Quality Settings
Render Settings in Action!
Motion Blur with mental ray
Render Layers
Render Passes in mental ray
Rendering the Still Life in Layers
Final Gather
Ambient Occlusion
The Living Room
Rendering the Results
Compositing the Results
Displacement Mapping the Decorative Box
Reflection Map
Displacement Mapping
Rendering the Lamp and Decorative Box
Adding an IBL
Fixing Final Gather Noise
Blurring Reflections with the mia_material
Let’s Get a Little Closer
Adding Depth of Field
Wrapping Up the Lamp and Decorative Box

Chapter 12: Autodesk Maya Dynamics and Effects
An Overview of Dynamics and Maya NucleusRigid and Soft Dynamic Bodies
Creating Active and Passive Rigid Body Objects
Moving a Rigid Body
Rigid Body Attributes
Animating with Dynamics: The Pool Table
Creating the Pool Table and the Balls
Creating Rigid Bodies
Animating Rigid Bodies
Additional Rigid Body Attributes
Baking Out a Simulation
Simplifying Animation Curves
Fun Dynamics: Shoot the Catapult!
nParticle Dynamics
Emitting nParticles
Emitter Attributes
nParticle Attributes
nCaching Particles
Creating an nCache on Disk
Animating a Particle Effect: Locomotive Steam
Emitting the nParticles
Setting nParticle Attributes
Setting Rendering Attributes
Introduction to Paint Effects
Paint Effects Attributes
Toon Shading
Customizing Maya
User Preferences
Color Settings

Where Do You Go from Here?
Gallery: Beginners’ Gallery
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2013-10-14 18:33
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