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#777 Год: 1933-2011 Жанр: Исторические исследования Издательство: Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press и др. Язык: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Интерактивное оглавление: Да Количество страниц: 189 книг, свыше 20 000 страниц Описание: Коллекция современных англоязычных книг по античности от ведущих издательств. Строго по теме раздела. Унесено с закрытого английского торрент-треккера.
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Batoche Books The Ancient City, A Study of the Religion Laws and Institutions of Greece and Rome (2001).pdf [1.1 MB] Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd. Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece, An Introduction (1977).pdf [4.4 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Archaic Greece (2009).pdf [6.6 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds (2011).pdf [6.6 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography (2 Vols) (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek and Roman Political Thought (2009).pdf [4.4 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Religion (2007).pdf [5.5 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Rhetoric (2007).pdf [3.3 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Greek Tragedy (2005).pdf [5.5 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (2010).pdf [3.3 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Companion to the Classical Greek World (2006).pdf [21.2 MB] Blackwell Publishing A Guide to Ancient Greek Drama (2005).pdf [5.5 MB] Blackwell Publishing A History of the Classical Greek World 478-323 BC (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] Blackwell Publishing Ancient Greek Democracy, Readings and Sources (2004).pdf [23.2 MB] Blackwell Publishing Ancient Greek Divination (2008).pdf [1.1 MB] Blackwell Publishing Greek Political Thought (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] Blackwell Publishing Magic in the Ancient Greek World (2008).pdf [1.1 MB] Brill Publishing Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC (2003).pdf [7.7 MB] Brill Publishing Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece (2004).pdf [5.5 MB] Brill Publishing Ancient Greeks West and East (1999) (Scan, OCR).pdf [68.6 MB] Brill Publishing Clause Combining in Ancient Greek Narrative Disourse (2005).pdf [1.1 MB] Brill Publishing John the Physician's Therapeutics, A Medical Handbook in Vernacular Greek (2009).pdf [7.7 MB] Brill Publishing Narrators, Narratees and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature (2004).pdf [3.3 MB] Brill Publishing Not Wholly Free, The Concept of Manumission and the Status of Manumitted Slaves in the Ancient Greek World (2005).pdf [2.2 MB] Brill Publishing Orality, Literacy Memory in the Ancient Greek and Roman World (2008).pdf [2.2 MB] Brill Publishing Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint, Polysemy and Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term (2005).pdf [2.2 MB] Brill Publishing The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek (2009).pdf [2.2 MB] Brill Publishing The Virgin and Her Lover, Fragments of an Ancient Greek Novel and a Persian Epic Poem (2003).pdf [3.3 MB] Brill Publishing Time in Ancient Greek Literature (2007).pdf [3.3 MB] Cambridge University Press Ancient Epistolary Fictions, The Letter in Greek Literature (2001).pdf [1.1 MB] Cambridge University Press Ancient Greek Music, A New Technical History (2010).pdf [3.3 MB] Cambridge University Press Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice (2009).pdf [756 KB] Cambridge University Press Ancient History Vol. 3 Part 3, The Expansion of the Greek World 8th to 6th Centuries BC 2nd (1982).pdf [32.3 MB] Cambridge University Press Ancient History Vol. 4, Persia Greece and the Western Mediterranean 525-479 BC 2nd (1988).pdf [53.5 MB] Cambridge University Press Burial and Ancient Society, The Rise of the Greek City-State (1987) (no OCR).pdf [16.1 MB] Cambridge University Press Citizen and Self in Ancient Greece, Individuals Performing Justice and the Law (2006).pdf [6.6 MB] Cambridge University Press Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought (2009).pdf [1.1 MB] Cambridge University Press Companion to Archaic Greece (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Cambridge University Press Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek (2005).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Festivals, Feasts and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece (2010).pdf [3.3 MB] Cambridge University Press House and Society in the Ancient Greek World (1999) (no OCR).pdf [71.7 MB] Cambridge University Press Language and Logos, Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen (1982).pdf [6.6 MB] Cambridge University Press Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (1992).pdf [5.5 MB] Cambridge University Press Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World (2003).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel, Returning Romance (2011).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History (2008).pdf [3.3 MB] Cambridge University Press Pausania's Greece, Ancient Artists and Roman Rulers (1996).pdf [6.6 MB] Cambridge University Press Science Folklore and Ideology, Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece (1983).pdf [10.1 MB] Cambridge University Press Space and Time in Ancient Greek Narrative (2010).pdf [1.1 MB] Cambridge University Press The Greeks and the New, Novelty in Ancient Greek Imagination and Experience (2011).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press The Mechanical Hypothesis in Ancient Greek Natural Philosophy (2009).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Unthinking the Greek Polis, Ancient Greek History beyond Eurocentrism (2007).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture, Travel Locality and Pan-Hellenism (2009).pdf [2.2 MB] Cambridge University Press Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece (2003).pdf [2.2 MB] Cassell & Co Publishing The Siren and the Sage, Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Greece and China (2000).pdf [16.1 MB] Charles Scribner Publishing Ancient Greece and Rome, An Encyclopedia for Students (4 Vols) (1998).pdf [89.8 MB] Chatto & Windus Publishing Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece, From Homer to the End of the Fifth Century (1972).pdf [5.5 MB] Chelsea House Publishing Empire of Ancient Greece (2009).pdf [14.1 MB] Chelsea House Publishing Living in Ancient Greece (2009).pdf [33.3 MB] Continuum International Publishing Early Greek Thought, Before the Dawn (2011).pdf [535 KB] Continuum International Publishing Happiness and Greek Ethical Thought (2004).pdf [4.4 MB] Cornell University Press The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests (1981).pdf [65.6 MB] Cornell University Press Tyranny and Political Culture in Ancient Greece (1993) (no OCR).pdf [36.3 MB] DK Publishing Eyewitness Ancient Greece 2nd (2007).pdf [20.2 MB] Edinburgh University Press Ancient Greece, From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (2006).pdf [25.2 MB] Edinburgh University Press Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome (2006).pdf [7.7 MB] Edinburgh University Press Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece (1979) (no OCR).pdf [9.9 MB] Edinburgh University Press The Gods of Ancient Greece, Identities and Transformations (2010).pdf [7.7 MB] Edinburgh University Press Word and Image in Ancient Greece (2000).pdf [3.3 MB] Greenhaven Press Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece (2006).pdf [7.7 MB] Greenwood Press Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks 2nd (2009).pdf [5.5 MB] Hackett Publishing An Introduction to Ancient Greek, A Literary Approach 2nd (2007).pdf [2.2 MB] Hackett Publishing The Verb Be in Ancient Greek (2003).pdf [13.1 MB] Harvard University Press Ancient Greek Love Magic (1999).pdf [941 KB] Harvard University Press Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece (2009) (no OCR).pdf [19.1 MB] Indiana University Press Ancient Greek Lyrics 4th (2010).pdf [7.7 MB] Johns Hopkins University Press Arcana Mundi Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, A Collection of Ancient Texts 2nd (2006).pdf [2.2 MB] Johns Hopkins University Press Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience, From the Archaic Period to the Age of Xenophon (1994).pdf [4.4 MB] Johns Hopkins University Press Birth, Death and Motherhood in Classical Greece (1994) (no OCR).pdf [13.1 MB] Johns Hopkins University Press The Hunt in Ancient Greece (2001).pdf [1012 KB] Lexington Books Pyrrhonism, How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism (2008).pdf [2.2 MB] Oneworld Publications The Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks (2002).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press A Brief History of Ancient Greece, Politics Society and Culture (2004).pdf [11.1 MB] Oxford University Press Aidos, The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature (1993) (no OCR).pdf [25.2 MB] Oxford University Press Alternatives to Athens, Varieties of Political Organization and Community in Ancient Greece (2000).pdf [7.7 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Accentuation, Synchronic Patterns Frequency Effects and Prehistory (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Ideas on Speech Language and Civilization (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf [9.9 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Music (1992).pdf [19.1 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Greek Scholarship (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Greeks, Creating the Classical Tradition (1997).pdf [26.2 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Literacies, The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome (2009).pdf [4.4 MB] Oxford University Press Ancient Worlds Modern Reflections, Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture (2004).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greek Religion Judaism and Christianity 100 BC-200 AD (2008).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press Athenaze, An Introduction to Ancient Greek 2nd Vol. 1 (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf [11.1 MB] Oxford University Press Athenaze, An Introduction to Ancient Greek 2nd Vol. 2 2003).pdf [15.1 MB] Oxford University Press Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome 2nd (1951) (Scan, OCR).pdf [7.7 MB] Oxford University Press Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought (2001).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind, Descending Underground in the Search for Ultimate Truth (2009).pdf [1.1 MB] Oxford University Press Everyday Life In Ancient Greece (1933) (no OCR).pdf [66.6 MB] Oxford University Press Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer, A Linguistic Interpretation of the Origin of the Greek Alphabet and the Continuity of Ancient Greek Literacy (1997).pdf [36.3 MB] Oxford University Press Hesperos, Studies in Ancient Greek Poetry Presented to M. L. West on his 70th Birthday (2007).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press Lexicographica Graeca, Contributions to the Lexicography of Ancient Greek (1996).pdf [46.4 MB] Oxford University Press Literacy and Paideia in Ancient Greece (1994).pdf [21.2 MB] Oxford University Press Magika Hiera, Ancient Greek Magic and Religion (1991).pdf [21.2 MB] Oxford University Press Olive Cultivation in Ancient Greece, Seeking the Ancient Economy (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Oxford University Press Oracles, Curses and Risk among the Ancient Greeks (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Oxford University Press Polis, An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] Oxford University Press Sport and Recreation in Ancient Greece, A Sourcebook with Translations (1987).pdf [21.2 MB] Oxford University Press The Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry Revisited, Plato and the Greek Literary Tradition (2001).pdf [23.2 MB] Oxford University Press The Dance of the Muses, Choral Theory and Ancient Greek Poetics (2006).pdf [1.1 MB] Oxford University Press The Future in Greek, From Ancient to Medieval (2009).pdf [1.1 MB] Oxford University Press The Greek Theatre and Festivals, Documentary Studies (2007).pdf [7.7 MB] Oxford University Press The Theatrical Cast of Athens, Interactions between Ancient Greek Drama and Society (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] Oxford University Press Translation and Survival, The Greek Bible and the Ancient Jewish Diaspora (2009).pdf [2.2 MB] Oxford University Press Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities (1993).pdf [28.2 MB] Penguin Publishing Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece (1996) (no OCR).pdf [18.1 MB] Polity Press The Greeks and Us, A Comparative Anthropology of Ancient Greece (2007).pdf [4.4 MB] Praeger Publishers Imagining Men, Ideals of Masculinity in Ancient Greek Culture (2008).pdf [816 KB] Praeger Publishers Politics and Society in Ancient Greece (2008).pdf [2.2 MB] Princeton University Press Exile Ostracism and Democracy, The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece (2005).pdf [1.1 MB] Princeton University Press Gender and Immortality, Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult (1996).pdf [1.1 MB] Princeton University Press The Symptom and the Subject, The Emergence of the Physical Body in Ancient Greece (2010).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greece, Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander the Great 3rd (2010).pdf [4.4 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greece, Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Socrates 2nd (2000).pdf [4.4 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greek Agriculture, An Introduction (1995).pdf [4.4 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greek Cults, A Guide (2007).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greek Laws, A Sourcebook (1998).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Ancient Greek Literary Letters, Selections in Translation (2006).pdf [960 KB] Routledge Press Dreams and History, The Interpretation of Dreams from Ancient Greece to Modern Psychoanalysis (2004).pdf [7.7 MB] Routledge Press Economy and Economics of Ancient Greece (2007).pdf [1.1 MB] Routledge Press Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists, The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs (2008).pdf [13.1 MB] Routledge Press Greece in the Making 1200-479 BC 2nd (2009).pdf [8.8 MB] Routledge Press Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z (2007).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press Greek Magic, Ancient Medieval and Modern (2008).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press Greek Mysteries, The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults (2003).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era, A Sourcebook (2002).pdf [4.4 MB] Routledge Press Hellenistic and Roman Sparta, A Tale of Two Cities 2nd (2002).pdf [11.1 MB] Routledge Press Hippocrates' Woman, Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece (1998).pdf [1.1 MB] Routledge Press Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece (1991).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Life and Letters in the Ancient Greek World (2009).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press Literary Texts and the Greek Historian (2000).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press Money Labour and Land, Approaches to the Economics of Ancient Greece (2002).pdf [1.1 MB] Routledge Press Music in Ancient Greece and Rome (1999).pdf [6.6 MB] Routledge Press Oedipus (2006).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press Sexuality in Greek and Roman Literature and Society, A Sourcebook (2005).pdf [11.1 MB] Routledge Press The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists, The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs (2008).pdf [13.1 MB] Routledge Press The Greek World (1995).pdf [11.1 MB] Routledge Press The Greek World 479-323 BC 4th (2011).pdf [5.5 MB] Routledge Press The Sacred and the Feminine in Ancient Greece (1998).pdf [2.2 MB] Routledge Press War and Society in the Greek World (1993).pdf [3.3 MB] Routledge Press Warfare in Ancient Greece, A Sourcebook (1996).pdf [2.2 MB] Salem Press Ancient Greece (3 Vols) (2007).pdf [13.1 MB] Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy (2007).pdf [2.2 MB] Springer Publishing Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology, From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus (2011).pdf [5.5 MB] Springer Publishing The Mythology of the Night Sky, An Amateur Astronomer's Guide to the Ancient Greek and Roman Legends (2011).pdf [5.5 MB] State University of New York Press Erotic Wisdom, Philosophy and Intermediacy in Plato's Symposium (2008).pdf [3.3 MB] State University of New York Press Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks, Astrological Symbolism in Art Architecture and Landscape (1994).pdf [15.1 MB] Thames & Hudson Publishing Understanding Greek Sculpture, Ancient Meanings Modern Readings (1997) (no OCR).pdf [36.3 MB] University of California Press Ancient Greek Epigrams, Major Poets in Verse Translation (2010).pdf [2.2 MB] University of California Press Arete, Greek Sports from Ancient Sources 3rd (2004).pdf [5.5 MB] University of California Press Citizen Bacchae, Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece (2004).pdf [4.4 MB] University of California Press Homo Necans, The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth (1983) (Scan, OCR).pdf [26.2 MB] University of California Press Landscapes Gender and Ritual Space, The Ancient Greek Experience (2004).pdf [2.2 MB] University of California Press Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007).pdf [936 KB] University of California Press Sappho's Lyre, Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece (1991).pdf [730 KB] University of California Press The Revolutions of Wisdom, Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (1989).pdf [2.2 MB] University of California Press The Seer in Ancient Greece (2008).pdf [3.3 MB] University of Chicago Press Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals (2009).pdf [450 KB] University of Chicago Press Fear of Diversity, The Birth of Political Science in Ancient Greek Thought (1992) (no OCR).pdf [22.2 MB] University of Chicago Press The Cult of Pan in Ancient Greece (1988).pdf [7.7 MB] University of Chicago Press The Science of Man in Ancient Greece (2001) (no OCR).pdf [14.1 MB] University of Michigan Press The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece (2004).pdf [1.1 MB] University of Michigan Press The Staff of Oedipus, Transforming Disability in Ancient Greece (2003).pdf [2.2 MB] University of Missouri Press The Shotgun Method, The Demography of the Ancient Greek City-State Culture (2006).pdf [3.3 MB] University of Oklahoma Press Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World (2002).pdf [1.1 MB] University of Oklahoma Press Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome (2005).pdf [1.1 MB] University of Texas Press Bodily Arts, Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece (2004).pdf [3.3 MB] University of Texas Press Kinship Myth in Ancient Greece (2010).pdf [3.3 MB] University of Wisconsin Press Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BC-200 AD (2011).pdf [2.2 MB] Walter de Gruyter Publishing From Scholars to Scholia, Chapters in the History of Ancient Greek Scholarship (2011).pdf [935 KB] Westview Press Eros, The Myth Of Ancient Greek Sexuality (1997).pdf [47.4 MB] Yale University Press Ancient Greece, From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times (2000).pdf [3.3 MB] Yale University Press Ancient Greek Athletics (2004) (Scan, OCR).pdf [49.4 MB] Yale University Press The Ship of State, Statecraft and Politics from Ancient Greece to Democratic America (2001).pdf [799 KB] Zone Books Myth and Society in Ancient Greece (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf [6.6 MB] Zone Books Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf [17.1 MB]
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