#777 Год выпуска: 2015 Производитель: Pluralsight Сайт производителя: pluralsight.com Автор: Allen Holub Продолжительность: 5:05 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы Язык: Английский Описание: This course introduces Apple's Swift programming language in considerable technical depth, focusing on those parts of the language that you will find new or unfamiliar. Swift is Apple's preferred programming language, and is a vastly better alternative to Objective-C. Learning it is an essential first step to working effectively on the Apple platform. This course is geared to working programmers---prior experience with an OO language is required. You don't need to know anything about the Apple ecosystem, however: this is a language course, not an iOS or OSX programming course. This course covers the most recent version of Swift (2.0).
Детальный обзор языка Swift 2.0.
Approach, Prerequisites, and Resources Approach, Prerequisites, and Resources REPL Playground Xcode
Operators, Types, and Collections Comments and Imports Operators Declarations and Types Strings Optionals Arrays Sets Dictionaries
Struct, Class, Tuples, and Enum Struct and Class Basics Tuples Enums
Control Flow, Patterns, and Error Handling Basic Control Flow Switches and Patterns Patterns and Tuples Patterns and Enum Patterns and Optionals Patterns in Control-flow Statements Asserts Exceptions Guard
Functions and Closures Functions and Closures Tuple and Default Arguments Variadic Arguments, Function References Closures Filter, Map, and Reduce Currying
Classes Part 1: Subclassing, Properties, and Initializers Subclassing Syntax (Computed) Properties Initializers (and Overriding) Designated and Convenience Initializers Initialization Phases Circular References Failable Initializers
Classes Part 2: Access, Casts, Any, Generics, and Extensions Access Control (Public, Internal, Private) Up and Down Casting, AnyObject, Any Generics Extensions Identity Operator (===)
Memory Management The Problem (Cycles) The Solution (Weak, Unowned, Capture Lists)
Protocols Protocol Declarations, Initializers Multiple Protocols, Static Properties, More Initializers Protocols in Generic Classes, Casting to Protocols Self Generic Protocols--Typealias in Protocols @Objc Protocols Optional Members Mix-in a Protocol, Protocol Extensions
Customizing Swift: A Case-study Approach Set up Xcode And Create Employee String Interpolation: CustomStringConvertible, \(x) Operator Overloads: Equatable, Comparable, == Using Your Classes as Dictionary Keys: Hashable Initializing with an =: IntegerLiteralConvertible Subscripts and Ranges Regular Expressions: Wrapping NSRegularExpression Initializing with an ='string': StringLiteralConvertible Using Your Class In a case Statement Inventing Operators: prefix, infix Priority Queues: How They Work Appending to a Priority Queue Removing From a Priority Queue Simplify Append ArrayLiteralConvertible DictionaryLiteralConvertible Sequences (Iterators): for/in Integration
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