#777 Год выпуска: 12/2015 Производитель: O'Reilly Media / Infinite Skills Сайт производителя: oreilly.com, infiniteskills.com/training/intermediate-c-plus-plus-programming.html Автор: Simon Bailey Продолжительность: 6:00 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы Язык: Английский Описание: In this Intermediate C++ Programming training course, expert author Simon Bailey takes you beyond the basics of this powerful programming language. This course is designed for users that already have a basic working knowledge of C++. You will start by learning about data types and initialization. From there, Simon will teach you about function parameters returns and overloading, implementing classes, and advanced class construction. This video tutorial also covers object relationships, global operator overloading, class member operator overloading, and inheritance and polymorphism. Finally, you will learn about Standard Template Library (STL), including STL string, sequence containers, iterators, and algorithms. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have gained an in-depth understanding of the C++ programming language. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.
01. Introduction 0101 Introduction 0102 About The Author 0103 How To Access Your Working Files
02. Data Types And Initialisation 0201 Overview 0202 Enums 0203 Structures 0204 Unions 0205 Data Alignment 0206 Universal Initialisation 0207 Hands On
03. Function Parameters Returns And Overloading 0301 Overview 0302 Reference Parameters 0303 Arrays As Parameters 0304 Returned Values 0305 Pointer Parameters 0306 Function Overloading 0307 Optional Parameters 0308 Hands On
04. Implementing Classes 0401 Overview 0402 Modifier And Query Functions 0403 Class Initialisation 0404 Default And Delete 0405 Constructor Chaining 0406 Class Destruction 0407 Class Inlining 0408 Static Class Members 0409 Hands On
05. Advanced Class Construction 0501 Construction Issues 0502 Copy Construction 0503 Reducing Copying 0504 Conversion Constructors 0505 Casting 0506 Implicit And Explicit Conversion 0507 Hands On
06. More Pointers 0601 Overview 0602 Pointers To CHAR 0603 Pointer Arithmetic 0604 Placement New 0605 Pointers To Functions 0606 Introduction To Lambdas 0607 Pointers To Pointers 0608 Pointer Scope 0609 Smart Pointers 0610 Hands On
07. Object Relationships 0701 Overview 0702 Implementing Association 0703 Implementing Aggregation 0704 Hands On
08. Global Operator Overloading 0801 Overview 0802 Global Operators 0803 Symmetric Binary Operators 0804 I/O Stream Operators 0805 Hands On
09. Class Member Operator Overloading 0901 Member Operators 0902 Unary Operators 0903 Copy Construction Revisited 0904 Operator = 0905 Conversion Operators 0906 Pitfalls And Guidelines 0907 Hands On
10. Inheritance And Polymorphism 1001 Public Private And Protected Inheritance 1002 Polymorphism Review 1003 Virtual Class Destructors 1004 Pure Virtual Functions 1005 Abstract Classes And Interfaces 1006 Override And Final 1007 Multiple Inheritance 1008 Hands On
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