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[O\'Reilly Media / Infinite Skills] Hands-on with React and Ruby on Rails Training Video [2015, ENG] 
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Hands-on with React and Ruby on Rails Training Video

Год выпуска: 12/2015
Производитель: O'Reilly Media / Infinite Skills
Сайт производителя: oreilly.com, infiniteskills.com/training/hands-on-with-react-and-ruby-on-rails.html
Автор: Jonathan Lebensold
Продолжительность: 6:00
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы
Язык: Английский
Описание: In this Hands-on with React and Ruby on Rails training course, expert author Jonathan Lebensold will teach you how to build a web application from setup to deployment with React and Ruby on Rails. This course is designed for users that already have experience with web development and scripting languages.
You will start by learning about the Flux application pattern, including how to integrate Flux into React components, introduce ES6 with Ruby on Rails, and mitigate Flux JavaScript to Flux ES6. From there, Jonathan will teach you how to finalize the Flux architecture. This video tutorial also covers complex UI interactions in Flux and configuring NodeJS and Rails. Finally, you will learn about automated testing, including how to use code coverage, write model specs, and test Flux with RSpec.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be capable of designing and building your own web applications with React and Ruby on Rails. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.

01. Getting Started With Rails And React
0101 Architectural Overview
0102 Scaffolding The Ruby On Rails Application
0103 Setting Up The Model Layer
0104 Defining Our Views
0105 Defining Rails Routes
0106 Our First React Component
0107 Preparing JSon Data For React
0108 Rendering Ruby Models In React
0109 How To Access Your Working Files

02. Introduction To The Flux Application Pattern
0201 Architectural Overview Of Flux
0202 A Simple Flux Store - Part 1
0203 A Simple Flux Store - Part 2
0204 Integrating Flux Into React Components
0205 Introducing ES6 With Ruby On Rails
0206 Migrating Flux Javascript To Flux ES6
0207 ES6 Module Loading - Part 1
0208 ES6 Module Loading - Part 2

03. Finalizing The Flux Architecture
0301 Introducing Reacts Notion Of Context
0302 Migrating React Components To ES6
0303 Making React Components Context-Aware
0304 React Forms With Flux
0305 Leveraging Action Creators With Context
0306 Reading Server Data
0307 Sending Server Data
0308 Working With Promises

04. Complex UI Interactions In Flux
0401 Nesting Components
0402 Component Trees
0403 Improving Component Styles
0404 Incorporating Bi-Directional Data Flow
0405 Reviewing Concepts By Example - Implementing Ranking
0406 Reviewing Concepts By Example - Implementing Ordering

05. Real-Time
0501 Real-Time Overview
0502 Implementing Long Polling

06. Isomorphic Flux - Configuring NodeJS
0601 Refactoring For Isomorphic Code
0602 Setting Up Webpack With Rails
0603 Overview Of Node Dependencies
0604 Moving Sprockets Code To Webpack
0605 Bridging Rails And Webpack - Part 1
0606 Bridging Rails And Webpack - Part 2

07. Isomorphic Flux - Configuring Rails
0701 Architectural Review
0702 Bundling Processes With Foreman
0703 Writing A Component Rendering Server
0704 Finishing The Isomorphic Spike
0705 Adding Support For Isomorphic And Non-Isomorphic Rails Configurations

08. Automated Testing
0801 Setting Up Rspec
0802 Using Code Coverage
0803 Writing Model Specs
0804 Writing Browser-Based Specs
0805 Testing Flux With Rspec
0806 Completing Ruby Code Coverage

09. A Look At Another Flux Implementation
0901 Flux Fringes With Redux
0902 Redux Container And Middleware
0903 Reduxs Take On Action Creators
0904 Redux React Components

10. Conclusion
1001 Wrap Up

Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Формат видео: MP4
Видео: AVC, 1280x720, 16:9, 15fps, 442kbps
Аудио: AAC, 48kHz, 125kbps, stereo


2016-02-18 03:15
  • Торрент
Автор: Александр С. Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2016-02-18 03:14 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Размер: 1.38 ГБ (1 476 650 412 байт)
Скачали: 0 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
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