#777 Год выпуска: 12/2015 Производитель: O'Reilly Media / Infinite Skills Сайт производителя: oreilly.com, infiniteskills.com/training/functional-programming-with-python.html Автор: Christopher Armstrong Продолжительность: 3:00 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоклипы Язык: Английский Описание: In this Functional Programming with Python training course, expert author Chris Armstrong will teach you functional programming techniques for making maintainable, modular, and testable code. This course is designed for users that already have experience with Python. You will start by learning about functional programming, including first class functions, recursion, and modifying data structures. From there, Chris will teach you about many functional programming libraries available in the Python ecosystem. This video tutorial will then teach you how to implement a text adventure game using these techniques and libraries. You will also learn how to write unit tests for functional code, use imperative libraries in a functional way, and use first-class effects. Finally, you will create a web UI for the game, and learn how to isolate an imperative web framework so that all of the application logic remains purely functional. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have learned how to apply these functional programming techniques to create maintainable, modular, and testable Python code.
01. Introduction 0101 Introduction 0102 Libraries And Setting Up Our Environment 0103 About The Author 0104 How To Access Your Working Files
02. Functional Programming 0201 What Is Functional Programming? 0202 Why Functional Programming? 0203 First-Class Functions 0204 Recursion 0205 Higher-Order Functions 0206 Modifying Data Structures
03. A Tour Of FP Libraries 0301 Immutable Data Structures: Introduction To Pyrsistent 0302 Immutable Data Structures: How Pyrsistent Works 0303 Toolz: A Functional Standard Library 0304 Hypothesis: Property-Based Testing 0305 Effect: Isolation Of Side Effects
04. Implementing A Game 0401 Writing A Game: Interactive Fiction 0402 Implementing A Text Adventure 0403 Adding A Challenge To Our Game - Part 1: Props And Inventory 0404 Adding A Challenge To Our Game - Part 2: Lock And Key
05. Testing 0501 Writing Unit Tests For Our Simulation Code 0502 Stateful Testing With Hypothesis 0503 Testing Our Game With Hypothesis
06. User Interface 0601 Creating A Text-Based UI 0602 Testing Effects With Mocks
07. Integrating With An Imperative Third-Party Library 0701 Using An Imperative Library: SQLite 0702 Using An Imperative Library: Storing And Loading Data 0703 Refactoring Imperative Code 0704 Adding Storage To The Game Loop
08. First-Class Effects 0801 The Desire For First-Class Effects 0802 Making Our Imperative Shell Pure 0803 Performing Effects 0804 Testing Effects 0805 Creating Custom Intents
09. Web UI 0901 Introduction To Flask 0902 Making Flask Functional 0903 A Functional Web UI For Our Game
10. Conclusion 1001 Wrapping Up And What To Do Next
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