#777 Год выпуска: 2016 Производитель: Udemy Сайт производителя: http://www.udemy.com Сайт производителя: 05:11:09 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: Учитесь строить кросс-платформенных и Android ОС IOS приложений в HTML / CSS / JavaScript с ионными Framework, AngularJS и Кордова . Learn to build cross-platform iOS and Android apps in HTML/CSS/JavaScript with Ionic Framework, AngularJS and Cordova.
├── 1 - Overview │ ├── 1.1 - Course introduction.mp4 │ ├── 1.2 - What is a hybrid app.mp4 │ └── 1.3 - Ionic and Cordova.mp4 ├── 2 - Setup │ ├── 2.1 - Required tools.mp4 │ ├── 2.2 - Installing Node.js on Mac and Linux.mp4 │ ├── 2.3 - Installing Node.js on Windows.mp4 │ ├── 2.4 - Installing the Ionic CLI.mp4 │ └── 2.5 - Creating and running projects using the Ionic CLI.mp4 ├── 3 - Single-View App │ ├── 3.1 - The Feed Reader app.mp4 │ ├── 3.2 - AngularJS controller and $http service.mp4 │ ├── 3.3 - Ionic List component.mp4 │ ├── 3.4 - Importing other JavaScript libraries.mp4 │ ├── 3.5 - Infinite scroll and pull-to-refresh.mp4 │ └── 3.6 - Adding Cordova plugins - the InAppBrowser.mp4 ├── 4 - Multi-View App With Navigation │ ├── 4.1 - The Notes app.mp4 │ ├── 4.2 - Basic navigation and routing.mp4 │ ├── 4.3 - State parameters and forms.mp4 │ ├── 4.4 - Reusing the same view for multiple states.mp4 │ ├── 4.5 - Creating a new AngularJS service and module.mp4 │ ├── 4.6 - Saving data in Local Storage.mp4 │ ├── 4.7 - Swipe to reveal.mp4 │ ├── 4.8 - Ionicons.mp4 │ └── 4.9 - List reordering.mp4 ├── 5 - More Ionic Components │ ├── 5.1 - Tabs.mp4 │ ├── 5.2 - Side menus.mp4 │ └── 5.3 - Slide box.mp4 ├── 6 - More AngularJS Concepts │ ├── 6.1 - Promises, chaining, and the $q service.mp4 │ ├── 6.2 - Integrating with a REST backend.mp4 │ ├── 6.3 - Login and authentication - Part 1.mp4 │ └── 6.4 - Login and authentication - Part 2.mp4 ├── 7 - More Cordova Plugins │ ├── 7.1 - Device plugin.mp4 │ ├── 7.2 - ngCordova.mp4 │ ├── 7.3 - Camera plugin.mp4 │ └── 7.4 - Geolocation plugin and Google Maps.mp4 └── 8 - Preparing for Release and Publishing Your App ├── 8.1 - Releasing and publishing overview.mp4 ├── 8.2 - Customising Ionic styles with Sass.mp4 ├── 8.3 - Cordova's config.xml file.mp4 ├── 8.4 - Icon and splash screen images.mp4 ├── 8.5 - Building and signing an Android release.mp4 ├── 8.6 - Publishing to Google Play.mp4 └── 8.7 - Building an iOS release and publishing to the App Store.mp4
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