#777 Год выпуска: 2016 Производитель: Udemy Сайт производителя: http://www.udemy.com Сайт производителя: 02:05:30 Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: Всестороннее и простое руководство по подготовке к предстоящей кодирования интервью This class is designed to help you crush your programming interviews.
In my career, every time I've had to do a coding interview, I wish I had a more comprehensive and set plan I could follow without feeling I was missing something. I also wish I had someone to walk me through the difficult parts - everything I needed to know from a technical perspective. I'm not going to waste your time with what to wear, and how to interview (although, I do offer some tips from my experience that I think will be helpful.) This is a meaty class that cuts straight to the chase, and helps you maximize the time you have. So come join me on this journey, and lets get started!
Who This Class is For
The ideal student for this course is someone who wants a comprehensive and easy to follow guide in preparing for coding interviews. They can be someone who's completely new to coding interviews (ie new grad, or someone going through a career change), or someone who hasn't done them in a while and wants to brush up for an upcoming interview.
What You Will Achieve at the End of this Class
What I hope to achieve with you at the end of the class is a better awareness and preparedness of what questions tech companies ask, and how to prepare for those questions. Even if the question isn't exactly the same, you'll recognize the pattern, and be able to start solving and speaking intelligently to the problem.
Steps for the Rest of the Class
Every coding interview I've done (with a few exceptions) has included whiteboarding. If you're coding remotely, it'll most likely be a word document with no compiler. There are some companies that will provide a platform that runs test cases through your program. This class is intended for the majority of companies that still whiteboard.
Therefore, it's smart to use pen(pencil) and paper to follow along with the lectures as I type and make your own notes. Try to solve the problem on your own before you look at the solution, and then compare your solution to mine. How do they differ and why? Each problem set will include a problem statement, a strategy for solving, a solution, and Big O complexity analysis (how efficient is our solution?) Go over the sections that you don't understand, because it will make you feel more confident.
├── 01 Introduction │ ├── 001 Introduction.mp4 │ ├── 002 Course Content.mp4 │ ├── 003 How to approach interview questions.mp4 │ ├── 004 What youll need for this class.mp4 │ └── 005 What youll gain at the end of this class.mp4 ├── 02 Arrays and Strings │ ├── 001 Merge Arrays Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 002 Merge Arrays Solution.mp4 │ ├── 003 Merge Arrays Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 004 Reverse Sentence Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 005 Reverse Sentence Solution.mp4 │ ├── 006 Reverse Sentence Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 007 Max Difference Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 008 Max Difference Part I Solution.mp4 │ ├── 009 Max Difference Part II Solution.mp4 │ └── 010 Max Difference Complexity.mp4 ├── 03 Linked Lists │ ├── 001 Reversing a Linked List Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 002 Reversing a Linked List Solution.mp4 │ ├── 003 Reversing a Linked List Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 004 Remove Kth Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 005 Remove Kth Solution.mp4 │ ├── 006 Remove Kth Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 007 Detecting Cycles Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 008 Detecting Cycles Solution.mp4 │ └── 009 Detecting Cycles Complexity.mp4 ├── 04 Recursion │ ├── 001 Eight Questions Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 002 Eight Queens Part I Solution.mp4 │ ├── 003 Eight Queens Part II Solution.mp4 │ ├── 004 Eight Queens Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 005 String Permutation Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 006 String Permutation Problem Solution.mp4 │ ├── 007 String Permutation Complexity.mp4 │ ├── 008 Syntax Builder Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 009 Towers of Hanoi Problem Statement.mp4 │ ├── 010 Towers of Hanoi Part I Solution.mp4 │ ├── 011 Towers of Hanoi Part II Solution.mp4 │ └── 012 Towers of Hanoi Complexity.mp4 ├── 05 Trees │ ├── 001 Overview of Trees.mp4 │ ├── 002 Breadth First Search Overview.mp4 │ ├── 003 Breadth First Search Solution Part I.mp4 │ ├── 004 Breadth First Search Part II.mp4 │ ├── 005 Breadth First Search Solution Part III.mp4 │ ├── 006 Depth First Search Overview.mp4 │ ├── 007 Depth First Search Solution.mp4 │ ├── 008 Depth First Search Analysis.mp4 │ ├── 009 Red Black Trees Overview.mp4 │ └── 010 Red Black Trees Final Note.mp4 └── 06 Conclusion ├── 001 You made it.mp4 ├── 002 General Interviewing Tips.mp4 └── 003 Closing Remarks.mp4
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