#777 Год выпуска: 2008 Производитель: Digital Tutors Сайт производителя: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=3537 Автор: Delano Athias Продолжительность: 7 ч. 32 мин. Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Описание: Learn the essentials to character setup and a time-saving approach to rigging and enveloping characters with XSI. Contains over 7 hours of project-based training for artists new to XSI. Popular highlights include: Rigging Workflow in XSI; Scripted Operators; Expressions; Constraints; Animator-friendly Control Objects; Enveloping; Deformation Preservation Techniques; Mirroring Weights; Creating Custom Spines; Flexible Spine Controls; Custom Toolbars; Corrective Shapes; Create Chain from Curve; Organized Scene Hierarchies; Custom Parameters; Transform Groups; Reverse Foot Controls; Effectors; Parameter Connection Editor; Models; Weight Editor; Symmetry Mapping; Parenting; Broken Hierarchies; Mirroring Rigs.
1. Introduction 2. Building the left leg chain 3. Setting up foot controls 4. Adding a foot bank 5. Creating the primary control for the left leg 6. Establishing custom parameters to manipulate the left foot 7. Using expressions to set up the foot bank 8. Adding a knee control 9. Setting up the left buttock's preservation deformer 10. Mirroring the leg rig 11. Utilizing groups in XSI 12. Starting on a custom spine 13. Establishing hip and chest controls for the spine 14. Creating chest and back controls 15. Creating a center of gravity control 16. Adding a twist to the spine 17. Finishing the spine twist 18. Rigging the neck and head 19. Beginning to rig the left shoulder and arm 20. Setting up a shoulder control 21. Starting on the left hand and fingers 22. Finishing the left hand and fingers 23. Creating controls for the left arm 24. Using custom parameters to control the fingers 25. Adding broken hierarchy to the left arm 26. Rigging the forearm twist 27. Finishing the forearm twist 28. Rigging the upperarm twist 29. Finishing the upperarm twist 30. Creating extra bones to improve chest deformations 31. Finishing the setup of the chest and scapula deformers 32. Mirroring the shoulder 33. Mirroring the arm and hand 34. Finishing the arm and hand mirroring 35. Driving the right fingers by the correct controller 36. Finishing the right finger controls 37. Creating a universal control 38. Utilizing Character Key Sets 39. Starting the process of enveloping the character 40. Blocking in the upper body's weights 41. Blocking in the head and neck weights 42. Blocking in the weights of the left arm and hand 43. Mirroring weights 44. Smoothing out the weights of the left foot and knee 45. Fixing the deformations of the left thigh and hip 46. Correcting the upper body's deformations 47. Improving head and neck deformations 48. Finishing the head and neck deformations 49. Fine-tuning the chest 50. Fixing the upper left arm's twist deformations 51. Working on the elbow weights 52. Painting weights for the forearm twist 53. Correcting the left thumb's deformations 54. Painting weights on the index fingers 55. Finishing the left fingers 56. Double-checking deformations 57. Corrective shapes
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