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Ashley Hutchings & Rainbow Chasers - Appearing at Huntingdon Hall [2005 г., British Folk, Modern Folk, DVDRip] 
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Ashley Hutchings & Rainbow Chasers - Appearing at Huntingdon Hall

Страна: Великобритания
Жанр: British Folk, Modern Folk
Продолжительность: 01:45:24
Год выпуска: 2005 г.

Описание: Ещё один коллектив, созданный Эшли Хатчингсом и существующий и поныне (ну, а до этого, как известно, были Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span и The Albion Band - три классические группы британского фолк-рока).
На концерте, состоявшемся 15 декабря 2004 г., были исполнены преимущественно новые песни, написанные его участниками.


Ruth Angell, vocals, fiddle, violin, acoustic guitar;
Jo Hamilton, vocals, viola, acoustic guitar;
Ashley Hutchings, vocals, acoustic bass guitar;
Mark Hutchinson, vocals, acoustic guitar

01. Damn the Day
02. When I Jumped Ship
03. Our Stolen Season
04. The Gypsy Jigg
05. The First Europeans
06. Sonnet
07. Ghosts in the Rain
08. He Throws a Brilliant Light
09. About Dawn
10. Stand Quite Still
11. New Brigg Fair
12. Under Surveillance
13. The Knitting Song
14. Given Time
15. Deeper
16. Prose
17. The Potter's Dream
18. Those Broad Shoulders
19. Damn the Day

Источник: оригинальный DVD-9

Качество: DVDRip
Контейнер: AVI
Видео кодек: XviD
Аудио кодек: MP3
Видео: XviD, 720x416, 1,731:1, 1594 kbps, 25.00 fps
Аудио: MP3, 224 kbps, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels

ОбщееПолное имя : D:\Ashley Hutchings & Rainbow Chasers (2004)\Ashley Hutchings & Rainbow Chasers - Appearing At Huntingdon Hall (2004).aviФормат : AVIФормат/Информация : Audio Video InterleaveРазмер файла : 1,35 ГбайтПродолжительность : 1 ч. 45 м.Общий поток : 1827 Кбит/секБиблиотека кодирования : VirtualDub build 32842/release

ВидеоИдентификатор : 0Формат : MPEG-4 VisualПрофиль формата : Advanced Simple@L5Параметр BVOP формата : НетПараметр QPel формата : НетПараметр GMC формата : Без точки переходаПараметр матрицы формата : Default (H.263)Идентификатор кодека : DX50Идентификатор кодека/Подсказка : DivX 5Продолжительность : 1 ч. 45 м.Битрейт : 1594 Кбит/секШирина : 720 пикселейВысота : 416 пикселейСоотношение сторон : 1,731Частота кадров : 25,000 кадров/секЦветовое пространство : YUVСубдискретизация насыщенности : 4:2:0Битовая глубина : 8 битТип развёртки : ПрогрессивнаяМетод сжатия : С потерямиБит/(Пиксели*Кадры) : 0.213Размер потока : 1,17 Гбайт (87%)Библиотека кодирования : XviD 64

АудиоИдентификатор : 1Формат : MPEG AudioВерсия формата : Version 1Профиль формата : Layer 3Идентификатор кодека : 55Идентификатор кодека/Подсказка : MP3Продолжительность : 1 ч. 45 м.Вид битрейта : ПостоянныйБитрейт : 224 Кбит/секКаналы : 2 каналаЧастота : 48,0 КГцМетод сжатия : С потерямиРазмер потока : 169 Мбайт (12%)Выравнивание : Разделение по промежуткамПродолжительность промежутка : 40 мс. (1,00 видеокадр)Время предзагрузки промежутка : 500 мс.Библиотека кодирования : LAME3.93Настройки программы : -m s -V 4 -q 2 -lowpass 19.4 -b 224


Different generations of musicians working together and exchanging ideas is the lifeblood of folk music. And it was in this context that the Rainbow Chasers began to take shape in Ashley Hutchings' mind (around 2003) when he crossed paths with two outstanding musicians from the Birmingham Conservatoire - singer, viola and guitar player, Jo Hamilton, and violinist Ruth Angell. Mark Hutchinson first worked with Ashley as a studio engineer but his talents as a guitarist singer/songwriter soon came to the fore.

This DVD captures the Rainbow Chasers towards the start of their quest and was filmed around the time they were completing their debut studio album. But we can trace the start of Ashley Hutchings' own musical quest right back to the 1960s when he set out both to preserve English folk traditions such as Morris dancing, and also progress folk into folk-rock.

London-born in 1945 into a musical family, Ashley's father was a dance band leader (Leonard Hutchings and His Embassy Five). By the early 1960s Hutchings Jnr. was an enthusiastic face on the Ewan McColl-led British folk scene. Then as the Brit blues boom gathered momentum he formed or played bass in various line-ups including Dr K's Blues Band, the Blue Reeds, and Still Waters.

In mid-1967 Ashley was a founder member of Fairport Convention. He left that band two-and-a-half years later in the after-shock of the motorway crash which claimed the life of the band's drummer Martin Lamble. Fairport's 1969 album Liege and Lief defined British folk-rock (around the time that The Band defined American country-rock with Music From Big Pink). Ashley decided to continue his folk-rock journey by forming Steeleye Span (named after the Lincolnshire waggoner John 'Steeleye' Span).

For their debut album Ashley teamed up with two folk duos - Maddy Prior/Tim Hart and Gay/Terry Woods - to rework traditional English folk songs. The Woods left and English folk maestro Martin Carthy joined for albums two and three (Please To See The King and Ten Man Mop). Ashley left his creation before they went Top 20 with the hit singles 'Gaudete' (1973) and 'All Around My Hat' (1975).

In spring 1972 he reunited with fellow ex-Fairports Simon Nicol and Dave Mattacks to form the first of several line-ups of the Albion Country Band throughout the 1970s.
In October 1972 Ashley's wife, Shirley Collins, briefly joined the second configuration of that band (as did Richard and Linda Thompson). Martin Carthy joined Ashley for line-up three which recorded the Battle Of The Field album.

Sadly, it would be a further three years before that album was released because business problems set in for the band during 1973. The band split, and a disillusioned Ashley nearly quit the business for good. Instead, at the start of 1974 he formed the Etchingham Steam Band - in a sense, this was a backing band for Shirley Collins.

Etchingham grew from a drummerless, accordion-led 4-piece into what, on occasion, was an 11-piece folk dance band with Dave Mattacks back on the drum stool. In the second half of the 1970s it reverted to the Albion Dance Band moniker, finally to be known simply as the Albion Band. For four years this group was virtually the "House Band" at the National Theatre, until in 1982 Ashley reformed the group as a touring unit which through many line-up changes, it remained until 2003, when it was concluded.

Ashley continues to further and keep alive the Morris dancing tradition with his "Morris On Show" and also present his acclaimed one-man show An Evening With Cecil Sharp, covering the life of the most famous folk song and dance collector. But as this evening with the Rainbow Chasers shows, he wants to further not only a distant English folk heritage, but also - with the wistful new Rainbow Chasers' song 'Given Time' - more recent contemporary folk music figures such as the late Nick Drake.

'Jet' Martin Celmins

official Rainbow Chasers website

2014-01-19 23:20
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