#777 Жанр: Звуки природы, Голоса птиц Страна: Швеция Год издания: 2009 Аудиокодек: MP3 Тип рипа: tracks Битрейт аудио: V0 Продолжительность: 01:08:22
Треклист: Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #01] Tyto Alba 1: Female contact calls in the foreground and shrieking male in the backround Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #02] Tyto Alba 2: Female's trill before owlets feeding Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #03] Tyto Alba 3: Hissing of elder and trills of younger owlets in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #04] Tyto Alba 4: Owlets defending sound Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #05] Otus scops 1: Territorial whistling of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #06] Otus scops 2: Simultaneous territorial calls of two males Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #07] Otus scops 3: Two-dyllable song of excited male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #08] Otus scops 4: Adult bird snapping its beak in defence. Whistles of male in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #09] Otus scops 5: Trills of owlets and beak snapping Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #10] Otus scops 6: Calls of male and female, croaking of owlets after leaving nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #11] Bubo bubo 1: Territorial calls of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #12] Bubo bubo 2: Female and male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #13] Bubo bubo 3: Calls before copulation Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #14] Bubo bubo 4: Beak snapping and hissing in danger Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #15] Bubo bubo 5: Owlets begging for food; voice of female in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #16] Bubo bubo 6: Contacting voices of owlets after leaving the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #17] Bubo bubo 7: Alarming call Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #18] Bubo scandiacus 1: Female and hooting male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #19] Bubo scandiacus 2: Contacting call of female in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #20] Bubo scandiacus 3: Owlets begging for the food and lower voice of female Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #21] Surnia ulula 1: Mating calls of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #22] Surnia ulula 2: Contacting calls of pair near the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #23] Glaucidium passerinum 1: Territorial sound of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #24] Glaucidium passerinum 2: Excited male annoyed with another male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #25] Glaucidium passerinum 3: Other disturbed male call Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #26] Glaucidium passerinum 4: Worried pair in the proximity of the nest-hole Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #27] Glaucidium passerinum 5: Untypical call of the disturbed male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #28] Glaucidium passerinum 6: "Winter call" of both sexes outside breeding season Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #29] Glaucidium passerinum 7: Contacting voices of two birds outside breeding season Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #30] Glaucidium passerinum 8: Contacting call of the female Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #31] Glaucidium passerinum 9: Copulation and voices of male (whistles) and female (squeak) after copulation Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #32] Glaucidium passerinum 10: Contacting voices of owlets Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #33] Athene noctua 1: Territorial call of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #34] Athene noctua 2: Another territorial males' call Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #35] Athene noctua 3: Simultaneous calls of excited male and female Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #36] Athene noctua 4: Alarming sound of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #37] Athene noctua 5: Females' reaction to the human presence close to the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #38] Athene noctua 6: Alarming sound of male near the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #39] Athene noctua 7: Other alarming sounds of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #40] Athene noctua 8: Hissing of owlets in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #41] Strix aluco 1: Mating sound of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #42] Strix aluco 2: Two males on the border of their territories Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #43] Strix aluco 3: Typical call of male and voice of female in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #44] Strix aluco 4: Calling female and voice of excited male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #45] Strix aluco 5: Contacting call of female Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #46] Strix aluco 6: Call of female and trill of the male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #47] Strix aluco 7: Contacting call of the female in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #48] Strix aluco 8: Owlets shortly after leaving the nest-hole Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #49] Strix aluco 9: Older youngs outside the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #50] Strix uralensis 1: Hooting male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #51] Strix uralensis 2: Hooting male in the vicinity of the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #52] Strix uralensis 3: Contacting call of the female near the nest, hooting of male in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #53] Strix uralensis 4: Call of female in the vicinity of the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #54] Strix uralensis 5: Reaction to the presence of man near the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #55] Strix uralensis 6: Voices of owlets in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #56] Strix nebulosa 1: Mating calls of male, beak snapping and silent voice of female Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #57] Strix nebulosa 2: Contacting calls of female on the nest. Lower voice of male in the backgroudn Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #58] Strix nebulosa 3: Begging owlet Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #59] Asio otus 1: Mating call of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #60] Asio otus 2: Two males at the border of their territories Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #61] Asio otus 3: Contacting call of female near the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #62] Asio otus 4: Disturbed bird near the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #63] Asio otus 5: Alarming call Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #64] Asio otus 6: Winter call of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #65] Asio otus 7: Voices of owlets in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #66] Asio otus 8: Fresh flying owlets after leaving the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #67] Asio otus 9: Terrified call of bird attacked by Goshawk Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #68] Asio flammeus 1: Territorial calls of male and wings-clapping during courtship flight Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #69] Asio flammeus 2: Contacting call of female on the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #70] Asio flammeus 3: Alarming calls of owlets in the nest and call of female in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #71] Aegolius funereus 1: Territorial calls of male Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #72] Aegolius funereus 2: Male calling at the female, silent calls of female in the background Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #73] Aegolius funereus 3: Male calling at the female from the nest-hole Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #74] Aegolius funereus 4: Calls of male in danger, silent calls of female in the backgroudn Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #75] Aegolius funereus 5: Male with prey calling the female and passing the food near the nest-hole Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #76] Aegolius funereus 6: Voices of nestling in the nest Pavel Pelz - [Owls of Europe CD1 #77] Aegolius funereus 7: Contacting of the owlets leaving the nest-hole
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