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(Meditative, Instumental, Guitar) Estas Tonne - Дискография (8 WEB Альбомов) - 2002-2013, FLAC (tracks), lossless 
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Estas Tonne - Дискография (8 альбомов)

Жанр: Meditative, Instumental, Guitar
Год издания: 2002-2013
Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Источник: Web store

Доп. информация: Between Fire and Water
Данная разрача в lossy (*.mp3)

Эстас Тонне - это настоящий мастер гитары, "гитарист дорог" мира. Его музыка уходит корнями в культуру фламенко и испанской классической гитары, однако вобрала в себя отголоски самых различных стилей, языков и культур. Эстас Тонне родился и вырос в Советском Союзе, однако сейчас его с полным правом можно называть гражданином мира. За последние 10 лет Эстас, путешествуя по миру, отыграл более 2000 концертов (включая выступления на престижных фестивалях) в самых разных уголках земного шара - от США до Индии, от Мексики до Израиля. Вместе со скрипачом Майклом Шульманом харизматичный гитарист создаст на глазах у зрителей целую вселенную новой энергии и позволит зрителям окунуться в неё с чувством полной гармонии.

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Internal Flight.Estas Tonne (guitar version) 01:04:36

released 01 January 2013

1. Introducing The Inside Movie 02:19
2. The Inside Movie 52:54
3. The Inside Movie 57:36

released 31 July 2012

1. Romani Song (Introduction) 04:24
2. David's Entry 05:45
3. David's Song 05:29
4. Happiness Comes Back Again 07:49
5. Rumbadiosa 06:18
6. The Winds Will Bring You Home 11:43
7. The Song of The Golden Dragon 09:09
8. Cuban Dance 11:55
9. Little Jarochero 03:03
10. Bohemian Skies (for Harry Grammer)) 12:34

released 09 May 2012

1. The Winds Will Bring You Home 08:32
2. All Roads Lead to Rome/Jerusalem 06:16
3. Paris Heart 03:33
4. Snowing 02:06
5. Little Jarochero 02:23
6. Bohemian Skies 05:38
7. Cosmic Fairytale 10:34
8. Happiness Comes Back Again 04:05
9. Walking 02:59
10. Cuban Dance Intro 02:47
11. Cuban Dance 10:28
12. David's Entry 04:41
13. Place of the Gods 04:04

released 03 January 2011

1. All Roads Lead to Rome - Jerusalem (2009) 02:34
2. The Song of the Golden Dragon (2009) 05:45
3. Bohemian Skies (2009) 07:44
4. David's Entry (2009) 03:32
5. The Winds that bring you Home (2009) 08:23
6. Cuban Rhapsody 1917 (2009) 05:30
7. Como un Cristal (with Hanna Jahanforooz) 2009 03:02
8. Nayae (with Hanna Jahanforooz & Yonatan Bar Rashi) 2009 03:40
9. Who Am I (with Pete PenDragon & Storia) 2009 06:19

released 06 August 2009

1. (Purpose) Romani Song 01:39
2. (Challenge) The Way Of The Gypsy 03:43
3. (Service) David's Song Intro 02:09
4. (Form) David's Song 04:28
5. (Empower) Walk In Paris (Empower) 07:29
6. (Balance) El Salvaje 02:45
7. (Channeling) The Song Of The Golden Dragon 06:26
8. (Integrity) Russia 07:18
9. (Action) La Latina 05:53
10. (Manifestation) Wisteling Truth 00:41
11. (Leg Go) The Way Of The Gypsy (Romantic Version) 03:49
12. (Cooperation) Cosmic Fairytale Intro 01:21
13. (Cosmic Flight) Cuban Rapsody 1917 03:52

released 14 January 2008

1. Cuban Dance Intro (2004) 02:08
2. Cuban Dance (2004) 06:34
3. All Gypsies Swing 02:59
4. Bohemian Skies (2003) 05:51
5. The March Of Angels 03:57
6. Just 4 Fun 01:39
7. David's Song (2004) 03:45
8. Russian Nostalgia 01:58
9. Rebirth 03:20
10. Dragon's Story (2003) 05:38
11. Cuban Dance For Alvaren 01:49

released 15 February 2004

1. Cuban Dance (2002) 06:33
2. Gypsy Eyes (original) 04:13
3. Walk In Paris (2002) 03:47
4. Brazilian Vacation 03:56
5. Tragic New York 04:24
6. Cuban Dance REDUX 05:57

released 15 August 2002

AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu

Started at: воскресенье, 21. 07. 2013. - 18:09.12
134 files found

001 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\01 Cuban Dance (2002).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

002 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\02 Gypsy Eyes (original).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

003 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\03 Walk In Paris (2002).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

004 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\04 Brazilian Vacation.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

005 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\05 Tragic New York.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

006 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\06 Cuban Dance REDUX.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

007 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\01 (Purpose) Romani Song.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

008 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\02 (Challenge) The Way Of The Gypsy.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

009 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\03 (Service) David's Song Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

010 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\04 (Form) David's Song.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

011 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\05 (Empower) Walk In Paris (Empower).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

012 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\06 (Balance) El Salvaje.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

013 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\07 (Channeling) The Song Of The Golden Dragon.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

014 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\08 (Integrity) Russia.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

015 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\09 (Action) La Latina.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

016 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\10 (Manifestation) Wisteling Truth.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 43%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

017 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\11 (Leg Go) The Way Of The Gypsy (Romantic Version).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

018 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\12 (Cooperation) Cosmic Fairytale Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

019 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\13 (Cosmic Flight) Cuban Rapsody 1917.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

020 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\01 All Roads Lead to Rome - Jerusalem (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

021 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\02 The Song of the Golden Dragon (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

022 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\03 Bohemian Skies (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

023 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\04 David's Entry (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

024 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\05 The Winds that bring you Home (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

025 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\06 Cuban Rhapsody 1917 (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

026 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\07 Como un Cristal (with Hanna Jahanforooz) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

027 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\08 Nayae (with Hanna Jahanforooz & Yonatan Bar Rashi) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

028 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\09 Who Am I (with Pete PenDragon & Storia) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

029 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\01 Cuban Dance Intro (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

030 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\02 Cuban Dance (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

031 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\03 All Gypsies Swing.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

032 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\04 Bohemian Skies (2003).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

033 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\05 The March Of Angels.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

034 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\06 Just 4 Fun.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

035 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\07 David's Song (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

036 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\08 Russian Nostalgia.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

037 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\09 Rebirth.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

038 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\10 Dragon's Story (2003).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

039 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\11 Cuban Dance For Alvaren.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

040 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Internal Flight 2013 (guitar version)\01 Internal Flight.Estas Tonne (guitar version).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

041 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\01 Romani Song (Introduction).flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

042 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\02 David's Entry.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

043 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\03 David's Song.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

044 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\04 Happiness Comes Back Again.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

045 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\05 Rumbadiosa.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

046 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\06 The Winds Will Bring You Home.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

047 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\07 The Song of The Golden Dragon.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

048 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\08 Cuban Dance.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

049 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\09 Little Jarochero.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

050 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\10 Bohemian Skies (for Harry Grammer)).flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

051 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\11 Cosmic Fairytale.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

052 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\01 The Winds Will Bring You Home.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

053 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\02 All Roads Lead to Rome-Jerusalem.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

054 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\03 Paris Heart.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

055 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\04 Snowing.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

056 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\05 Little Jarochero.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

057 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\06 Bohemian Skies.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

058 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\07 Cosmic Fairytale.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

059 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\08 Happiness Comes Back Again.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

060 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\09 Walking.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

061 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\10 Cuban Dance Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

062 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\11 Cuban Dance.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

063 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\12 David's Entry.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

064 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\13 Place of the Gods.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

065 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\01 Introducing The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

066 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\02 01 The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

067 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\Estas Tonne. Discography (lossless)\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\03 02 The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

068 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\01 Cuban Dance (2002).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

069 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\02 Gypsy Eyes (original).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

070 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\03 Walk In Paris (2002).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

071 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\04 Brazilian Vacation.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

072 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\05 Tragic New York.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

073 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne & Michael Shulman - Black and White World\06 Cuban Dance REDUX.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

074 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\01 (Purpose) Romani Song.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

075 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\02 (Challenge) The Way Of The Gypsy.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

076 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\03 (Service) David's Song Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

077 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\04 (Form) David's Song.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

078 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\05 (Empower) Walk In Paris (Empower).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

079 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\06 (Balance) El Salvaje.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

080 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\07 (Channeling) The Song Of The Golden Dragon.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

081 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\08 (Integrity) Russia.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

082 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\09 (Action) La Latina.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

083 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\10 (Manifestation) Wisteling Truth.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 43%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

084 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\11 (Leg Go) The Way Of The Gypsy (Romantic Version).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

085 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\12 (Cooperation) Cosmic Fairytale Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

086 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - 13 Songs of Truth\13 (Cosmic Flight) Cuban Rapsody 1917.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is MPEG with probability 95%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

087 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\01 All Roads Lead to Rome - Jerusalem (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

088 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\02 The Song of the Golden Dragon (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

089 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\03 Bohemian Skies (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

090 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\04 David's Entry (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

091 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\05 The Winds that bring you Home (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

092 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\06 Cuban Rhapsody 1917 (2009).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

093 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\07 Como un Cristal (with Hanna Jahanforooz) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

094 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\08 Nayae (with Hanna Jahanforooz & Yonatan Bar Rashi) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

095 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies\09 Who Am I (with Pete PenDragon & Storia) 2009.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

096 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\01 Cuban Dance Intro (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

097 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\02 Cuban Dance (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

098 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\03 All Gypsies Swing.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

099 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\04 Bohemian Skies (2003).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

100 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\05 The March Of Angels.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

101 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\06 Just 4 Fun.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

102 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\07 David's Song (2004).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

103 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\08 Russian Nostalgia.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

104 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\09 Rebirth.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

105 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\10 Dragon's Story (2003).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

106 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Dragon of Delight- Vol.II\11 Cuban Dance For Alvaren.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

107 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Internal Flight 2013 (guitar version)\01 Internal Flight.Estas Tonne (guitar version).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

108 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\01 Romani Song (Introduction).flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

109 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\02 David's Entry.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

110 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\03 David's Song.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

111 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\04 Happiness Comes Back Again.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

112 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\05 Rumbadiosa.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

113 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\06 The Winds Will Bring You Home.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

114 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\07 The Song of The Golden Dragon.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

115 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\08 Cuban Dance.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

116 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\09 Little Jarochero.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

117 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\10 Bohemian Skies (for Harry Grammer)).flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

118 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Live in Odeon (2011)\11 Cosmic Fairytale.flac
Error while extracting! Check your rights, free some space if needed and ensure the file is valid.

119 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\01 The Winds Will Bring You Home.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

120 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\02 All Roads Lead to Rome-Jerusalem.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

121 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\03 Paris Heart.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

122 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\04 Snowing.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

123 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\05 Little Jarochero.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

124 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\06 Bohemian Skies.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

125 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\07 Cosmic Fairytale.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

126 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\08 Happiness Comes Back Again.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

127 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\09 Walking.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

128 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\10 Cuban Dance Intro.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

129 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\11 Cuban Dance.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 99%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

130 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\12 David's Entry.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

131 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - Place of the Gods\13 Place of the Gods.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

132 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\01 Introducing The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

133 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\02 01 The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

134 -===- F:\Музыка\Estas Tonne\flac\Estas Tonne - The Inside Movie\03 02 The Inside Movie.flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.

Finished at: воскресенье, 21. 07. 2013. - 18:33.09 (operation time: 0:23.56)

2014-01-19 23:20
  • Торрент
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Добавлен: 2014-01-19 23:05 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
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Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
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