Дата выхода: 30 ноября 2018 Жанр: Action, Simulation, 3D Официальный сайт:ссылка Разработчик: Egosoft Издатель: Egosoft Релиз от: =alexalsp= Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский Язык озвучки: Русский, Английский, Немецкий Язык субтитров: Русский, Английский Локализация: Egosoft Версия: 7.00.534380 Тип издания: Repack
Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 7+ (x64) Процессор: 3.3 ГГц Core i5 Оперативная память: 8 ГБ Видеокарта: Geforce 780, DirectX 11, Vulkan Api Свободного места на жестком диске: 17 ГБ Таблетка:Вшита (NonSteam)
Описание: X4: Foundations - это космический симулятор, продолжающий знаменитую серию X3. Новая часть позволяет игрокам управлять не только космическими кораблями, но и целой империей, сражаясь, торгуя, и развивая свою территорию. X4: Foundations – новая часть в популярной серии космических симуляторов, которые славятся детально проработанной экономической моделью, где игрок своими действиями может влиять на стоимости товаров, дефицит ресурсов и даже стать во главе межзвездной корпорации по добыче ресурсов и производству товаров из них.
X4: Split Vendetta X4: Split Vendetta - следующая глава в истории X4: Foundations. Это первое большое расширение для X4, существенно увеличивающее размеры Вселенной и добавляющее два новых клана семьи Сплит вместе с их экономикой, новыми кораблями, оружием и модулями станций. Наряду с обновлением 3.0 к X4: Foundations, дополнение X4: Split Vendetta добавляет в игру новые увлекательные миссии и приключения. Новые геймстарты позволяют наслаждаться еще более разнообразными приключениями в самой большой песочнице в этой части галактики. Торгуйте с семьями Сплит или сражайтесь против них. Создавайте собственные конструкции станций, используя новые модули, и будьте бдительны на пути прохождения новых дипломатических миссий. Основные особенности:
Новые миссии и приключения с двумя новыми семейными кланами Сплита. Большое расширение Вселенной Новые технологии оружия Сплитов Много новых кораблей
Много новых модулей станции
X4: Cradle of Humanity X4: Cradle of Humanity - второе масштабное дополнение X4: Foundations возвращает серию X обратно на Землю. Значительно расширяя размер игровой вселенной новыми секторами, дополнение добавляет две новые земные фракции к основной игре X4: Foundations, с уникальными кораблями, оружием, станциями и экономикой. Несколько новых начальных сценариев отлично раскроют всю сущность Земных фракций и их политические взгляды, а также представят альтернативный взгляд на развитие истории X4: Foundations. X4: Cradle of Humanity так же прольёт свет на то, что случилось с Землей, спустя десятки лет, после закрытия врат. Также, одна известная пиратская фракция порадует фанатов драматическим возращением. X4: Cradle of Humanity выходит вместе с самым большим бесплатным обновлением для X4: Foundations, до этого момента. Обновление 4.0 значительно улучшает X4: Foundations, включая совершенно новые возможности в геймплее (терраформирование), а так же большое количество обновлённых визуальных эффектов (объемный туман).
Основные особенности дополнения: Значительное расширение вселенной X4: Foundations новыми секторами Возвращение Земных фракций со своими кораблями, оружием, станциями, а так же собственной экономикой Захватывающие новые миссии и незабываемые приключения Новые сценарии для старта, чтобы взглянуть на историю X4: Foundations совершенно с другой стороны Новая геймплейная особенность - терраформирование, значительно расширяющая возможности, доступные по завершению игры
Графические улучшения, таке как объёмный туман, покажут вселенную X невероятно впечатляющей
X4: Tides of Avarice X4: Tides of Avarice - третье расширение для X4: Foundations, приглашает вас покорить новые горизонты. Познакомьтесь с новыми фракциями и откройте для себя их истории Встречаясь и взаимодействуя с ранее неизвестными фракциями пиратов и мусорщиков за чертой закона, вы измените свое представление об общественном порядке и справедливости во Вселенной Х. В новых секторах и опасных регионах вас ждут не только новые корабли и станции, но и уникальные космические явления, которые значительно повлияют на ваши планы и действия. Кто же эти загадочные кукловоды, обуздавшие столь редкий и необходимый ресурс, и какая за этим всем скрывается история? Ответы вы найдёте, когда откроете для себя новую захватывающую главу X4: Foundations. Сядьте за штурвал новых кораблей, пугающих и чарующих одновременно Проложите курс сквозь сектора Нежданный Куш и Алчное Сердце, откройте множество новых кораблей фракций пиратов и мусорщиков в X4: Tides of Avarice. Среди них примечательны:
Лесной Царь, ужасающий пиратский эсминец на экспериментальном источнике энергии разрабатывался Звездодерами в отчаянной попытке воспользоваться космическим феноменом в системе Сердце Алчности. Это заняло многие годы и стоило многих жизней и ресурсов. В X4: Tides of Avarice вы узнаете больше об этих загадочных явлениях, пока будете улучшать ваш Лесной Царь, используя данные и ресурсы, полученные в ходе ваших приключений.
Астрид, восхитительно роскошная яхта, всем своим видом кричащая о богатстве и статусе владельца, по слухам, является самым быстрым кораблем в галактике. Она принадлежит Брэнтли Нортриверу, генеральному директору Компании Нортривер. Утонченный дизайн и скорость - такого корабля во Вселенной Х вы еще не видели! Какие же тайны скрываются под его обшивкой?
Разбирайте обломки кораблей в поисках ценных материалов Вам когда-нибудь попадались обломки корабля, из которых вы могли бы извлечь прибыль? В системе Алчное Сердце группа мусорщиков и барахольщиков, известная как Звездодеры, разработала способы разбирать обломки и повторно использовать их в производстве. Вы можете либо отбуксировать их, используя один из новых кораблей-буксиров, или разобрать обломки на запчасти прямо на месте, используя новый перерабатывающий корабль. Как только выгрузите ваш утиль на станции, оснащенной модулем переработки, он превратится в строительные ресурсы. X4: Foundations - обновление 5.00 X4: Tides of Avarice выходит одновременно с обширным бесплатным обновлением 5.00 для X4: Foundations, дополняющим и улучшающим многие аспекты основной игры. Обновление 5.00 представляет новое поколение больших кораблей. Они были переработаны, и новые улучшенные модели будут в продаже на различных верфях. Несколько игровых фракций постепенно начнут их использовать. Обновление 5.00 также добавит AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR) в X4: Foundations, используя спектр самых современных технологий для улучшения производительности.
X4: Kingdom End Насладитесь долгожданным воссоединением с расой Бóрон в X4: Kingdom End (Конец Королевства) - четвертом дополнении игры X4: Foundations, которое пополнит коллекцию основных фракций X Вселенной. Откройте для себя уникальные корабли Бóрон, управление которыми осуществляется посредством характерных систем, и совершайте полные открытий путешествия. Посетите увлекательные места, раскройте давно забытые секреты и заведите новые знакомства. Отправляйтесь в захватывающее путешествие по новой главе X4! Экспедиция в неизвестность В системе Heretic's End (Конец Еретика) вам предстоит раскрыть один секрет. Проблесковые сигналы огней на ранее неактивных Прыжковых вратах вызывает переполох в системе. Объединив усилия во имя общего блага, экспедиция в составе нескольких фракций отправляется исследовать это явление. Приготовьтесь к захватывающей истории сотрудничества, в которой множество совершенно разных умов должны объединиться для достижения общей цели. Новые уникальные корабли, которые захватывают дух Корабли расы Бóрон оправдывают все ожидания своей нетрадиционностью. Чего, собственно, и следовало ожидать от такой необычной расы. X4: Kingdom End (Конец Королевства) представляет широкий выбор кораблей расы Бóрон различных классов, которые отличаются обтекаемым дизайном, волнообразной анимацией корпуса, а также отличительной грацией и уникальностью. Поднимитесь на борт и испытайте, возможно, самые поразительные корабли во всей X Вселенной. Кроме всего прочего, ваше внимание привлечет: Рэй (Разрушитель) Словно только что вынырнув из воды и оскалив зубы, он поджидает свою добычу - корабль-разрушитель Рэй впечатляет своей изысканной конструкцией. Но не следует слишком долго восхищаться ним! Обычно миролюбивый Бóрон всегда сможет себя защитить, в случае необходимости. Акула (Авианосец) Благодаря своим стремительным формам и динамике Авианосец Акула (размер XL) сразу же очарует любого, кто впервые взглянет на него. Однако, самый большой сюрприз легко не заметить с первого взгляда. Имея возможность стыковать небольшие корабли и осуществлять их запуск с боковой площадки, авианосец обеспечивает явное преимущество на поле боя, которое нельзя недооценивать.
Защита позиций - новая функция, которая позволяет флоту во главе с авианосцами защищать большую территорию. Новый кинематографический режим камеры с кат-сценами событий Среди прочего, улучшения коснулись ИИ моделей поведения в полете и в бою, операций торговли, посадки, спасательных работ, опыта стыковки, траектории полета, симуляции боя при пониженном внимании, а также редактора станций. Улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс и качество жизни Улучшенная производительность
... и многое другое
X4: Timelines Отправляйтесь в беспрецедентную космическую одиссею с новейшим дополнением X4: Timelines вселенной X4. Используя новые способы знакомства новых игроков с основными игровыми механиками X4: Timelines порадует и давних любителей космических приключений. Новая захватывающая сюжетная линия, действие которой разворачивается за пределами X4, готовит вас к колоссальным испытаниям и неожиданным экскурсам в глубины истории и легенды серии X. X4: Timelines - это ворота в неизведанные территории и нерассказанные истории. Выберите в главном меню X4: Foundations пункт "Timelines" и отправляйтесь в приключение, выходящее за пределы времени и пространства. По пути вы можете разблокировать различные бонусы для своей вселенной X4. НОВАЯ ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ СЮЖЕТНАЯ ЛИНИЯ В новой сюжетной линии вы возьмете на себя роль Харпера Донела, торговца на приграничных территориях, который не прочь заключфть рискованные сделки. Судьбоносная встреча не только изменит ваши краткосрочные планы, но и пошатнет основы вашего понимания Вселенной и всех ее обитателей. Приготовьтесь погрузиться в мир интриг и откровений. ЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩИЕ СЦЕНАРИИ И УНИКАЛЬНЫЕ РАЗБЛОКИРОВКИ В новой сюжетной линии X4: Timelines вы найдете широкий спектр сценариев, в которых сможете испытать различные аспекты игрового процесса X4. Вы сможете открыть новые миссии в рамках сюжетной линии X4: Timelines, а также бонусы для вашей вселенной X4 - в том числе и переосмысленные классические корабли из истории вселенной X. X4: Timelines - это не просто расширение, это революция во вселенной X4. Будь вы опытным исследователем космоса или новичком в галактике, эта новая захватывающая глава обещает увлечь вас сочетанием тайн, приключений и стратегического геймплея.
Дополнительные скриншоты:
Описание установки и запуска:
Запускаем установочный файл X4_Foundations_COH.exe. Следуем инструкциям программы установки, не обращая внимание на возможные предупреждения антивирусной защиты. После установки игры запускаем игру через файл Launcher_X4_on_log_x64
Скриншоты установки:
История обновлений раздачи:
21.09.2021: Игра обновлена до версии 4.10.458643 09.12.2021: Игра обновлена до версии 4.20.465891 27.12.2021: Исправлено: Ярлык на рабочий стол теперь связан с файлом X4.exe. Если вам понадобится п запуск игры с параметрами, вам придется самостоятельно добавить ярлык на рабочий стол к лаунчеру. Исправлено: Перекомпилированы лаунчеры, убраны лишние включаемые модули, теперь антивирусы не должны кричать о вирусах. 14.03.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.00.474665 - DLC: Tides of Avarice 17.03.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.00.475121 HF-2 30.03.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.00.475603 HF-4 08.04.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.10.476551 14.04.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.10.476781 HF-1 27.04.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.10.477240 HF-2 22.06.2022: Игра обновлена до версии 5.10.479084 HF3 12.04.2023: Игра обновлена до версии 6.00.497467 20.06.2023: Игра обновлена до версии 6.10.506382 24.08.2023: Игра обновлена до версии 6.20.511811
20.06.2024: Игра обновлена до версии 7.00.534380 - DLC: Timelines
История версий:
7.00.534380 New Feature: Reimagined Teladi and Argon capital ships. New Feature: Redesigned Xenon PE and SE ships. New Feature: Flyable Xenon ships (selected ships only). New Feature: Historic Terraformer ships. New Feature: Observation Deck module for stations. New Feature: Additional sectors and landmarks. New Feature: Race-specific managers' offices. New Feature: Improved AI. New Feature: Reworked, improved and expanded tutorials. New Feature: Late-game crisis for advanced players. New Feature: Customisable radial menu for quick access to actions. New Feature: Extended input mapping options. New Feature: Enhanced external camera system. New Feature: Visual Enhancement Goggles. New Feature: Improved explosion effects. New Feature: FOV slider. New Feature: TAA support. New Feature: Enhanced shadows. New Feature: New accessibility options. Added advice message for first-time players. Added gamestart recommendations for new players. Added Wayward Scion gamestart. Added guidance to new HQ location when player scans old HQ plot signal leak with Kingdom End active. Added more skilled marines to newly created Terran Asgard ships. Added option to override ware baskets of subordinates with trade assignments. Added indication of critical wares to AutoTrade default behaviour. Added possibility to skip conversation lines in interactive dialogues with Space key. Added option to choose default camera when piloting ships. Added possibility to customise external camera position per ship model. Added means to rescue people who are stranded in space suits, with options for player to request rescue. Added crew bailing out of player-owned ships that are destroyed. Added player character to list of things Live Stream camera can showcase. Added auto-targeting of next hostile or next surface element on destruction of current target. Added target type identification voice feedback for surface elements. Added visual effect when hovering over HUD target elements. Added icons to Data Vaults to indicate unlock progress. Added icon on Map for orphaned build storages with wares to sell. Added option to select order sector parameter by clicking on Map. Added cover status information to message ticker. Added player character portraits to New Game menu. Added weapon and turret range of ships to Object Information menu. Added wrecked equipment in Object Loadout menu. Added full equipment and module names to mouse-over texts in Ship and Station Configuration menus. Added number of available missiles or bombs in Ship Interactions and Ship Loadout menus. Added new weapon modes and renamed some old weapon modes for clarity. Added faction filter to Station Configuration menu shuffle function. Added lock range, lock time and resilience against countermeasures to missiles in Encyclopedia. Added link to Encyclopedia in Ship Information menu, and in Module context menu in Station Build menu. Added full module names to search in Station Build menu. Added visual hint to indicate which categories contain searched items in Station Build menu. Added checks for missing equipment blueprints to construction plan selection in Station Build menu. Added confirmation dialog when deleting Construction Plans. Added separate default options for Global Standing Orders for military ships. Added option to disable transform gizmo in Station Build menu. Added ability to show external target view for ships in highways. Added ability to move orders immediately to start/end of order queue in Object Behaviour menu. Added information about automatically calculated buy amount to Station Overview resource boxes. Added fleet and sector names to Map menu searches, and provided suggestion box. Added skip buttons to sliders in menus to immediately set them to their limit. Added ticker history to Logbook. Added ability to select options in dropdowns by typing. Added mouse-over texts explaining mission difficulties. Added Interact menu of station or ship when interacting with surface elements. Added Deposit Inventory order for multiple selected ships. Added reset buttons to Global Standing Orders menu. Added option to mark Build Storages as hostile. Added mission arrow to HUD for multiple mission targets that are close together. Added shield bar animation when receiving damage or boosting. Added wiggle animation to hull and shield bar when being attacked. Added visualisation for projected weapon heat after next shot. Added up-arrow button above tab icons to close top level menu and hide icons. Added warning about removing unavailable equipment when applying presets in Ship Configuration menu. Added warnings about missing military or mining equipment to Ship Configuration menu. Added warning when removing last controller input from certain important menu navigation controls. Added support for customisation of keyboard modifiers and remapping of Shift and Ctrl keys. Added feedback for input actions. Added Numpad-5 as an additional input to reset map view. Added wider range of ready-made input profiles. Added new default profiles for various joysticks. Added new default controller profile. Added option to delete input profiles. Added Menu Width Scale option to adjust menu widths in, e.g. multi-monitor setups. Added HUD scaling. Added docking UI in external view. Added glow option for UI. Added colour-blind options to accessibility settings. Added Reduced Speed Mode accessibility option. Added flickering of lights in rooms when ship or station is taking heavy damage. Added low shadow quality setting. Added more achievements. Changed placement of station target elements to be in visual center of stations. Changed appearance of mission targets that are relative to objects. Changed target speed display to use more appropriate units. Changed option to reset Global Standing Order responses for all ships to be on dedicated button. Changed Object List and Property Owned menus to show stations under construction in same way as station entries. Changed order of Dock Areas in station elevator menu to prioritise current location and ship dealerships. Changed Map menu trade ware and storage type filter from being persistent per player/account to being persistent per save. Changed discovered Data Vault icons to remain on Map even outside of live view. Changed Laser Towers to show up as "ping" on map after long range scan. Changed messages in ticker to no longer disappear while game is paused. Changed faction colours to be more distinct. Changed colour of collectable HUD elements that cannot currently be collected. Changed hull bar colour in Map and radar from green to white to match HUD representation. Changed missile reload bar to animate from full to empty. Changed white flash effect when opening menu to more subtle colour. Changed SSAO quality settings and added Ultra option. Removed chance for fighters to deploy mines in dogfights. Removed names of landmarks from target element. Removed interaction icons for NPCs that are not current target. Removed option to minimize Map menu. Removed mouse HUD mode. Improved ending of Combat Scenario to be less confusing. Improved Hatikvah mission objective to indicate requirement to place 2 explosive charges during station sabotage section. Improved strength of Xenon fleet in Mutually Assured Destruction mission. Improved Find Resources mission to have more variation and to take into account new resource regions. Improved station selection for Gride's delivery station in Paranid story. Improved scanning mission to verify that opposing faction matches that given in briefing. Improved mission to track ship to abort if target was destroyed before accepting mission offer. Improved balancing of mineral and gas region yields across whole map. Improved balancing of drop rates, types and amounts for ships and lockboxes. Improved balancing of seminar prices to match equivalent NPC hiring fees. Improved balancing of stellar output across all systems to match stars and locations. Improved balancing of storage volume for S and M storage modules. Improved ware allocation for wharfs, shipyards and equipment docks. Improved quantity and locations of Xenon Defence Stations (in new games only). Improved fleet composition of Terran Protectorate. Improved spacesuit manoeuvrability. Improved character appearance when moving and performing certain activities. Improved mission guidance and NPC pathfinding in large walkable areas. Improved presentation of NPCs greeting passers-by in certain situations. Improved behaviour of collisions between capital and S/M sized ships. Improved tolerance of turret friendly fire between player and non-player factions. Improved friendly fire handling between non-player factions. Improved flee behaviour of S or M ships under attack by capital ships or stations. Improved boarding pod launch velocity. Improved accuracy of weapon aim prediction. Improved auto-aim targeting on engines, shields and turrets. Improved docking of spacesuits on S and M sized ships. Improved behaviour of missiles targeting stations. Improved flight behaviour of guided missiles and accuracy against certain targets. Improved missile hit detection. Improved docking guidance. Improved precision of target guidance in space. Improved automatic collision avoidance for player ship when near moving objects. Improved AI flight by not interrupting travel mode due to small course changes. Improved AI flight while moving to jump gates. Improved capital ship movement when approaching and exiting gates, accelerators and highways. Improved capital ship combat movement against large targets. Improved ships unnecessarily dropping out of travel drive when flying in formation. Improved boosting without flight assist to no longer set throttle to zero. Improved undocking behaviour of S/M ships on stations such as Teladi Trading Station. Improved high speed carrier undocking. Improved combat behaviour of missile-armed fighters attacking large targets. Improved combat approach for capital ships attacking very large, very slow or immobile targets. Improved some cases where weapons fire with no chance of hitting target. Improved turret behaviour to allow slow heavy-hitting turrets to target smaller/faster enemies if there are no more suitable targets. Improved boost usage of ships in fleets that are traversing jump gate to attack. Improved capital ships approaching gates prior to sector transition. Improved fleet gate traversal to sectors with hazardous regions. Improved manoeuvring capability of tugs while towing scrap cubes or wrecks. Improved ships with very low strafe speeds flown by very bad pilots sometimes appearing not to move at all. Improved long-distance movement to moving objects. Improved gate transition for very long NPC ships. Improved ships with mining orders avoiding asteroids they are not currently targeting. Improved free traders finding trades when operating over multiple sectors. Improved miner decision-making involving mining in distant sectors which are contested by hostile factions. Improved manual mining order for solid resources. Improved manual mining order when cargo is already full. Improved reliability of capital ships getting supplies. Improved reliability of construction ships building stations in owned faction space. Improved repair and resupply for ships with repeating orders. Improved repair and resupply by allowing player-owned ships to use player-owned equipment docks, wharfs and shipyards. Improved damage calculations for certain weapons when player not nearby. Improved response to being boarded. Improved price balancing for several MK2 weapons. Improved voice feedback for repeated target selection. Improved fighter pursuit of very fast, large targets. Improved fighter pursuit of targets when player not nearby. Improved Flee order, particularly when fleeing from ships attacking head-on. Improved Flee behaviour when fleeing ship was moving rapidly to distant destination prior to fleeing. Improved drone launching and recovery at ships with launch tubes. Improved behaviour of NPC ships regaining lost subordinates. Improved reliability of carrier-based fleet subordinates. Improved subordinates with Mimic to inherit commander's default behaviour when promoted if commander is destroyed. Improved fight-or-flight decision making for subordinates in fleet with Carrier or Fleet Auxiliary Ship in combat. Improved stations set to sell excess resources in logical overview to no longer reduce automatic buy amount. Improved station-based trader handling of ware shortages. Improved redistribution of NPC military ships from long-standing quiet areas to potentially troubled ones. Improved delivery of scrap to processing modules. Improved order to deploy satellites to show radar range of satellite before deployment. Improved messages for stations reporting friendly ships being attacked close to station. Improved relation penalty on issuing attack order so that penalty is removed if attack order is cancelled before shooting has started. Improved station deconstruction by transferring remaining cargo to build storage. Improved Station Design Simulator environment. Improved Live Stream view target selection logic. Improved ticker message when picking up crates or asteroid chunks. Improved selectability of small target elements in HUD. Improved look and feel of mouse interactions in space and on radar. Improved map zoom level range to allow it to show whole map. Improved visuals of communication channel video feed. Improved display of effective countermeasure resilience for missiles in encyclopedia. Improved Controls settings menu layout. Improved mapping of mouse buttons and mouse movement with Shift/Ctrl modifiers. Improved support for joysticks with more than 32 buttons (up to 64 buttons per device supported). Improved colours of exclusion zones and building lot bounds in station design menu. Improved conflicting controls popup when remapping is not possible. Improved range of control mapping options. Improved support for DualShock and DualSense controllers. Improved performance of Player Info menu under certain circumstances. Improved black beard for human characters. Improved cockpit visuals for Irukandji. Improved historical accuracy of broken Terran jump gate model. Improved presentation of loadout editor for Boron ships. Improved structure of Options menu. Improved visuals for Thermal Disintegrator bullets. Improved rendering distance of Kha'ak Defence Platform. Improved Kha'ak muzzle effect timing and appearance when viewed from far away. Improved detail on wall of Terran 4M10S Luxury Dock Area. Improved data leak visuals. Improved appearance of stardust effect. Improved lighting in Station and Ship Loadout menus. Improved flickering of object lights when transitioning between functional and non-functional. Improved UI colour differentiation between Realm of the Trinity and Kha'ak factions. Improved clarity of icons representing obstructed enemies. Improved icons for various ship types. Improved visuals for scan mode. Improved visibility of mining nodes on nearby asteroids. Improved consistency of glow with different anti-aliasing and upscaling modes. Improved readability of weapon heat bar on bright backgrounds. Improved subtitle readability. Fixed some pirates not being active in Kingdom End expansion sectors when gate opens. Fixed missing default paint theme when at high reputation with Queendom of Boron. Fixed Leda We being placed in same spot as Boron marine in The High Road mission. Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex being present in some Split sectors after Paranid unification. Fixed Boron story sometimes getting stuck if Boron Shipyard is destroyed. Fixed A Matter of the Utmost Gravity mission getting stuck if conversation with Kromancketslat's lieutenant is interrupted by opening Map. Fixed Trinity faction not able to rebuild wharfs, shipyards and other major stations. Fixed stereo audio issues in some cutscenes of Boron story. Fixed incorrect countdown in Casino welfare module research time trial. Fixed E model Paranid capital ships not being used in Paranid story. Fixed Covert Operations story sometimes getting stuck between Buy Plot and Build Station phases in Operation Hyena. Fixed HQ-related achievements not being unlocked in some storylines. Fixed speech being cut short in Rescue Ship generic mission. Fixed being unable to dock due to reputation loss if player attacks Gride's ship when it loses cover during Paranid story. Fixed cipher ship vulnerability in Paranid story. Fixed Gride talking about toolbox when the Paranid story already progressed past that stage. Fixed story missions requesting player to deliver resources becoming blocked under certain circumstances. Fixed passenger transport mission sometimes asking to pick up passenger from invalid location. Fixed Dal Busta not being available to talk to continue Hatikvah story. Fixed hidden mission objectives getting prominent target elements under certain circumstances. Fixed potential freeze during Blazing the Trail mission. Fixed stuck data heist mission of Covert Operations story. Fixed items spawned from container in Find Object mission disappearing when player flies away. Fixed Trade Subscription mission characters sometimes appearing behind counter in trade corner. Fixed being unable to complete Northriver story if enemy with Teladi because basic engine research cannot be completed. Fixed Ace just responding with same sentence when spoken to in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Criminal story. Fixed Ace talking when scanning ship after heist part of Criminal storyline already completed. Fixed damage fields in Torus Aeternal. Fixed mission-only module blueprints being unlocked in Station Design Simulator. Fixed missing animations when selecting New Game under certain circumstances. Fixed autopilot being active after teleporting to ship. Fixed characters speaking to player sometimes looking in wrong direction. Fixed NPCs facing wrong way when using transporter rooms in shops on dock areas. Fixed reassigned pilots getting stuck leaving Boron ships when player not present. Fixed ships not using travel mode when ordered to attack target in distant sector. Fixed several situations where ships could fly through station or carrier while docking. Fixed dock assignment and ship hologram persisting when stopping control. Fixed various issues with retrieving ships from internal storage. Fixed various issues with player docking requests. Fixed NPC subordinates sometimes docking indefinitely. Fixed some pilots finding it hard to land on Boron Wharfs. Fixed Mk2 Laser Towers getting stuck in docking bay on launch. Fixed player-owned police ships continuing to police old sector after player loses control of all sectors. Fixed free traders sometimes not finding trades, particularly when only working with one ware. Fixed ships sometimes reporting failed trade orders despite successfully completing trade. Fixed capital ships sometimes repeatedly trying to trade with stations they cannot dock at. Fixed frigates, destroyers, and battleships sometimes not launching defence drones when they should. Fixed transport drones on player's personal capital ship not collecting drops when set to do so. Fixed frigate-based defence drones sometimes escorting their frigate indefinitely rather than engaging hostiles. Fixed ships tending to repeatedly switch targets if faced with multiple small targets in close proximity to one another. Fixed non-capital ships in combat tending to always prefer to target individual ships rather than capital ships or stations. Fixed NPC ships sometimes unintentionally initiating hostilities against neutral or friendly ships or stations. Fixed ships performing queued Coordinate Attack orders trying to attack wrecked targets. Fixed participants in Coordinated Attack pursuing targets to adjacent sectors. Fixed Attack orders sometimes generating failure messages even if order resulted from automated behaviour. Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes no longer following commander after commander's pilot having been changed. Fixed attack subordinates sometimes getting distracted by other targets far from their commander. Fixed attack subordinates attacking targets other than their commander's without provocation. Fixed disproportionately large number of Xenon miners getting destroyed outside Xenon space. Fixed infiltration phase of boarding taking longer with higher-skilled marines. Fixed ships attacking targets that are being boarded by non-hostile faction. Fixed ships that are unable to inflict damage potentially deciding to fight in response to attack. Fixed turrets not shooting at station modules (especially Kha'ak) unless set to Attack my current enemy. Fixed capital mining ships not firing on asteroids with some turret or drone configurations. Fixed weapons aiming at target sometimes moving erratically when target is lost. Fixed capital ships sometimes approaching too closely in combat. Fixed excessive travel-drive dropouts for small/medium ships during dogfights. Fixed ships re-engaging in combat after being ordered to disengage or being given a move order. Fixed Coordinate Attack including subordinate groups that have been set to Docked. Fixed ships sometimes not considering other ships in front of them and therefore not slowing down. Fixed ships sometimes spiraling around carriers while trying to dock when player not nearby. Fixed ships sometimes flying backwards in Travel Mode after changing current orders. Fixed subordinates wanting to undock if docked at commander that is further up their command hierarchy. Fixed many cases of ships stopping abruptly upon destruction. Fixed ships being forced out of highway when colliding, and several other cases of ships getting stranded beside highways. Fixed AI-controlled ships with player passenger sometimes appearing in wrong position after gate transition. Fixed large ships getting stuck when trading with build storage while station build plot size is changed. Fixed unprotected player-owned miners mining in sectors with hazardous regions if no other regions with resources are found within range. Fixed Construction Vessels sometimes idling next to gates to enemy sectors. Fixed Construction Vessels with no drones having no efficiency penalty. Fixed mining ships sometimes shooting empty asteroids when player is nearby. Fixed mining nodes on asteroids being randomised when turning scan mode off and back on. Fixed tug ships being unable to deliver scrap to stations without a suitable dock for them. Fixed free-flying police scanning space suits. Fixed friend/foe mines launched during dogfights sometimes not being hostile to their target. Fixed guided missiles not properly targeting stations and build storage. Fixed missiles sometimes not leaving launcher in forward direction. Fixed turret control acquiring only one missile per missile swarm. Fixed ships launching countermeasures against unguided missiles. Fixed ships fleeing towards station stopping to recall subordinates. Fixed trade discounts not being taken into account when traders are looking for trades. Fixed stations not selling resources to their build storages under certain circumstances. Fixed certain trading stations no longer buying or selling certain wares after changing ownership during story. Fixed stations that are starved of resources sometimes not paying high enough price. Fixed buy prices of Protectyon not updating based on supply and demand. Fixed equipment on destroyed ships and station modules not contributing properly to scrap value. Fixed trading stations sometimes deviating from average price for certain wares when they shouldn't be. Fixed factions not building certain factories needed to support ship building. Fixed S and M variants for several weapons having incorrect prices. Fixed inconsistencies in M turret pricing. Fixed destroyed ship equipment being paid for when selling ships. Fixed station-based traders trading with empty ware basket. Fixed beams and ricocheting bullets distorting accuracy stats. Fixed player being personally blamed for some hostile actions by other ships belonging them. Fixed player-owned ships worrying that player will be stranded when player is on their own ship. Fixed repair of multiple ships not working under certain circumstances. Fixed ship repair taking longer than it should with crew aboard. Fixed ships sometimes oscillating between two positions, e.g. when approaching player or while docking. Fixed ships sometimes changing directions very abruptly. Fixed ships disappearing during docking animation. Fixed build storage with cargo sometimes not having any visible cargo pods, preventing their destruction. Fixed excessive deconstruction times for station modules. Fixed collision with invisible walls on some wrecked objects. Fixed bullet impacts pushing ships with too much force. Fixed small/medium ships sometimes teleporting short distance after being hit. Fixed capital ships sometimes reacting too strongly to collisions. Fixed force effects, e.g. of anomalies, not working after exiting superhighway. Fixed mass traffic sometimes not having collisions. Fixed unlocking of signal leaks in external view. Fixed inactive mission line not being shown under certain circumstances. Fixed wrong subordinate assignment displayed in Map under certain circumstances. Fixed being able to purchase mining drones for installation onto ships that can't use them. Fixed loadout presets on player-owned shipyards not selecting optional software. Fixed guidance on Map not working when not sitting or standing in ship. Fixed re-selection of previous object after selecting None in Object List or Property Owned menus. Fixed Protectyon Shield Generator showing up in Logical Station Overview menu if only condensate storage has been built. Fixed Automatic Resupply option not allowing global or commander's setting. Fixed some Encyclopedia entries showing wrong names for construction methods. Fixed Trade menu not allowing player to buy wares after previously planning to sell. Fixed wares legality information showing factions that player does not yet know. Fixed range of non-operational satellites and resource probes being shown on Map. Fixed gate icons cluttering map when using filter text. Fixed Map ware filters added multiple times under certain circumstances. Fixed supply buy offers on stations hiding regular buy offers. Fixed scan range for resource probes in Object Info menu. Fixed sorting of subordinates in Object Crew Information menu. Fixed Live Stream camera displaying spacesuit pilots in space. Fixed menus in undefined state after using Live Stream View under certain circumstances. Fixed unidentified Laser Towers showing as Unknown Ship in target monitor. Fixed pilots of ships stored in internal docks not being visible during comm scenes. Fixed UI shaking during cutscenes and when using Live Stream to view ship in highway. Fixed missing confirmation dialog in Station Build menu when opening another menu with unconfirmed construction plan changes. Fixed control mode message appearing in External Static View. Fixed Left Mouse Button opening context menus in Floating View (F4) when player is not controlling ship. Fixed first person interactions not working under certain circumstances. Fixed conversation option to ask some NPCs for job not appearing. Fixed Station Build menu freezing under certain circumstances. Fixed menus not working correctly when using top level menu shortcuts under certain circumstances. Fixed off-screen target elements appearing in front of player under certain circumstances. Fixed target speed not updating correctly under certain circumstances. Fixed cases of being unable to select targets in HUD with Left Mouse Button. Fixed surface elements not being auto-targeted in Gamepad Mode. Fixed engine surface elements showing speed of 0 m/s at all times. Fixed check engine light not showing when ship's engines are destroyed. Fixed Stop Engine button sometimes not working. Fixed container magnet not working correctly on certain ships. Fixed input being rejected when only changing direction of range input while remapping controls. Fixed sliders in Station Overview menu stopping while dragging under certain circumstances. Fixed radar not being interactive under certain circumstances. Fixed turrets and shields on stations sometimes changing in Station Design Simulator when forcing construction of station with Administrative Centre. Fixed Long Range Scan mode being available in menu in spacesuit. Fixed save option being available in Station Design Simulator. Fixed newly edited custom save name being reset after short time. Fixed non-functional Mark as Hostile option being available for drops, lockboxes, nav beacons, resource probes and satellites. Fixed missing deadzone for mouse axes when mapping controls. Fixed toggling steering axis not affecting stick controls. Fixed gamepad/joystick buttons not working when Shift or Ctrl are pressed on keyboard at same time. Fixed release of keyboard keys such as Shift or Alt not being recognised under certain circumstances. Fixed remapping control removing wrong input under certain circumstances. Fixed not being able to manage controllers/joysticks under certain circumstances. Fixed certain supplemental input devices (e.g. VPC Control Panel) not being detected as joystick. Fixed inversion of controller/joystick axis for Emulated Mouse Cursor not being saved in input profile. Fixed removal of connected devices in "Manage Controllers / Joysticks" not being persistent across game sessions. Fixed various input mapping issues when using specific joysticks, e.g. VPC Constellation Alpha Prime. Fixed various other control mapping issues. Fixed mouse cursor emulation for controller becoming active in Start menu after attempting to change input mapping. Fixed cases of button auto-repeat not working on Linux when keeping joystick buttons pressed, e.g. during menu navigation. Fixed not being able to use mouse on Linux when using certain joysticks with constantly pressed buttons. Fixed joysticks on Linux sometimes changing input mode incorrectly. Fixed Head Movement Intensity game option not being applied to camera shaking. Fixed joystick/gamepad rumble not stopping when game is paused. Fixed overlapping text at hacking terminals. Fixed HUD monitors being cut-off on low aspect ratios. Fixed weapon heat bar not scaling up linearly. Fixed UI scaling issue in Overlay UI. Fixed UI in external view being influenced by ship movements under certain circumstances. Fixed faction name in target monitor not updating after uncovering covered ship. Fixed incoming supply trades being listed for production resources. Fixed ship attacked notification showing pilot upside-down if ship was destroyed. Fixed Launch button being available for subordinate groups where setting has no effect. Fixed submenu bar on left side of Player Info menu not showing up under certain circumstances. Fixed Interact menu opening too close to screen border. Fixed misaligned Interact menu sub-options. Fixed incorrect y-axis labels on some graphs. Fixed target bracket size with non-default FOV. Fixed speed SI prefixes in HUD not working for negative speeds. Fixed motion blur persisting when leaving a highway while in external view. Fixed interior reflections being permanently affected by effects. Fixed falling through floor in certain situations. Fixed outdated game start image of Boso Ta. Fixed dock areas not having any props. Fixed not being able to select all objects from Kalis, Sunder or Incarcatura cockpit. Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass in XL Argon ships. Fixed incorrectly rotated shield impact effects. Fixed ship ID being cut off on Syn and Guppy. Fixed logo being cut off on Thresher and Dolphin. Fixed logo and ship ID being cut off Heracles. Fixed logo and ship ID on Yasur disappearing at certain view angles. Fixed missing logo on Osaka lower left hull. Fixed flickering surface on Yasur. Fixed missing geometry on Asgard and Peregrine. Fixed incorrectly placed elements near the docking area on Nomad. Fixed space suit dock not being visually integrated into the Boron luxury dock. Fixed floating geometry on Barbarossa. Fixed floating geometry on Kalis fighter in ship build menu. Fixed landing gear of Lux being out of place. Fixed cockpit ramp of Shih clipping out of ship while in flight. Fixed Ion Pulse turret bullets clipping into ship hull on launching. Fixed certain small weapons not firing straight ahead. Fixed floating turrets on Terran defence tube. Fixed turrets of Scrap Recycler being inside module. Fixed turret positioning issue on Magnetar. Fixed incorrectly oriented weapons on Odysseus E. Fixed shield generator positions on Donia, Yasur and Shark. Fixed shield generator on Shark being located inside ship hull. Fixed missing flame animation in Teladi S all-round engines. Fixed incorrectly positioned engine flames on small Xenon ships. Fixed multiple cases of out of place hologram in airlock. Fixed transporter room doors on small ships not closing properly. Fixed black surface appearing on Kyushu when viewed from further away. Fixed hole in Split corridor. Fixed invisible keyboard in manager's office. Fixed paint mods not affecting cockpit frame on Kestrel and Guillemot. Fixed visual glitch on capital ships under construction. Fixed incomplete wreck for Falcon. Fixed missing wreck for Jian. Fixed missing wreck for collectible containers. Fixed incorrectly textured wreck for Magpie. Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Chimera. Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Teladi small container storage module. Fixed colliding with invisible wall when undocking from bay 6 on Boron luxury dock. Fixed imprecise collisions with Asgard main weaponry. Fixed imprecise collisions with derelict station in Duke's Haven. Fixed incorrect snap connections inside Terran Trading Station Hexa-Dock Pier. Fixed incorrect rotations of station modules under construction after loading. Fixed modules in station editor disappearing when selecting new module after resetting rotation. Fixed Casino not being entirely visible in station construction menu. Fixed ship doors remaining open when they become visible while ship is undocking. Fixed force field in Paranid interior not preventing player from entering area. Fixed several cases of weapons not being aligned properly. Fixed logo being cut off on Kyd. Fixed graphical glitch on Eclipse hull. Fixed wreck of Medical Supplies and Hull Parts production modules appearing disconnected. Fixed incorrect surface appearance of wreck of Paranid S Dome. Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck of Paranid L Dome. Fixed free-floating debris pieces in wreck of Maja Snail production module. Fixed missing detail on Boron M container storage causing turrets to appear floating. Fixed NPCs in Baldric and Bolo not using holo-keyboards to left and right of seats. Fixed transporter room door clipping through wall in Argon corridor. Fixed transporter room door fading out too quickly. Fixed being able to walk through dock area walls on Behemoth. Fixed bridge of ship docked at Paranid pier sometimes becoming temporarily invisible. Fixed glow on Boron dock area appearing cut off. Fixed fast projectiles sometimes launching behind weapons when flying at high speeds. Fixed sun shining through large ships in external target view. Fixed engine flames of Kha'ak ships not being animated. Fixed inverted player logo on Theseus. Fixed logo on Pelican Sentinel being partially hidden. Fixed missing headlights on Kuraokami and Nemesis. Fixed incorrect orientation of right main weapon on Odysseus. Fixed engine flame of Teladi Station Security Vessel A being visually disconnected from engine. Fixed incorrect reflections on small and medium ship hulls. Fixed missing sound on large mining turrets. Fixed some joysticks breaking UI on Linux. Fixed unnecessary CPU utilisation when game window is minimised. Fixed several causes of crashes.
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