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CrossOver Linux 12.5.1 [x86-x64] (deb, rpm, bin) 
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CrossOver Linux 12.5.1 [x86-x64] (deb, rpm, bin)

Название программы: CrossOver Linux 12.5.1
Версия программы: 12.5.1
Последняя Версия программы: 13.0.1
Архитектура: x86-x64
Формат пакета: deb, rpm, bin
Адрес официального сайта: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский

Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: замена файлов
Системные требования:
*nix System

Коммерческая версия программы wine. Позволяет запускать приложения и игры Windows под Linux и Mac OS X.
В отличие от обычной версии wine имеет более удобный интерфейс, протестирован с кучей приложений и игр. Легко интегрируется в систему, позволяет изолировать устанавливаемые приложения друг от друга. Codeweavers вносит много исправлений в код wine, но не очень быстро их публикует, продавая более надежную и удобную версию wine.
12.5.1 CrossOver - October 16, 2013
CrossOver now ships multiarch packages for Debian-based distributions. The non-multiarch Debian packages are legacy and no longer shipped. CrossOver 12.5.0 is the last version of CrossOver where non-multiarch Debian packages are available. Users of non-multiarch aware Debian distributions can still use our MojoSetup installer.
Items in the main menu of the CrossOver GUI can now be specified in a CrossTie file.
A bug which caused the plugin editor to fail to launch has been fixed.
Further work around a GNOME / Nautilus bug that prevented using desktop shortcuts to open files.
Other Improvements:
Fixed a font problem with Office 2010 bullet points.
Fixed a problem which caused CrossOver to fail to download installers from certain URLs.
Fixed a problem which caused bottles which were created prior and used until the trial expired to fail to launch.

12.5.0 CrossOver - August 13, 2013
The GUI on Linux has changed substantially. In particular, it now includes a menu of launchers for all installed Windows applications, which can be customized by the user.
Application Support:
Microsoft Outlook:
Microsoft Outlook will now maintain its connection when the computer sleeps or the network configuration changes.
Improved auto-discovery for Exchange account setup.
Outlook will no longer crash if the Exchange server is unavailable.
Fixed a crash when editing contacts.
Right-click to format will now work.
Improved NTLM authentication - you can now change your password if you have 'smbpasswd' installed.
Improved SharePoint list display in profile.
Characters can now be inserted from the character palette.
Fixed printing of calendar items.
Attachment preview will now work.
Outlook Today can now be customized.
Phone numbers now accept a '+' character for international notation.
Microsoft Excel:
Fixed a crash when copying a worksheet.
Improved macro support.
Fixed a problem opening read-only files.
Fixed garbage when opening xlsx documents.
Fixed display of help topics in Quicken 2012.
Fixed a bug in the 'Change Assumptions' function of Quicken 2013.
Internet Explorer 7:
More websites will now work.
Fixed a bug which sometimes caused failure during installation.
Fixed a crash in the print dialog.
World of Tanks:
Fixed a crash connecting to the server on certain Macs.
Fixed a crash when zooming in on targets.
Microsoft Office: Fixed problems in which drop-down menus could not be dismissed.
Microsoft Office 2010 Simplified Chinese Edition will now install.
Fixed a bug which caused Microsoft Office 2007 to fail to install on some machines.
Fixed an installation conflict between .Net 4.0 and DirectX 9.
Fixed an installation problem with Microsoft Money 2001.
Fixed an issue where Microsoft Visio 2010 would not open .vxd files.
Fixed installation problems with .Net 3.5.
Fixed graphical glitches in Wizard101.
Fixed problems with the patcher in Pirate101.
Fixed a crash on login in StarCraft II.
Fixed crashes on install of Rift's Storm Legion expansion.
Fixed Rift graphics bugs on NVIDIA hardware.
Fixed various errors in ChemSketch 12.
Fixed a crash in Baseball Mogul 2013 and 2014.
Other Improvements:
CrossOver 12.5.0 is based on the new stable Wine 1.6 release. This includes innumerable fixes for various Windows applications.
CrossOver can be configured for compatibility with Windows 7.

12.2.2 CrossOver - July 22, 2013
New Application:
CrossOver has been updated to allow Cube World, a popular indie computer game, to run.
Файл из папки Crack кидаем в папку /opt/cxoffice/lib/wine/ с заменой оригинала.
Протестировано на Ubuntu 12.04.3 amd64. На более старших версиях не проверялось.

Время раздачи: 24/7 до первых сидов.

2013-12-18 21:07
  • Торрент
Автор: Arhangel Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2013-12-18 21:07 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Размер: 316.47 МБ (331 840 998 байт)
Скачали: 0 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: ???%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 1
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: Нет Последний личер: 1 месяц 8 дней 5 часов 3 минуты 33 секунды назад
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