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IMSI TurboCAD 2016 Pro Platinum 23.1 Build 31.1 [En](06/2016) 
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IMSI TurboCAD 2016 Pro Platinum 23.1 Build 31.1 [En]


Версия программы: 2016 23.1 Build 31.1

Сайт раздачи: ссылка

Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: в комплекте

Тип лекарства: кейген

Системные требования:
Windows ХР**, Vista** 7, 8, 10
Оперативная память: 4 GB (8 GB рекомендуется).
Процессор: многоядерный Intel или AMD
REDsdk: опциональный рендер на GPU
** 32-разрядная версия TurboCAD Pro будет работать на платформах, XP и Vista; Однако, эти платформы больше не поддерживается официально.

IMSI Turbocad Pro Platinum - это качественная профессиональная система 2D/3D CAD проектирования. Она включает в себя всю скорость и технологии Turbocad Pro для разработки, детализации, моделирования и фотореалистичной визуализации, плюс передовые архитектурные и механические инструменты и совместный доступ к файлам для большего контроля и гибкости.
Основные возможности:
• Моделировать поверхности, трехмерные объекты,
• Отображать реалистично световые эффекты и генерировать необходимую документацию и т. д.
• Объединенное 2D и 3D проектирование
• Фотореалистичный рендеринг
• Совместимость с Microsoft Office
• Встроенный Microsoft's VBA
• Дополнительные инструменты черчения
• Инструменты выделения и редактирования
• Инструменты для аннотаций
• Новый менеджер XREF
• Рендеринг стилей и редактор стилей
• Настройка рабочей среды интерфейса
• Менеджер стилей для Архитектурного дизайна
• Дополнительные инструменты для механического проектирования
• Импорт и экспорт файлов в форматах DWG/DXF, Google SketchUp и OBJ/3DS
• Поддерживает различные форматы, включая .DWG, .DXF, .SKP, .3DM, .3DS, IGES, STEP, .OBJ, COLLADA, .EPS, .SVG, .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .PNG, .TIF и другие.

Инструменты TurboCAD Pro Platinum:
• Инструменты для работы с двумерной графикой, создания векторных рисунков и двумерных моделей.
• 14 основные инструмента рисования различных типов линий.
• Инструменты для создания различных геометрических фигур (многоугольники, овалы, окружности, цилиндры).
• 13 инструментов для рисования дуг.
• 5 инструментов для обозначения пунктов (от точки до звезды).
• 6 инструментов рисования кривой линии.
• Возможность выделения цветом.
• Специальные инструменты-щетки для объединения цветов, растушевки и достижения прозрачности.
• Использование параметрической сетки.
• 9 типов построения геометрии линий.

Дополнительные инструменты:
• Простой в использовании инструмент растяжения.
• Улучшенные шаблоны динамических компонентов.
• Редактирование ACIS-объектов.
• Расширенный набор стилей для дверей и окон.
• Новый ввод данных (системы координат) в инструменте создания ландшафта.
• Инструмент Drafting Palette - работает с поверхностями моделей, обеспечивает трехмерный дизайн и автоматический рендеринг всех изменений в проекте.

TurboCAD Pro Platinum добавляет к функциональности профессиональной версии дополнительные инструменты проектирования и современные технологии для качественного моделирования механических деталей и архитектурных проектов различной сложности.
Версия TurboCAD Pro Platinum содержит специальный набор инструментов для построения гладких 3D-поверхностей по сетке точек (Smooth Surface Mesh 3D Modeling). Инструменты редактирования поверхностей (только в Platinum-версии) обеспечивают максимально точное и детальное управление 3D-моделями. Данная версия включает в себя большое количество дополнительных технологий — ACIS технология твёрдотельного моделирования, D-Cubed технология и Lightworks технология реалистичного рендеринга.
В сфере рендеринга и визуализации TurboCAD Pro предлагает новый редактор материалов, который помогает размещать, выбирать, применять и модифицировать материалы, освещение и другие параметры поверхностей. Новый модуль для создания штриховок Hatch Pattern Creator позволяет быстро создать собственный узор штриховки. В режиме повышенного качества рендеринга можно подключать внешний рендер Redsdk.
Отдельного внимания достойны средства интеграции TurboCAD Pro с другими системами, в том числе улучшенный фильтр для файлов DWG/DXF, а также фильтр файлов DGN для загрузки и сохранения проектов в формате системы MicroStation вплоть до версии 8. Новая опция трехмерной печати позволяет выводить модели напрямую из среды TurboCAD Pro на 3D-принтер BFB через систему печати 3D System.

NEW Advanced Blending Functionality
New 3D Fillet Blending options allow for much more organic and realistic object creation. These options include a NEW Holdline Blend, providing the ability to blend using associative polylines, and a NEW Variable Blend, offering the ability to blend between points and then adjust their radial amounts via the part tree.
NEW Bend to Path
The new Bend to Path tool and Part Tree operation can bend an ACIS solid object along a line, arc, or curve.
NEW 3D Law Tools
Laws are mathematical functions in the form of a formula. They are used to define how resulting objects are modified.
NEW Curve from Law
The new Curve from Law tool lets users create a parametrically defined curve from a Law object in the drawing. This object could be used with the Graphic on Path tool, in Sweeps and more.
NEW Surface with Laws
Generate an entirely new parametric surface object with a formula.
NEW Warp Entity by Law
TurboCAD can warp an existing 3D solid based on a mathematical formula.
NEW Offset with Laws
You can define a law which reshapes the resulting offset object based on a formula. New options include:
• Use Law - specifies if a law should be used for offsetting
• Edit Law - Allows the user to enter or edit a law
NEW Extract Entity
This tool allows extraction of edges and faces from a solid body with or without an offset. Offset sheet faces loops, and other extracted objects can be used by other tools such as sweep. Options include:
• Extract edge from body
• Extract/offset face from solid
• Remove open gap from sheet body
• Offset face/planar face loop
NEW Imprint Edge
This new tool can Imprint Edges into Faces by dividing them into discrete areas each of which can have its own material.
NEW Tweak Face
New tool that extends the face of an existing 3D solid object to the boundary that is defined by a sheet face, allowing users to easily create more complexed forms.
IMPROVED Revolve Face
TurboCAD now offers the ability to use a 2D profile to generate a revolve from the face of an existing 3D object and either add or subtract the result.
NEW 3D Slice by Facet
TurboCAD makes it easy to slice, or divide, one or more 3D objects into new objects, by specifying the slicing plane. The 3D slice tool, which offers the ability to slice by line, by plane, by workplane, and by surface, now includes Slice by Facet.
New Slots Tools
Three new slot tools for inventors, woodworking and furniture design. They include:
• Slot
• Circular Slot
• Circular Slot By Center and Radius
IMPROVED Array/Pattern Tool
Users can now create a checker board pattern with the pattern tool to apply to 3D objects.
New Lofting to a Point
Points can now be included as lofting profiles.
TurboCAD Pro 2016 and TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2016 now use the ACIS R26 Kernal


NEW Convert Roof Slabs
Now you can take a classic TurboCAD roof, and convert it (explode) the roof to a set of roof slabs. This makes it more convenient to create and edit custom roofs (clipped gable roof, dormer, etc...)
NEW Trim Roof Slab by plane
This tool allows you to trim a Roof Slab by the plane of another object. The objects that can be used are: Other Roof Slabs, Standard Roofs, or Walls.
• Select target flat plane for the trimming object
• Select the side of the roof slab to be trimmed.
• Support classic TurboCAD trim tool for Roof Slab (trim by polyline)
NEW Multi Landing Stairs By Polyline
You can now create multi-landing stairs from a 2D polyline.
IMPROVED Edit Roof Slope Rise/Run Support
The Edit Roof Slab Tool now includes an input field.
IMPROVED IFC Object Support
The IFC file filter, commonly used for BIM operations, now supports the Import/Export of Beam object types and Column object types.
IMPROVED House Wizard Tool
The house wizard, used to quickly layout a house plan, placing and sizing each room, drop in closets, passageways, a garage, and even decking, now allows you to name each room while in the tool so you don’t have to do it after.


Redsdk Photorealistic Enhancements
• New Portals - The ability to designate objects as transparent to sky luminances.
• Improved Tone Mapping with interactive palette controls
• New Tone mapping control in Render Manager
Improved Render Manager
Enhancements to the UI Algorithms for improved workflow and management of Rendering Components: Materials, Luminances, Environments, Advanced Render Styles
NEW Active Drawing Components
Render components of the active drawing can now be accessed more quickly so that if you want to repeat use of a material, luminance, environment or render style, it's now bookmarked for easy access.
Improved Double Precision
All of the numerical values are now stored in double precision. This creates greater precision and accuracy.
Faster update of some objects in RedSDK mode
Auto-update of some objects like TurboCAD Camera and TurboCAD Light in RedSDK mode is now much faster.
NEW Redsdk 4.x Engine
Migration to Redsdk 4.x
Improved RedSDK Transparent fill support
Transparent fill now works the same in both Redsdk and GDI. A solid brush pattern can also be called a fill.


NEW Point Cloud Support
TurboCAD Pro Platinum now offers tools to interpret a point cloud, a set of data points in some coordinate system. In a three-dimensional coordinate system, these points are usually defined by X, Y, and Z coordinates, often intended to represent the external surface of an object.
New Point Cloud Import/Export
import or export a point cloud using .PCD and .XYZ formats
New Point Cloud Triangulation
Ability to extract a Surface from point cloud data set
New Subset Point Cloud
The ability to select a subset of an existing point cloud and create a separate entity.


NEW/Improved Mirror Copy Tool for 3D Objects
• 3D Mirror Options are now all part of the Part Tree to more easily manage changes.
• New Mirror Along Face option lets users define a plane across which the Mirror operation should be performed.
• New Try to Create Single Object option, if turned on, TurboCAD will try to add the original object and its mirrored copy
NEW Backup of Open Documents on Program Close
When this new option is on, all open documents are backed up on program close without prompting. Then when you next start the program, the same documents are automatically reloaded so that you can continue working where you left off.
NEW File Buffer
When a file is closed or when the application is closed, this new option saves the Undo/Redo buffer and is re-loaded when the file is reopened, so it can be used from the last design change.
NEW Untitled Documents
Documents that you have created but have not saved are now backed up using the name "Untitled" followed by a number and the date/time. This name and number corresponds to those shown in the titlebar when you are editing new unsaved documents.
NEW ISO Circle/Grid
This new tool allows you to easily construct isometric circles.


IMPROVED Conceptual Selector
• Drag reference point and rotation bars with CTRL
• Scale handles on boundary boxed as in classic mode
New Highlighting (Redsdk Only)
UI enhancement which highlights 3D objects and parts of 3D objects while using certain tools in Redsdk mode including imprinting, quick pull & 3D mirror copying.
New Spaces
Manage all your spaces through the design director including model space, and all paper spaces so you can handle spaces more efficiently than the tab interface allows.
New Show Normals
The visualization of the normals make it easier to estimate the smoothness and orientation of the 3D objects, and to find artifacts/defects on those objects.
Render Manager UI Improvements
Render Manager now support the Dark Theme


New PRC 3D PDF Support
TurboCAD now supports both .U3D and .PRC (Product Representation Compact) file export. This new filter option exports 3D content in PRC format.
Improved DWG and DXF File Support
TurboCAD now uses the latest Teigha engine for the conversion of .DWG and .DXF files to and from TurboCAD for improved interoperability with other CAD applications.
Powerful Performance
TurboCAD Pro is delivered in a 64-bit version to load, process, and render files of nearly any size. (32-bit version is also delivered if required by your hardware.) The Turbocharged drawing engine takes advantage of GPU-based graphics cards for smooth zooming, panning, rotating, and moving as you design. And multi-threading takes advantage of multi core processors for lightning fast calculations.
Fast Drafting & Detailing
TurboCAD Pro is rich in fundamental drawing tools and drawing aids that speed design. Quickly and easily create views and viewports of any size and shape. Access extensive paper space and printing capabilities, a multi-select drawing tool, marker and schedule tools, leaders, multi-leaders, dimension tools, and symbols content.
Extraordinary Drafting Palette
Create associative 2D sections based on standard views or sectional planes of 3D surface or ACIS® solid models, including XREFs, and more! With more than 15 file formats for 3D models supported that may be opened directly, imported, or included via Xref that the Drafting Palette will recognize, TurboCAD Pro is a fabulous companion product.
Optimized for 3D Printing
TurboCAD Pro both reads and writes STL files, the standard in 3D Printing world. TurboCAD Pro 3D printing features include surface simplification controls and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers.
Architectural Tools
TurboCAD Pro includes an integrated suite of architectural tools that accelerate productivity in design and drafting, or in the documentation of existing compatible architectural models. The architectural objects are AutoCAD® Architecture (ACA) compatible so that .DWG models with ACA extensions may be read, modified, and documented as needed. TurboCAD Pro architectural tools include Wall, Window, Door, Roof, Stair, Marker, Schedule, and Terrains, with many more in TurboCAD Pro Platinum. And all the architectural objects have both 2D and 3D representations, so that elevations, floor plans, and ISO views are easier to document.
Mechanical Tools & 3D Modeling
TurboCAD Pro includes a complete set of 3D drawing and editing tools, surface modeling tools, and powerful ACIS® solid modeling tools, making it ideal for both single part and small assembly mechanical designs.
• 3D drawing primitives - Box, Rotated Box, Sphere, Hemisphere, Cylinder, Torus, Wedge, Cone, Polygonal, Prism
• 3D Editing and Modification Tools - Sweep, Extrude, Revolve, Loft Facet, Edit Booleans, Quick Pull
• Assembly Tools - Axis, Facet, 3-Points, Tangents, Edge & Point
• Specialized Mechanical Object Tools - Thread, Pipe, Bolt
• More available with TurboCAD Pro Platinum.
Powerful Parametric Constraints
Often referred to as variational sketching, the D-Cubed™ 2D DCM constraint manager from Siemens Industry Software Limited gives you greater control and productivity. By setting up constraints, you get more done, create part families faster, incorporate red-line changes more quickly, and have the flexibility to evaluate different designs with ease. Access a host of geometric and dimensional constraints in TurboCAD Pro, as well as mid-point and pattern constraints with TurboCAD Pro Platinum.
TurboCAD Pro includes tools necessary to rapidly annotate your designs. The Drafting Palette accelerates creating Views, Sections, Elevations, Floorplans, and Detail Views in numerous display styles. A full range of Dimension types that are style driven are available as well as Tables, Text, and Multi-Text tools as expected. Plus, dimension scaling in Viewports within a paper space is automatic.
Symbols Library
TurboCAD Pro comes complete with a number of sample symbols as well as a much larger collection of parametric parts. This program also includes several special parametric symbols used in certain types of annotation that help in communicating with manufacturers.
Parametric Parts Manager
Create and consume parts that remain parametrically controlled even after insertion into your drawing. There is also a method to draw variably constrained parts and convert them to parametric parts using a wizard. Because the parts can be saved individually, like a symbol, libraries of .PPM objects can be created, shared, and reused from project to project.
Easy Design Director
The Design Director palette streamlines work and enhances productivity with advanced controls for Layers, Layer Filters, creating Layer Sets, setting and saving Work Planes, controlling Named Views, and more.
Rendering & Visualization
TurboCAD Pro includes the Redway3d Redsdk drawing and rendering engine to speed design work and create stunning presentations. This drawing engine utilizes the power of supported on-board GPU or graphics boards for faster panning, zooming, and orbiting. It also provides photorealistic and artistic rendering capabilities for presenting your designs.
Lighting & Materials
A material editor, along with a complete library of materials, is included with TurboCAD Pro to define physically accurate materials, including reflective surfaces with ray tracing and radiosity. There is also support for lighting and luminance. Redsdk will substitute the materials and lighting of images previously rendered with Lightworks.
External References (Xrefs)
All of the file formats that may be opened and imported, except bitmap images, may be used as an external reference (Xref). TurboCAD offers Xref clipping for dozens of file formats and binding of Xrefs, which can then be exploded and edited. Xref layers are also easy to manage, including with layer filters.
Software Developers' Kit (SDK)
TurboCAD Pro lets you extend the functionality of the application with the ability to develop new tools, functions, and behaviors. Custom routines that are performed on a regular basis can be automated. Specific tools for vertical applications can be created and added. Even commercial plug-in applications may be developed and sold. Updated documentation and samples are provided and there is a wiki and forum-based support online.
File Interoperability
TurboCAD makes it easy to maintain your intellectual property investment and share your work. TurboCAD Pro supports export of 3D models to 3D .PDF which can be viewed interactively with Acrobat Reader. Plus, users can open, insert, or embed up to 35 file formats and export up to 28, including .DWG, .DXF (from R14 through 2015 including AutoCAD® Architecture extensions), .SKP (SketchUp™, to version 2015), .3DM (Rhinoceros®), .3DS (Autodesk® 3ds Max®), IGES, STEP, .OBJ, COLLADA (.DAE – export); and many more.
Advanced Architectural Design & Simple BIM
TurboCAD Pro Platinum speeds design with an extensive collection of parametric object types and shapes for walls and compound walls, doors, windows, stairs, railings, roofs, and slabs. Use the style manager to create and manage how objects are defined, look and behave, or choose from the many pre-configured styles. Accurately manage data with dynamic window and door schedules and use the sections/elevation tool to examine custom cross sections of architectural designs.
TurboCAD Pro Platinum also lets you create custom properties to objects, property sets, and entry marks to display the data next to specific objects in a drawing. New version 21 now allows users to extract that custom data as well as geometry from walls, doors, windows, slabs, and roofs, and export to IFC format, the industry standard for BIM information.
Advanced Mechanical Design Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum offers advanced tools for 3D solid and surface modeling. The thread tool, twisted extrude, extrude to face, imprint tool, parametric holes, imprint and more enable the easy creation of your more complicated professional designs. A new ACIS® R24 3D solid modeling engine in TurboCAD Pro Platinum 21 offers better modeling, improvements to ACIS file filters, and enhancements to several features based on this engine.
Advanced Modification Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum includes a number of tools that enhance 3D modification for facet editing, lofting, bending and unbending of objects. These tools become even more powerful when combined with the Advanced Part Tree.
Advanced Part Tree
TurboCAD Pro Platinum greatly expands o n the Part Tree technology in TurboCAD Pro. Often referred to as history-based editing, the Part Tree can be used as a selective UNDO/REDO tool. And unlike with TurboCAD Pro basic, each of the design and modification tools, and most of the 3D primitives, may be driven by this Advanced Part Tree.
Optimized for 3D Printing
TurboCAD Pro Platinum both reads and writes STL files, the standard in 3D Printing world. The Platinum version includes tools that allow for the modification of the faceting of the STL model which gives the user control over the smoothness of the printed 3D model. Other 3D printing features include surface simplification controls and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers.
Smooth Surface Mesh 3D Modeling Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum allows you to use existing 3D modeling tools to create a smooth surface mesh (smesh). Users can control the resolution, smoothness and more. This form of 3D object creation allows for easier and more rapid creation of organic shapes.
Associative Arrays / Pattern Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum patterns are arrays objects copied in specific arrangements and controlled parametrically. Create patterns from a variety of entities and apply to spheres and cylinders, radial patterns, 3D arrays, along a curve, and on polyline for shapes that couldn’t easily be drawn.
Platinum Parametric Constraints
TurboCAD Pro constraints are enhanced in the TurboCAD Pro Platinum with two additional constraints. The first is a Midpoint Constraint, and the second is the ability to create pattern constraints.
UV Mapping
Create more realistic and varied materials for rendering. Use UV mapping to project a 2D image onto a 3D object where “U” and “V” are the names of the axes of plane. It’s a powerful tool perfect for use in photorealistic rendering.
Plus All TurboCAD Pro Features & Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum is our most comprehensive CAD product for 2D and 3D design, documentation, detailing, and modeling. In addition to the tools above for greater control and flexibility, it includes all the tools found in TurboCAD Pro. Visit the TurboCAD Pro product page and click on the key features tab to learn more about these powerful features:
• Powerful Drafting Palette ACIS 3D Modeling Engine
• Parametric Parts Manager
• Photorealistic Lighting & Materials
• Rendering & Visualization
• Annotation Tools
• Symbol Library
• Programming
• Extensive File Interoperability
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2016-06-15 00:43
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