#777 Тип издания: OS X Native game Релиз состоялся: 2013 Поддерживаемая ОС: Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) Жанр: Action, Adventure, Survival Разработчик: Klei Entertainment Официальный сайт:ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется
Системные требования: Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer)
Описание: «Don’t Starve» — это бескомпромиссная игра на выживание в диком мире, наполненном наукой и магией. Вы — Уилсон, отважный ученый господин, которого поймал злобный демон и отправил в загадочные дикие земли. Уилсон должен обуздать этот мир и его обитателей, чтобы сбежать отсюда и вернуться в свой родной дом. Откройте таинственный неизведанный мир, где на каждом шагу вас ожидают странные существа, опасности и неожиданности. Собирайте ресурсы, чтобы создавать предметы и вещи, которые помогут вам выжить. Играйте так, как этого хочется вам, и разгадайте тайны этих загадочных земель.
November 14, 2013 - Bugfix / Performance update Edit Gameplay fixes ▪ Add naughtiness to smallish tallbird ▪ shadow maxwells scare rabbits ▪ wilson is invincible while sleeping ▪ fix recipe prototyping to work with new tech level splits ▪ fix for Winter is generated in spite of the 'Season' preset setting being set to 'Only Summer'. in the 'World Menu' ▪ fix for wolfgang saying how mighty he is and totally ruining everything in the intro NIS ▪ Make telelocator check for water when teleporting randomly ▪ prevent infinite loot fountain from beaver-gnawed spiky tree ▪ Stumps can now be lit on fire after loading. ▪ Stumps now propagate fire. ▪ fix for placing structures after eating a glow fruit ▪ fix maxwell mine visibility ▪ heatrocks work in backpacks ▪ instead of clearing followers from saveindex on load which can result in them being lost, clear followers on any save that is not an ascend/descend ▪ fix crash when lureplants eat bees ▪ Now reset the colour cube on load to deal with loading and saving between insane and non insane games. ▪ made evergreens and cave entrances non-clickable when they are first worked to stop you from interacting with them by accident ▪ Planted pine cone has different name from unplanted ▪ Abigail is is now tagged as a "character", additionally the tentacle will retaliate against anything in range that is attacking it ▪ lantern swap bug fix ▪ lantern can't be turned on in pocket ▪ killing a baby beefalo is very naughty ▪ Made a "SelfStacker" component and added it to the houndstooth, monster meat and spoiledfood to improve base clenliness and performance in very long games ▪ Rubble no longer crashes ▪ Armour will always return 0 damage if the absorb percent is >= 1. ▪ There is now only one "Sinkhole" room per task. This will remove the case of regularly seeing two cave entrances near each other. ▪ Made "characterspecific.lua" a component for items that are only supposed to be on one character. Added it to all character specific items. ▪ fix bug where nightmare stuff was getting turned on in second overworlds ▪ fix for occasional cave gen fail ▪ Fix for wes talking ▪ Walrus blow dart is no longer targettable/inspectable during flight ▪ Fix for two bugs: Leif not exiting frozen once hit and minotaur being stunlockable. ▪ Made beefalo poop in the old way, and fixed a problem with their babies never showing up ▪ Catcher now makes sure the projectile it's tracking is valid before attempting to preform functions with it. ▪ Combat function now ensures that the entity it's on is still around before calling GetDistSqToInst. ▪ Ham bat no longer loses durability from being used, but does spoil over time ▪ Ham bat and flower hat both display spoilage graphics instead of text percentages in order to reflect that they are spoiling over time ▪ fixed occasional invisible maxwell intro bug ▪ properly report farm plot fertilization success ▪ make the build placers opaque so that they show up better ▪ make burnt trees more visible when they are highlighted ▪ Deerclops will knock down anything he collides with that is tagged "tree", allowing him to pass through. ▪ Divining rod will not disappear when attacking. ▪ made hambat non-edible to avoid interface confusion. Gave it higher damage to compensate. ▪ flower hat is not edible to reduce interface confusion ▪ make dusk announcement more generic, so that it doesn't mention fire. ▪ Inventory items that also have brains will now hibernate while they are held by an owner. ▪ Bees no should no longer buzz while in a container. ▪ Fix for mandrake crash when travelling between cave levels. ▪ Use consistent language for the settings screen in FE and pause menu ▪ Fix for inventory items getting into a bad state when you try to put them into an already-full chester ▪ Birds can no longer be killed while flying away. ▪ Shadow Creatures will not trigger tooth traps. ▪ Fix woodie, chester contents, and beard issues when time catches up when leaving / entering caves ▪ Fix for dropping equippable tools under full-container conditions ▪ Maxwell's Shadows will now die when he does. ▪ Fix bee spawn schedule Controller stuff ▪ Added a controller debug menu ▪ Improved attack/interaction picker ▪ Added vibration (it can be toggled off) ▪ added controller hints to the front end screens and made them more consoleish when a controller is attached ▪ When using dpad to use un-equipped item on the scene, it will now be equipped if required ▪ Fix for item-on-item interactions with controller ▪ Fix "for science!" button controller focus when you beat the game ▪ Inventory hint stays up longer ▪ Added trigger tooltips to inventory and crafting bars ▪ Controller tips for inventory and container items are at more sensible offsets ▪ add louder controller focus change sound ▪ added repeat rate for controller page/value changes ▪ hooked up sounds to page flips ▪ don't play scrolling sounds after the ends of the crafting menu ▪ When using a controller pressing the "INVENTORY_USEONSELF" bind will now first toggle deployable mode on (if applicable) a 2nd press will execute any action related to the bind if deployable mode was triggered. ▪ Keep the crafting menu open as you open and close the map ▪ make controller scrolling move a page at a time in the character select screen ▪ changed the sense of the rotation buttons to be more logical ▪ controller focus movement in FE has repeat when held ▪ Use the correct string (based on type, not index) to name the controller you're configuring on the controls screen ▪ Added default PS3 controller bindings on OSX ▪ Added various missing control bindings across platforms ▪ Split ui focus controls from movement ▪ Split prev/next controls from prev/next page, bound to spinner ▪ Controls screen listens for pgup/pgdown, scrolls by half-screens so you can see some paired controls better ▪ Deprecated "custom control" values which are unused inhouse, hopefully unused in mods ▪ Increment control mapping version, invalidating users' current mapping settings (sorry!) ▪ When hovering a stackable item over a stack of the same type the hint now says "Put" instead of "Swap" to match the behaviour Performance ▪ Re-enabled mipmapping on pc - the game should look much cleaner at low resolutions now ▪ Set up better timer code for osx and linux ▪ Lots of GPU / shader optimizations - the game should run better on older cards ▪ made killer bee brains cheaper ▪ made controller button popup checker cheaper ▪ Fire fighting ) - Perf improvement with burning trees (lights in general). Light buffer is now quarter res (actually it's fixed res) ▪ Lua spike prevention - no defered userdata cleanup, timeslicing "built-in" UI fixes ▪ disable crafting/inventory opening when you are a beaver ▪ adjust recipe description text over slightly ▪ properly pause game when prompting the player to confirm activation of adventure portal so that controller input isn't picked up by the game ▪ The audio settings are automatically changed when starting a new game on a fresh install ▪ fix scrolling issue with crafting UI ▪ Fix mousewheel zoom on map screen ▪ clock is now more legible ▪ Don't stop FE music when a character is selected ▪ Updated fonts in inventory bar for legibility ▪ Spoilable inventory items now also have a highlight outline behind their icon/text ▪ fix text cut-off in crafting menu ▪ replaced big arrow button anims with image buttons ▪ hide hud and squelch interaction when going through wormhole ▪ map screen panning is smooth instead of chunky ▪ Remove non-functional open/close prompt for equipped containers when using controller ▪ arrow added to hud for backpack ▪ inventory bg is one solid image ▪ move chester open menu up to the top of the screen ▪ opening chester will close chests and vice-versa (so they don't overlap) ▪ Display deaths recorded as "unknown" as "shenanigans" instead Misc ▪ Did full string pass - there should be no more missing strings ▪ Player character Art is high-res for nicer closeups
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