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Brothel City + Trainer + Manual (10/2017) ADV, RTS, Brothel, Sim, Erotic, Corruption, Strategy, Management, Fantasy [Rus/Eng] 
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Brothel City + Trainer + Manual


Год выпуска: 2017
Жанр: ADV, RTS, Brothel, Sim, Erotic, Corruption, Strategy, Management, Fantasy
Цензура: Отсутствует
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Оригинальная (лицензионная)
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. October Build
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский

Системные требования (минимальные):
CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.1
RAM: 512MB; VRAM: 128MB; HDD: ~ 100Mb

Это стратегия, эротическая игра, где вы строите свой небольшой “развлекательный комплекс”. Начиная, как хозяин маленькой таверны на большой дороге между двумя крупными городами. Классический фантастический мир. Рыцари, кузнецы, Амазонки, священники, разбойники, русалки и т. д. Уставшие путешественники будут рады удовлетворить свои потребности. Для крестьянина достаточно будет просто что-нибудь съесть. Для рыцаря – еда, вода и хороший отдых для него и его боевого коня. А принц захочет вкусно поесть, выпить старое вино и спать в лучших квартирах, пока музыканты играют мягкую музыку.

И да, почти все хотят девушек. Разные девушки. Иногда даже не человеческие девушки (Ох, те утомленные эльфы и любители фей). Обратите внимание, что все ваши работники-девочки. Или, лучше сказать "самки" (да, есть некоторые виды, как кобылы кентавров в конюшнях и русалки в озере и так далее). Удовлетворяя все свои потребности, путешественники будут платить вам золотом....
Смена языка

October Build

Hello, dear friends!
We are happy to show you October build.
As it was said before, this month was dedicated mostly to Campaign characters design but still here is the list of upgrades:
First of all here is the list of Factions changes:
· 1st level with Court : Now Minimum required tax amount is decreased by 5% every day, not 10% every week as before;
· 2nd level with Criminals: sex bonus now 20%, not 10% as before;
· 4th level of Church increases bonus of Charity not by 25% as before, but by 100% now.
· 1st level of Merchantry increases trading space not by 50% but by 100% now;
· 3rd level of Criminals (Party Place) increases income from Pubs by 25%;
· 5th level of Criminals – quite an interesting mechanics. Smuggling allows you to “make illegal trading as long as you worth trust” what means : reduce all your Reputation to 1 and get 100 gold per point lost (few days cool-down).
Other changes:
· One more try to fix WhiteScreenError – seems like we’ve succeeded this time J;
· Lots of optimization works done (I even do not know how to explain 0.0 but no lags found anymore);
· Nuns (Sisters and Priestesses of Charity) decrees added;
· No more “sudden deaths” – girls who get sick at least make you a message to have a chance to heal them;
· New and correct prices at Trading Tent and Market;
· Treasury doesn’t has a requirement of Market to be constructed;
· Souteneurs’ bonus is reduced from 10% to 6%;
· Resources production buildings and units now produce more;
· It is impossible to earn EXP by selling goods;
· Stages and Stalls now have more Gaiety places;
· Dining Rooms and Pubs now have 20 places to eat and drink;
· Arenas, Libraries have more Gaiety places now.
· Until we’ll find what caused Reputation grows more than 100 and bugs that follow this happening max. Reputation now is 99;
· Now you can have 3 Workshops and\or Workers Houses maximum;
· Magi lodgers’ bonus to healing chance has been doubled;
· 5th level of Criminals – quite an interesting mechanics. Smuggling allows you to “make illegal trading as long as you worth trust” what means : reduce all your Reputation to 1 and get 100 gold per point lost (few days cool-down).

Sep 11 at 1:39pm
Hello, dear friends! Our summer vacations have ended and we are ready to present you September build.

Here what can you find here:
* First of all, we've done a great and hard job working under implementation of a true campaign mode. Actually, what we named a "Campaign" before was a tutorial. That is why now you can find a Tutorial AND a Campaign modes. Though it looks very short for now, the further work under campaign will be done much faster because now we have a working engine of dialogues and rewards.
* Second, we've implemented Factions feature. Some former opened features of the game are now locked with Factions requirements and some new features can be opened only having some relations level with different factions also. Note that you can not have maximum levels with every faction at the same time - so chose wisely.
* New 2 decrees lines - Bath Attendant and Souteneur.
* We've reworked an algorithm with big images and hope there will be no "white screen" problem anymore.
* All decrees are now only 5 EXP to issue (other costs and requirements are the same).
* Trading becomes more profitable - traders can not place orders if your main buildings (Flophouse upgrades) are of not enough levels to produce required goods.
* Trading Tent now requires Flophouse, not Inn to be constructed.
* Now you can buy drinks from the Trading tent.
* You can not sell and traders can not place buying orders for Drinks.
* Strongly improved Tip Messages system - now you'll be told everything that you need to do.
* Some girls were too easy to be bought and we've increased the costs of a high-level girls.
* Peasants bonus is reduced from 1 to 0.2 percent - otherwise it is very easy to have 80 and even more Farms speed production.
* Now you need to have Temple constructed to hire Valkyries
* Now you can have maximum 2 Priestesses per Chapel/Temple.
* Now if you'll destroy or otherwise lose a building that provides job or living places for any girl they will leave your city - no unemployed or homeless girls allowed anymore.
* Now you need to have Hotel constructed to build Vineyards.
* Now you start without any food stored "beforehand".
* Now you can easily clear all the top-messages pressing R key.
* Now Wine Cellars consume 1 Juice AND 1 Fruit producing 2 Wines.
* Now girls have a chance to get sick not only because of bathing places lack but "cathing" some diseases from clients. The lower the client's level is the higher the chance to become infected.
* Now Satyr is not a requirement for the first Flutist's decree.
* Flophouses and Dining Rooms maintenance cost is reduced by 50%

Kisses, Alice.


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
Aug 8 at 5:50pm
"White screen" fixed build
Dear friends. If you had a white screen as the game started, please, re-download the fresh game build and try it once again and let us know if that bug still exists.

Also, in this new version a bug with Waitress' 2nd decree art is also fixed.
Kisses, Alice ^^


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
Aug 6 at 5:48am
Patrons only
August 2017 Build - PATRONS
Dear friends!

Here is the latest Brothel City version.

List of Changes:

* First of all, we've added new test game mode Turn-Based (1 day = 1 turn). It brings new game experience though it still can have some bugs. If you see any, please, let us know. Notice that Turn-Based mode is kind of "hardcore" - you are able to make orders only once a day thus you should predict all possible events during next day.
* Message filters. All kind of tips the game shows to beginners are useful, though more experienced players need only few of them to control city development. That is why now you can filter messages you want to receive. This can be done clicking "Messages filters" button at the right sliding panel.
* New girl's decrees and art line - Dancer.
* New girl's decrees and art line - Flutist.
* New girl's decrees and art line - Acrobat.
* Log file. Now your last game session will be recorded at log-file. If you will ever meet any bug just please send us log file - it will help us to find and fix bugs as soon as possible.


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
Jul 11 at 7:50am
Patrons only
PATRONS July build errors fixer
Hi, friends.
Thank you for all your reports about the bugs in the last build.
Here is a build version with following changes:
* Campaign bug where you can not issue a decree is fixed;
* Now your Treasuries amount is limited. Max. amount of Treasuries = Max. tax payment done/ 1000 (rounded down);
* Aristocrat's illustrations of the last and middle Shyness levels were at different places - fixed;
* Jizzbloom finding chance is fixed (finally! :) )
* Horsewoman and Maregirls bugs fixed (should be).

Also next week we'll start to create log files that will help us to 100% find and quickly fix all the bugs!
Your Alice.


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
Jul 2 at 6:52am
Patrons only
New July Build PATRONS Version
Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

We are here to present you our new build.
As we told before - this build is dedicated to Decrees and Arts.
5 new lines:
Cowy ; Amazon ; Horsewoman ; Valkyrie ; Beermaid
27 arts in total!

Also new mechanics are added to check - now you can not build Guards Towers and Outposts at the another Tower's working radius. This is made to reduce large numbers of Defenders and to add more building management.

If it will work fine seems like we'll add such kind of mechanics to gain bonuses if buildings are near each other. For example, we think to make Dinning Rooms to be near the farms or other food-generating building etc.

We've found an English-speaking editor so now the texts are much beter in the game )
We hope you'll enjoy our new build and game :)

May the Boobs be with you!
Best regards,
Darot Games.


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
May 29 at 5:59am
Patrons only
Brothel City May 29, 2017 PATRONS version

Greetings, dear friends!
Meet the new version of the game.
Here are main changes made:
- Two new decrees lines for Hostess and Prostitute;
- New need has been added to mid and high-leveled travelers – Stables;
- Resources generating buildings now generate resources 1.5 times faster;
- As you click the tip about resources enough to issue a decree, you’ll be automatically shown issue decree button pressed (no need to search where is a decree mentioned in the tip);
- Trading Tents and Markets’ goods requests are multiplied by 10 as well as one-click buying buttons;
- Now you can have maximum of 4 Workers houses and/or Workshops – 1 per each Flophouse tier. Each new Workers House or Workshop cost more to construct.
- As you place a building (construct or replace) a road is automatically added around it;
- EXP counter is replaced from the top resources panel to the Influence button;
- Prostitutes now consume 2 Faith a day;

June will be more productive and interesting month for the game.
First of all, our artist that will work only for us will create more arts and Amazon and Cowy lines will be finished as well.
Second, our writer will have a week or so of “vocation” and being fresh-minded will finish the first campaign chapter.
Third, due to Dev Poll votes girls will receive high-quality speeches.
Forth, this weekend we were interviewed by the lewdgamer.com and hope you’ll enjoy reading it in 2 weeks of so.
In general – we think that the city-building part of the game is good enough already and do not require lots of new features or changes (except those described at the Dev Plan Poll) thus we’ll focus on the arts, decrees lines and campaign in the further game development.

Once again – if you have any ideas of how to improve the game – please, always feel free to tell us.
Enjoy the game and may the Boobs be with you!


Darot Games (Brothel City project)
May 3 at 2:55am
3 May 2017 PATRONS version and changes list.
Hello, dear friends!
As we mentioned before, we are trying to make releases twice a month now and hope we'll deal with it.
More of that now we are trying to talk to you, our dear friends, via Dev-Polls and the result of pre-previous one is to add travellers functions to the game. So while next poll was running we were developing their functions and more.

So here is the list of the changes:
- First of all - now all the travellers except Beggars, Homeless and Tramps have their own functions. Here are the descriptions:
Peasant : Being a lodger, speeds up Farms' and Vegetable Gardens' production.
Student : Every time you get an EXP point there is a chance to get an additional one.
Townsman RENAMED TO ARTISAN : Being a lodger, speeds up buildings' construction.
Scholar : Every time you get an EXP point there is a chance to get an additional one.
Soldier : Being a lodger, patrols territory as Defenders do.&Unmodified victory chance 50%.
Knight : Being a lodger, patrols territory as Defenders do.&Unmodified victory chance 70%.
Bard : Being a lodger increases profit from Gaiety.
Magician RENAMED TO MAGUS : Being a lodger, increases Shamans' healing chance.
Baron : Pays an additional +50% for each service.
Inquisitor : Being a lodger, produces Faith per day.
Earl : Pays an additional +100% for each service.
Paladin : Being a lodger patrols territory as Defenders do (unmodified victory chance 70%); produces Faith per day.
Archmage RENAMED TO AMBASSADOR : Each day after taxing decreases the next minimum required payment.
Prince : Pays an additional +200% for each service.

- Prostitutes and Sisters of Charity changes:
* To hire new Prostitiute Faith level should be no less than current amount of Prostitutes x10.
* Each Prostitute now consumes 1 Faith per day (yeah, Goddess has low tolerance to those who sell their bodies, She says ne should share her body for free);
* Max. amount of Sisters = 1+1 Sister/Priestess per 50 population. Population means ALL the units except Offenders and animals at the map..

- Test girls' talking has been added. We now the quality is not very high though we had fun thinking you'll like the idea of creating full sound contents with professional actresses in future (first of all we want to reach the goal to take full-time artist);
- Girls now lose 1 point of Shyness for each 5 days spent in the city, not for 15 as before.
- Now Beggars, Homeless and Tramps can not be lodgers. Other lodgers hold room for themselves as they just walk around.
- New, "iconografied" interface of girls' stats (we talked to you before about this);
- Flophouse now has 30 rooms; Inn 25; Tavern 20; Hotel 15.
- Wells now have 4 bathing places and their price is reduced to 50;
- New rooms types - Barracks. Now Defenders will live only at Guards Towers and Outposts;
- Now you can see the number of building's upgrades constructed at the mouseover;
- Gaiety profit formula is improved to make you earn more;
- Dining Rooms capacity is increased to 15 tables, maintenance also increased;
- Pubs's capacity is increased to 12 tables maintenance also increased;
- Baths' capacity is increased to 10 places;
- Servants Houses' capacity is increased to 20 rooms;
- Chapel's maintenance is increased twice, Temple's three times more;
- Now you can upgrade Sisters of Charity to Priestess from Staff menu;
- Now you can see Entrance arrow while constructing building;

See you later today at the new Dev Poll!
Best regards,
Darot Games.

I'd like to point out that this line:
* We've reworked an algorithm with big images and hope there will be no "white screen" problem anymore.
... is what they said when they did the August 8th "white screen fix" and it didn't fix anything. I never had the issue, so I can't confirm if this September 11th version fixes it. Just making an observation.

Please, support the dev if you enjoying playing with her toys.
Launch the game first then you can use the trainer.
Key - Effect
Numpad 1 - 50k Gold
Numpad 7 - 1B Gold
Numpad 2 - 100 Reputation
Numpad 3 - 100 Faith

2017-10-08 06:54
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