Зигзаги моей жизни / Twists of My Life v.0.62.05 + Walkthrough
Год выпуска: 2018 Жанр: Oral sex, Voyeurism, sex toys, Visual Novel, Ren’py, 3DCG, Sex Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик/Издатель: patreon_com Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android Тип издания: В разработке Таблэтка: Не требуется Версия: v.0.62.05 Язык игры: Русский/Английский Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Системные требования (минимальные): OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10 HDD: 574 МБ
Описание: Вы играете за парня, который переехал в другой город, попав в неприятности из за девчонки. Там он начнет новую жизнь, познакомится с новыми приятными (ну, или не очень) людьми. Основной упор в игре ставится на сюжет, взаимоотношения между людьми. В игре не будет гринда, но планируются разветвленные диалоги. (когда на них хватит ресурсов и времени)
So what is the game about? You are student of a law school in the city "N". You live a normal life, study, meet different people and etc. In short, you do what most people of your age do. At a certain moment you get yourself into problems which cause the need to move and so the story begins.
I work hard on personality of characters and emotional part of relationships between people. Sexual life of main character hasn`t been left behind as well. All the scenes are written in a vivid, vivacious manner and strengthened by a good graphics. You will meet different characters in the game. I try to make everyone special with own personality, habits, not just different models of DAZ. At the current moment game contains more than 300 high-quality pictures and 16700 words in total. The given public version has been under development for more than 3 months. The next update will be smaller but release will be faster, take it into account please.
Русская версия от разработчика
General recommendation: Start new game or use developer's saves. Please, if you use old saves, do not send us your bug reports since it's 99% problem with your save.
Directory: ToML/game/saves if there's no save folder, you need to create it.
0.62.05 CHANGE-LOG:
1) The update is from 60% devoted to Alanna, but there are also events with characters from previous versions.
2) A total of 255 renders were added and 2 animations that consist of 15 frames each and about 10k of words
3) New fetish was added, titjob.
If you see basically no new content during your playthrough, it means that you follow one route that didn't get a lot of content in this update. Therefore, you can wait for next update or play again with different choices (decisions in the game can strongly affect the main plot)
Список изменений:
1) Апдейт на 60% посвящен Алине, но некоторые другие персонажи так же получили небольшое продолжение.
2) Всего добавлено 255 рендеров , 2 анимации (каждая на 15 артов) и около 10 тысяч слов.
3) Добавлен фетиш, работа грудью.
Если вы играете и видите мало нового контента, это значит лишь, то что вы идете веткой которая получила мало от этого апдейта. Потому либо ждите следующих версий, либо играйте делая другой выбор. (выбор в игре, может сильно изменить сюжет)
v0.51.01 1) Use your saves of the 18th day during game in order to avoid any bugs. Do not use saves of the 19th day. 2) The size has been decreased due to change of pics format, from PNG into WEBP Besides routine sex with Ann were added two new sex scenes. One new event with Helga. The english version of the game contains 52000 words. The 0.5 update added 203 new arts and 3 gifs. Regarding a bug when MC's looking in the mirror at his bruise and the art is misplaced, we are well aware of that and it will be fixed in the final release.
v. 0.40.42 Use your saves from the 16th day during game in order to avoid any bugs. Do not use saves from the 17th day, the bugs which you ignore will not allow you to play the 0.5 in the future.
Continuation of the main plot. 9000 words. 205 pics (70 of them are sex scenes). 2 animated sex scenes made up of about 20 arts.
Half of the pics from the previous updates were updated to higher quality.
v.0.32.3 All the saves should be compatible with a new version.
In this version, you will see: 1) The updated translation. 2) Most of the sex scenes were replaced with an animations ones. 3) The continuation of a main plot. 4) 10000 words. 5) 250 arts.
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