Год выпуска: 2018 Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик/Издатель: patreon_com Платформа: PC/Windows Тип издания: В разработке Таблэтка: Не требуется Версия: v.6.0 Язык игры: Русский/Английский Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский Язык озвучки: Русский/Английский Жанр: Unity, Classic, Blowjob, Anal, Lesbian, Group Sex (MMF, FFM), Incest, Bondage, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Submission Domination, POV, Roleplay
Описание: Это игра-песочница, в которой вы будете играть как молодой программист. Вы переезжаете в дом своего босса, где будут происходить основные события, в том числе и сексуальные приключения.
This is a sandbox game in which you will play as a young programmer. You are moving to the house of your boss where the main events will acted.
Gameplay In the game you are left to yourself. Change of time of day. 10 levels of relationship with each character + negative level. In each level there are new dialogues and different possibilities. You have a choice with whom to develop relationships and how. Russian and English languages.
1- Make a save file. 2- Open the save file e.g: Save01.lm with Notepad (Notepad++ is better) 3- Edit the values you want to change (They're all in plain English). 4- Save and load the file.
v6.0 1. Added a scene in the spa with a massage therapist. 2. Added a scene in the spa with the hero. 3. Added a scene from Zari in the kitchen. 4. Added a scene with Elena and Christina on the balcony. 5. Added a scene with Christina in the hall.
ChangeLog 5.1:
1. Reduced energy costs for training in the gym (the pyramid is preserved, than higher the physical preparation, the less energy is spent).
2. Added the dependence of the speed of work from the level of programming (than higher the skill, the faster the work is done).
3. Added the dependence of the rate of writing coursework from the level of education (the higher the skill, the faster the work is done).
4. If you work or write a coursework your programming and education skills will add.
5. Fixed a bug where you could not start an event with Cristina in the movie.
6. Fixed a bug where if you start to play anew, you could not start the event with Christina's help from the coursework.
5.0 1. Added endings to spying girls (one image each). 2. Event with the help of Christina with the coursework is completed. 3. Event with Elena in the kitchen is completed. 4. Reduced the mood penalty if hero catched for spying and Increased the mood for success. 5. Increased mood and purity from washing and taking a shower. 6. Increased mood from breakfast. 7. Fixed a bug when game freeze on the fourth day in the intro. 8. Fixed minor flaws.
4.1 1. Fixed a bug in the English version at which the movie with Christina was repeated in the cinema.
4.0 1. Interactive with Elena in the cinema. 2. Interactive with Christina in the bedroom. 3. Added ending in the scene with Elena on the balcony. 4. Several scenes with Christina in the cinema.
3.0 1. You can buy gifts now. 2. Fixed blurriness of images when Elena is going to bed. 3. Fixed blurriness of images Elena in the kitchen. 4. Added clarifications on some attributes. 5. Changed the navigation in the game. 6. Fixed minor flaws. 7. Then higher fitness parameter, then less energy you spend per training session now. 8. Reduced the price for video courses by 2 times. 9. Interactive with Christina in the gym. 10. Interactive with Christina at the bar. 11. Interactive with Christina coursework.
2.1 1. Combined INTRO and sandbox in one assembly. 2. Optimized the cost of resources for the game. 3. Fixed the change of music when leaving the cinema. 4. Replaced the images in the event with the daughter in the bath. 5. Fixed minor flaws in INTRO.
EP2 V2.0 1. Eat or drink coffee now it is impossible at 10 am when the heroes at the table. 2. Cosmetic changes to the dialog box. 3. The remaining work is now correctly displayed. 4. A few short dialogues added. 5. You can look into the Boss's bedroom in the evening. 6. You can look into the Boss's bathroom in the evening. 7. An online store has been added. 8. Possibility to watch porn. 9. Added help to Zari in the kitchen. 10. Added interactive with Zari in the kitchen in the morning. 11. The beginning of the event with Elena and Christina. 12. Added interactive with Elena in the gym. 13. Added interactive with Christina in the gym. 14. Added interactive with Elena in the kitchen. 15. Added interactive with Elena on the balcony. 16. Added interactive with Elena in the bathroom at the morning. 17. Added interactive with Elena in the pool. 18. Added interactive with Elena in the bathroom at the evening.
EP 1 v2.0 Hello ! I finished the third day. In the course of an hour I'll post an updated version.
I thought that I will post new versions at the end not a week, but one game day. Thus, for a month there will be 3-4 updates. And you are free to choose to download the game once a month or more often.
This frequency is due to the fact that now the game is at the very beginning of the plot and you can choose the direction of the plot development.
Changelog (Remake Release LM v0.1.0)
Hello everybody ! Today I'm uploading a new version of the game. I changed almost everything in it. Starting from text submission, finishing with gameplay. I tried to impose new changes on the previous version of 0.11, but nothing good happened and I decided that it would be easier and faster to start all over again than to fix what was already done.
Now the game will have a new vector of development, in which I see more prospects. Now this is more of a visual novel, into which I will gradually add role-play elements.
In the updated version you will see already familiar to you images, but most of them I remade, adding qualities and diversity. A lot of ready-made old and new images I could not use, simply because the time for them has not yet come, but they are already ready, and this will shorten the interval to the next updates.
About updates, I'll post them not once a month, but as soon as the next 7 days of play are ready. I will make the progress of development on my page, and you can always see what is ready for a particular day.
Play, write reviews !
Changelog (v0.11):
+ Fixed looping after talking with Lena about training Christina (at the bar). + Fixed looping when you try to pass the Bill’s task. + Fixed the counter of days of autosave. Now is corrected. + Fixed looping in the Sunday morning conversation in the kitchen. + Fixed the wrong naming of the save files. + The "talk" clue is made more clearly for the dialogue on Friday at the bar. + Added the opportunity to help Christina on Wednesday in the gym. + Removed the gym, spa and hometheater from the second floor. + Now new entries in the diary will be yellow until you click on them, now new entry will be easy to find.
v0.1 + Fixed the possibility of repeating the dialogue in the kitchen on the first day. + Navigation by rooms has been updated. + Added additional icons of information about the presence of a character in a certain location. + 20 save slots are now available and you can download any of them from the main menu. + Added the launch of five event lines. + Added dialogs. + The beginning of the event with Elena at the cinema has been changed a little. + The beginning of the event with the daughter's study on weekdays has been changed a little. + Added the ability to start a dialogue with some locations. + Improved the quality of some images.
v0.06 + Fixed bug schedule when Bill was constantly in the hall. + Fixed bug in the gym, when the hero cannot close the dialogue panel if he is train more than 2 hours (the problem was only in English). + Fixed error when you pass the task to the boss. + Fixed bug where the boss could double check or give the task at load if you save the same hour. + The photos were compressed, which reduced the size of the game and accelerated the loading of scenes. + English language will be default. + The save is in the game folder, which should solve all the problems associated with this. + You can give gifts not only when the relations are negative. + The game is available for 32-bit systems. + Delivery at the same time, no matter where you are. + Now it is impossible to training in the gym while there is one of the heroes. + Fixed a transition when calling the massage therapist (in English). + fixed a few texts. + Quest with work added. + Added viewing porn on your computer. + Communication courses added. + Added the way home
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