Знакомство с дочерью / Dating my Daughter [v.0.14.5 Chp.1 + v.0.21 Chp.2 + Extras + Walkthrough] (2018) (Rus/Eng) [RenPy] [Linux] [MacOS] [Android]
Год выхода: 2018 Версия: v.0.14.5 Chp.1 +v.0.21 Chp.2 + Extras + Walkthrough Жанр: 3DGC, Visual Novel, Date-Sim, Father-Daughter, Seduced, Romance, Voyeur, Zoo, M/FF, MM/F, Corruption, incest, Lesbian, Groping, Anal Sex, Interracial, Handjob, Oral Sex, Sex, Masturbation. Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик: MrDots Games - http://www.patreon.com/mrdotsgames | mrdotsgames.com | Издательство: MrDots Games - http://www.patreon.com/mrdotsgames Перевод:Лоскутное Одеяло Коля Жбан Тип издания: Лицензия Платформа:Windows/Mac/Linux/Android Движок: Ren'Py Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский Язык текста: Русский/Английский Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования: - Операционная система: Win XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 Mac/Linux - Процессор: Pentium III 750 MHz - Оперативная память: 512 MB Memory - Видео-карта: 128 Mb - Свободное место на диске: ~3 ГБ
Описание: You’ll assume the role of a divorced father who hasn't seen his daughter in years. Now that she's 18 years old, she contacts you and tells you that she would like to have a “father-daughter” date with you. You’ll have the chance to get to know your daughter better, build a special relationship and why not, maybe convince her to have more “father-daughter” dates with you in the future.
Вы берете на себя роль разведенного отца, который не видел свою дочь уже много лет. Теперь, когда ей исполнилось 18 лет, она связывается с вами и говорит, что она хотела бы иметь свидание с вами. Вы будете иметь возможность познакомиться с вашей дочерью ближе и построить особые отношения...
v.0.14.5 Chp.1 - Это переходная версия между главами. Без сохранений из этой главы вы не сможете играть во вторую главу.
Большое спасибо за перевод Коля Жбани группе переводчиков Лоскутное Одеяло
Экстра уже встроен
Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.21 Chp.2 / Topic updated. Added Russian v.0.21 Chp.2.
Первая глава:
В начале игры , при вводе имен , небольшой баг, не видно вводимого имени. раскладка работает как на английском , так и на русском. Кнопки- меню в игре перенес вверх (какие смог) Так как внизу не будет возможности их нажать (будет мешать клавиатура)
Вторая глава:
в ch2 есть 3 способа импортировать данные из ch1
Вы не играли ch1 и нет файлов экспорта - > вы должны ввести все данные вручную (Может быть ошибка, смотря какие данные введете, у меня из 5 раз 1 раз игралось нормально, но это не лучший вариант)
есть только 1 файл экспорта - > он импортируется автоматически
есть более 1 файла экспорта - > вы должны выбрать тот, в который вы хотите играть с(я надеюсь, что описание поможет, чтобы выбрать правильный)
Во второй главе если вручную вводить данные то не видно текста вопросов 1 вопрос :Имя папы? 2 вопрос: Как зовут дочь ? 3 вопрос: (дальше нужно вводить только цифры) Сколько баллов дружбы вы набрали (FP) ? 4 вопрос: Сколько баллов любви вы набрали (LP)? Сколько баллов задницы вы набрали? 5 Сколько баллов сисек вы набрали? 6. Сколько баллов эксгибиционизма вы набрали? 7. Сколько баллов обмена вы набрали? 8 Сколько баллов БДСМ вы набрали? PS С переносом сохранении и автоматическим переносом не тестировал.
Exporting games in ch1 and importing them in ch2 should work now there are 43 stats/choices that gets exported to ch2, if only 1 of them differs to their counterpart in the already present export files, a new file is created at the end screen (there was a logical error in the code, when this gets checked, this error is also present in the pc version and has to be fixed) up to 8 files are created, the oldest one gets deleted, if a 9th export file has to be created you are prompted, to input a small description for the file (no prompt, no new file) the default value is the current path you are on (D only, D + E,.. @virtuvoid)
in ch2 there are 3 methods to import your data from ch1 you haven't played ch1 and there're no export files -> you have to input all data manually (also fixed) there's only 1 export file -> it gets imported automatically there're more than 1 export file -> you have to choose the one you wanna play with (i hope, the description helps, to pick the right one) you have now a small quick menu at the top of the screen, to access features like skipping and automatic text (i hope, it's not to intrusive) i also enabled the options screen in the game menu
v0.21 About this update
Now that F and D have finally done the deed, where do they go from here you may ask?
V21 further progresses the relationship between D and the MC, the two of them being more comfortable having sex, and the side characters returning to see how or if they can still fit into the MC’s life and future plans, despite how much closer he now is with his daughter.
A lot of this update will be based in F’s town and the main discussion between F and D will be their plans for the future, moving to the beach town (aka “Seaside”) and what F will do for work.
But is D’s modelling career dead in the water, now that she’s left home to be with F?
How will the likes of Jennifer, Elena and Georgina react when they find out what F and D’s future plans are?
How will D react when or if she finds out you’ve been having relationships on the side (if you have done that is!).
The answers to most, if not all these questions will be answered as soon as you’ve downloaded the new update!
V0.20 About this update (SPOILER ALERT)
So, if you’ve already played the last update, you would know that D, F and Elena will be heading back to the town after a couple of nights out in the countryside. There will be a couple of key confrontations and realizations discovered in this update for all characters involved. How will that affect your relationship with D, or even Elena (if you’re on her path)? You’ll find out soon enough! As you would’ve seen from the previews earlier this week, Georgina and Jennifer will reappear in this update. Be sure to contact at least one of them when the time is right, as that could affect your relationship with them later in the game. This new update will be focused on D and F inching ever closer to that grand moment where they will not only be free of D’s protective and manipulative mother Rachel, but they might actually be able to finally consummate their relationship! Will that happen in this update? Again, you’ll have to play the game to get answers to these questions, and more! Depending on what path you are on, Elena will also have some big decisions to make regarding her relationship with you, the secrets she knows about you and D, and if she lets Jennifer in on those secrets!
V0.19 About this update (SPOILER ALERT)
As most fans would know by now, we left v.18 on an almighty cliffhanger. This new update will be focused on D and F trying to hide their secret relationship from Elena, and how she deals with what she saw at the end of the last release of the game. Will she ruin everything for D and F by saying something? And if you’re also seeing Elena (behind D’s back), will she be angry at you for not telling her the truth about you and D? Or does she have other plans in mind, now that she knows? This update is mainly set out in the countryside of Donutistan, where you and the girls will enjoy the annual festival taking place in the town that weekend. There will be certain activities that you, D and Elena will partake in during the day. But if you are on more than one relationship path, you may be left with a big decision as to which girl you want to sneak off with while the other is occupied. (This will make more sense when the early afternoon scenes begin.) As previously stated during our last update, the most important thing for us was to make sure the game continued on. We understand that an update once every three months can be quite painful, and it’s certainly not ideal for us either. But it’s just the way it’s gotta be at the present time. Another thing to look out for in this update are specific “easter eggs” we’ve put into certain scenes, as well as some bonus/special scenes when you are with either girl. The walkthrough will have some of these listed, whereas others are as clear as day (or at least they are to us, haha!) Among the drama that surrounds the relationship between F and D, or anyone else that is trying to potentially derail their future aspirations, we still want the game to contain elements of humor, action and of course romance! We believe that we’ve achieved that somewhat in this release. Over the past few days, I’ve added some last minute scenes and lines of dialogue in certain places. Ideas are always flowing whenever we create each update and some of them are just too good not to include. So because of this, if you find any bugs or grammar errors, please list them in the comments section or email them to me, and I’ll have them fixed in the next update. Anyways, I sincerely hope you enjoy this update, as we’ve worked on it pretty much every day over the past five or so weeks. We always strive to do our best and to give our fans a satisfying hour (or so) of entertainment, with each release for either of our games.
Final Words
I hope you enjoy playing DMD v0.19 and again, thanks for sticking with us. We make these games for you as much as we do for ourselves. Thanks, and Enjoy! MrDots
v0.18 Changes from dev: V18 is a fine balance of the progression in the relationship between D and the MC, sex scenes and characters trying to discover or discuss some of their hidden secrets, as well as trying to work out other’s character’s possible secrets as well.
Due to the fact we had only a little less than four weeks to work on DMD this month (as opposed to Melody v0.0.2 where we had five weeks), there isn’t as much content in v18 as in previous updates. I am truly sorry for this.
The most important thing for us, which has been a huge goal for the past three or so months, was simply to make sure the game continued on.
As most of you would know if you had played up to the end of v17, the MC and the girls will be taking a trip out to the countryside.
We have carefully chosen some specific set designs, one in particular you may recognize straight away if you’re a big fan of a certain eighties hit movie franchise!
The school project the girls are there to collect information for will be more focused on for v19. We will have more time to work on that update, so we’ll explore that more in the next release. There will be also an explanation as to why D simply can’t leave the country with F. So, look out for that scene!
Remember guys, “This Is Donutistan”, where normal rules of the world don’t always apply!
Extra Scenes (I couldn’t send this list via email due to Mailchimp rules):
– Dad fingering D’s pussy on the shower
– Dad licking D’s pussy at the hotel
– Elena hand job in the car (animated)
– Daughter oral on the train (animated)
– Elena reverse cowgirl on the train (animated version)
– Elena doggy on the train (animated and POV animated version)
– D oral at the hotel
– D sucking balls at the hotel
– Bonus 69er scene with D (Check the walkthrough on how to unlock this scene)
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