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Уроки актерского мастерства / Acting Lessons [v.1.0.0 Extras + Walkthrough] (2018) (Rus/Eng) [RenPy] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Completed] 
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Раздал: 7.38 ТБ
Скачал: 2.89 ГБ
Ратио: 2610.014

Зарегистрирован: 2016-05-17 15:09
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Уроки актерского мастерства / Acting Lessons [v.1.0.0 Extras + Walkthrough] (2018) (Rus/Eng) [RenPy] [MacOS] [Linux] [Android] [Completed]

Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: 3dcg, creampie, male protagonist, oral sex, vaginal sex, Visual Novel
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: http://www.patreon.com/DrPinkCake
Перевод: ImperatorNick, lvroman64
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android
Тип издания: Завершена.
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия:v.1.0.0 Extras
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский

Системные требования (минимальные):
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
HDD: 3.44 Gb

История сосредотачивается вокруг вас, мужчина средних лет занятый криптовалютной торговлей, рассказывает историю о том, как вы встретили девушку по имени Меган во время смены стиля жизни.
Меган - молодая стремящаяся актриса вниз по своей удаче и в отчаянной потребности в помощи.
Будете ли вы там для нее, когда ей это нужно больше всего, и помочь ей переломить ситуацию? Сможешь ли ты завоевать ее сердце?

Игровой процесс:
Геймплей основан на решении. Игрок может быть назван по вашему вкусу, и на раннем этапе вы можете выбрать, чтобы идентифицировать одну из трех разных черт (атлетический, харизматичный или хорошо читаемый).
Черты откроют разные варианты во время игры и могут привести к различным реакциям на ваш выбор и повлиять на то, как вас воспринимают персонажи.
Статистика отношений скрыта, и в конце каждого эпизода представлена сводка о выборе и чувствах персонажей к вам.

Основное внимание в игре уделяется цветущей романтике между вами и Меган.
Тем не менее, по мере того как история разворачивается, будут другие персонажи, которые также могут участвовать в романтических встречах.
Вы также можете выбрать сильную связь дружбы с вашим лучшим другом Лиамом.
В игре представлены музыкальные и звуковые эффекты.

The story centers around you, a middle-aged man with a background in cryptocurrency trading, telling the story of how you met a girl named Megan during a life changing day.
Megan is a young aspiring actress down on her luck and in desperate need for help.
Will you be there for her when she needs it the most and help her turn the tide? Will you be able to win her heart?

The gameplay is decision based. The player can be named to your liking and early on you get to select to identify with one out of three different traits (Athletic, Charismatic or Well-read).
The traits will open up different options during the game and can lead to different reactions to your choices and affect how characters perceive you.
The relationship stats are hidden and in the end of each episode a summary of choices and characters feelings towards you is presented.

The primary focus of the game is the blossoming romance between you and Megan.
However, as the story unfolds there will be other characters that are eligible for romantic encounters as well.
You may also choose to form a strong bond of friendship with your best friend Liam.
The game features music and sound effects.

Note: "Extras" includes additional animations and renders.​

Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.1.0.0 Extras / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.1.0.0 Extras. Большое спасибо за перевод ImperatorNick, lvroman64

As of version v1.0.0, the game is complete, any future updates would consist of possible bug fixes.

Added Episode 8 that includes:
- 920 renders
- 32 animations (Extra material)
- 2 new songs
- 1 new sound effect

The complete game consists of >5000 renders, 217 animations, 61 songs and 30 sound effects.

-- Regarding old save files--
If you saved your game at the prompt in the end of v0.7.0 you can continue playing without any issues.

-- General changes --
Fixed a bug in Episode 7 where the final scene would show you something you didn't do. Won't write exactly what due to spoilers.
Minor changes to the story for episode 3-7. It's nothing worth replaying the game for or anything that will alter the experience of Episode 8.
Minor dialogue corrections.

-- Notes to Android users--
Old saves from v0.7.0 are located in this folder "Android/data/com.android.actinglessons".
Please note that in order to use your old save file you must first copy your old save files from v0.7.0 to your computer, then uninstall v0.7.0 and install v1.0.0 and finally paste your save files into the same location as before ("Android/data/com.android.actinglessons").

If you find a bug/misspelled word/inconsistency, please report it to me in the Dr PinkCake discord (https://discord.gg/KyCc5E4).

Added Episode 7 that includes:
- 371 renders
- 17 animations (Extra material)
- 5 new songs
- 1 new sound effect

-- Regarding old save files--
If you saved your game at the prompt in the end of v0.6.0 you can continue playing without any issues.

-- General changes --

-- Notes to Android users--
Old saves from v0.6.0 are located in this folder "Android/data/com.android.actinglessons".
Please note that in order to use your old save file you must first copy your old save files from v0.6.0 to your computer, then uninstall v0.6.0 and install v0.7.0 and finally paste your save files into the same location as before ("Android/data/com.android.actinglessons").

Changes in Episode 1-6:

If you find a bug/misspelled word/inconsistency, please report it to me in the Acting Lessons discord (https://discord.gg/KyCc5E4) under "bug-report".
It will improve the game and I may reward it with a preview screen from the next Episode. Thank you!

Added Episode 6 that includes:
- 582 renders
- 25 animations (Extra material)
- 5 new songs
- 2 new sound effects

-- Regarding old save files--
If you saved your game at the prompt in the end of v0.5.0 you can continue playing without any issues.

-- General changes --

-- Notes to Android users--
Old saves from v0.5.0 are located in this folder "Android/data/com.android.actinglessons".
Please note that in order to use your old save file you must first copy your old save files from v0.5.0 to your computer, then uninstall v0.5.0 and install v0.6.0 and finally paste your save files into the same location as before ("Android/data/com.android.actinglessons").

Changes in Episode 1-5:
Fixed a bug in Episode 5 that allowed you to take Melissa to the café even if you didn't go with Megan to meet her there in Episode 2.

If you find a bug/misspelled word/inconsistency, please report it to me in the Acting Lessons discord (https://discord.gg/KyCc5E4) under "bug-report".
It will improve the game and I may reward it with a preview screen from the next Episode. Thank you!

Added Episode 5 that includes:
- 734 renders
- 3 special renders (Extra material)
- 35 animations (Extra material)
- 7 new songs


Added Episode 4 that includes:
- 788 renders
- 3 special renders (Extra material)
- 29 animations (Extra material)
- 15 new songs (Episode 4)
- 5 new sound effects
-- Regarding old save files--
If you saved your game at the prompt (or later) in the end of v0.3.0 you can continue playing without any issue.

-- General changes --
- Replaced music with the wrong type of license. Every song is now Creative Commons for commercial use and the creators are credited properly within the game.
- +$20 patron versions are now distributed pre-patched with Extras.

-- Notes to Android users--
Old saves from v0.3.0 are located in this folder "Android/data/com.android.actinglessons". Please note that in order to use your old save file you must first copy your old save files from v0.3.0 to your computer, then uninstall v0.3.0 and install v0.4.0 and finally paste your save files into the same location as before ("Android/data/com.android.actinglessons").

-- Changelog v0.3.0 --
Added Episode 3 that includes:
- 647 renders
- 7 non-lewd animations
- 3 special renders (Extra material)
- 35 animations (Extra material)
- 12 new songs
- 12 new sound effects

-- Regarding old save files--
If you saved your game at the prompt (or later) in the end v0.2.0 you can continue playing without any issue.

-- General changes --
- The trait you have selected will be visible in the save file. If you are continuing from an old save, you need to save your game again anywhere in Episode 3 for this to activate.
- Better image compression; changed from webp to jpeg (for web).
- Upscaled 720p renders to 1080p.
- Changed the resolution from 720p to 1080p.
- Slower speed for panning of all special renders.
- Each Episode will be named from now on and the name will be displayed in the beginning of each episode.
- Implemented a rating system to see your overall progress with a character in the relationship report. Note that it's impossible to get perfect rating with every character without cheating; cheating may break the game.
- Implemented a system that lets you change animation speed. It will not be applicable to all animations and currently only available for a subset of animations in Episode 3.
- Implemented a scene gallery used for watching unlocked scenes. Note that scenes will be retroactively unlocked if you continue from an old save file.

-- Notes to Android users--
I have fixed a bug with Android saves. The save files location on your phone will be "Android/data/com.android.actinglessons" from now on.
Old saves from v0.2.0 are located in this folder "com.domain.program".
Please note that in order to use your old save file you must first copy your old save files from v0.2.0 to your computer, then uninstall v0.2.0 and install v0.3.0 and finally paste your save files into the same location as before ("Android/data/com.android.actinglessons").

Changes in Episode 1:
- Changed the sound effect of the ring tone to something less annoying.
- Added 101 reproduced renders.

Changes in Episode 2:
- Changed an instance where Megan's name was displayed as Melissa.
- Tweaked the dialogue when declining to peek at Megan in the shower to sound less creepy.
- Fixed a bug that caused the hint text to remain on the screen after the first acting rehearsal.
- Changed four songs that lacked Creative Commons license. All songs in this game are now under Creative Commons licensing according to the download sources. All songs have been credited in game.

If you find a bug/misspelled word/inconsistency, it means that I and my beta testers have missed it.
Please report it to me in the Acting Lessons discord (https://discord.gg/KyCc5E4) under "bug-report".
It will make the game better and I may reward it with a preview screen from the next Episode. Thank you!

2019-06-06 16:20
  • Торрент
Автор: nickolai. Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2019-06-06 16:20 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Размер: 7.65 ГБ (8 211 810 235 байт)
Скачали: 0 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: Нет Последний личер: 1 год 4 месяца 9 дней 22 часа 25 минут 25 секунд назад
Для скачивания торрента необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти на трекер.
Аватара пользователя
Раздал: 1.63 ТБ
Скачал: 33.24 ГБ
Ратио: 1049.571

Зарегистрирован: 2013-08-12 19:04
Сообщения: 2851
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СПС . Еще один релиз который достоин "Золото" !!

2019-06-06 23:04
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