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Гламур / Glamour [RUS] (2018) PC 
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Гламур / Glamour

Название: Гламур / Glamour
Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: Эротическая
Разработчик/Издатель: http://www.patreon.com
Платформа: ПК
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: 0.13 Offline + CG + Walkthrough
Язык игры: Русский, английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский, английский

Системные требования (минимальные):
- OC: Windows
- HDD: 160 MB

Описание игры:
Glamour – нам расскажут занимательную историю о 18-летней симпатичной девушке, которая принимает решение переехать со своей родной глубинки в Москву. Здесь у нее живет сестра, поэтому она пообещала посодействовать если будет необходима помощь.

Катя только закончила школу и теперь думает поступить в экспериментальный колледж, как выяснилось там существуют странные правила, такими же оказалась ученики и сами преподаватели. Девушка немного насторожилась, так как не ожидала такого поворота событий и с этим необходимо смириться.

Игра выполнена в жанре ролевой песочницы, разработчиками было решено добавить и несколько сюжетных линий, чтобы разнообразить процесс и появилась возможность повторного прохождения. Проект получился в итоге живым, динамичным и с огромной возможностью свободы и различных принятий решений. Здесь встретите огромное количество персонажей с интересными характерами и поведением, из них более 80 неигровых.

v0.13 Offline

0.13 is our biggest update ever, neither Glamour nor Big Brother ever had an update this massive. Many new events, most of which have record amount of steps (some have over 50, where every step is a new image + text or a dialog). 0.13 also has over 220 new images, 200 of which are fullscreen.
0.13 is all about the villa and first sexual experience between Kate and Alice. It has both linear storyline and sandbox elements.
Here's what was added into the game:

Series of story events with Kate in the villa, five new days in total. This part is linear and is not unlike the content you saw in 0.11, when Kate just started working in the villa. Once these five are over, you get the rest in any order you like:
New late night events with Alice's show, including periodic events.
New late night periodic sex events with Kate and Alice. If you want to avoid this storyline, stop Alice during her third show and her relationship with Kate won't grow any further. Kate will be allowed to change her mind later, refusing Alice's offer won't lock you out from any future content with her.
New late night events by the pool. They get unlocked after Kate has some fun with Alice a couple of times outside of the show. You won't get to skip the first event in the series, but everything else is going to be optional. Also, if Alice and Kate had some private fun (not in front of the audience), there's a 50% chance they'll be too tired for the pool, so you might want to conserve their energy if that's what you're after.
We added a series of events plus big periodic event with several variations. Seeing all possibilities might take quite some time.
Added a new dialog to stop Alice from asking Kate to join her show every evening. Again, you can ask her to resume the invites if you change your mind.
Kate playthrough now has new home clothes for Ann and red swimsuit for Lisa. Max will have to gift them before he can see new clothes around the house.
Now characters from the villa might stay in the towel, change into their home clothes or in a bathrobe after taking a shower, a bath, waking up or getting out of the pool.
Added breakfasts and dinners when Kate's visiting the villa. If Kate's already in the patio, the events will start automatically. If she's somewhere else around the house, Lisa will call her to join with everyone else. Kate and Alice wear their college uniform depending on the day of the week. Eating and sleeping refills Kate's energy and removes hunger when she eats or sleeps in the villa.
Added new steps in the "Villa" quest in the quest log (the quest was called "Alice" before 0.13).
Kate now wears the home clothes Alice gifted her when she's at the villa.
Kate can now visit the villa from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Kate has a 50% chance to wake up before Alice.
Kate can now see sleeping Max if she woke up before him. For now there isn't much interaction, but we'll add more in the future.
Fixed some bugs in the dialog settings. Increased range for dialog speed options. Fixed some bugs in dialogs (sometimes the first phrase would freeze and wait for the players to press spacebar or the skip button).
We've decided to not add autosaves after sleeping in the villa because some events keep going even after sleeping. You can still save manually outside of events and dialogs.
The game now has 10 maximum manual saves instead of 5. We also fixed the bug restricting maximum number of saves.

v0.12 Offline
Max as the MC and then wander around the villa to look at Anne, Lisa, Alice, and Kira. Max can spy on them changing or bathing, but he cannot interact with them in any way.


In the spirit of the holidays, we've decided to give you a small present. Offline version (0.9) is finally ready and is available for download.
Offline version doesn't have any connection with our server and doesn't update automatically. When you play an offline version of the game, your progress is saved locally on your PC. Save files will be compatible with 0.10 and, hopefully, future offline versions of the game.
Online version isn't going anywhere and you can still use it and all its advantages: automatic updates, patches and fixes, cross platform play and cloud save files. And if you prefer an offline version so you never have to rely on our server, you have this option available too.

0.9 is focused around the main storyline, so you'll see many interesting dialogs and some new events.

If you've finished Candy's investigation quest, Sophie might come up to Kate between classes and ask her about sitting next to her in the classroom. This will unlock an option to talk to her during lessons. Talking in class is, of course, against the rules and can have consequences.

Nicolas and Karen
Certain events will show college in a new light. Kate will also start working on getting closer to the college committee members. For now it's Adam and Zoe. Maybe we'll also add other teachers in 0.10.

College rules don't forbid relationship between students and teachers, which means Kate has an opportunity to get to do know Adam in a more romantic setting. She can also talk to him after classes.

Zoe and working in the medical office
Kate can not earn fines for breaking college rules and work off her fines in the medical office by helping Zoe. But first she'll have to go through an interesting medical exam...

Female NPCs now have improved behavior on PE lessons. You'll see the full cycle: changing into sports uniforms with several stages, the lessons, undressing in the locker room, showering, etc. Unfortunately, we didn't add any events for Kate, for now she's just a silent observer. In the next version of the game we will add cheerleading practice and interactive PE lessons for Kate.

Two new locations
New and improved medical office and fully functional principal's office. You can interact with characters in both locations.

Characters page:

Characters page is now sorted.
Also, instead of having all characters at once from the beginning, characters page only shows characters you've met.
Changed categories in the characters page. "students" tab is now "college" tab, which has everyone from college, including staff. New "hotel" tab, which includes hotel residents and workers.

Changed Kate's make up on dialogs sprites. It's now lighter and more natural.
Also updated 20 images with sleeping/resting Kate. She doesn't sleep in make up anymore.

Removed early dialog with Julia about massage parlor job. We decided we don't need so many massage-related jobs and locations in the game. Instead we have new series of massage and work-related events and dialogs.
We also changed second Angela's dialog about a job. Now Angela doesn't like Kate's indecisiveness and tells her to get lost. Don't worry, if you already played through the dialog, you didn't miss anything, we basically just broke it in two. The new step of job hunt starts a couple of hours after fourth massage.
Massage parlor:

At some point (3rd college day or later, daytime) Julia will make an appointment for Kate. Kate will meet Lien, a masseuse.
In this series of events everyone will work on making Kate more... open minded.
After finishing massage events, Julia will tell Kate they have money problems and she should really try looking for a job. If Kate already talked to Angela about a job twice, talk to her again, which will unlock a new location:

New characters: Monica (hotel administrator) and four residents: Thomas, Sherry, Fedor and Candy.
Kate can now work in a hotel every day (each shift takes about hour and a half, you can start at daytime, from 12 to 17).
Right now Kate will only earn money in some events and by selling found items. She won't get paid by the hotel manager because there's no ways to spend money yet.
Kate will meet long-time residents and learn their stories. Also, Kate will learn something very important and related to the main story.
New find item mini-game. You can find useless trash, but you can also find expensive jewelry, which you will get paid for. Stealing is completely optional and not important to the story, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, but it's a way to earn some money on the side.
Some items—namely, wine bottles—will result in dialogs with Lien, where Kate might learn something interesting.

As always, your client will update to version 0.4 automatically.

After the client updates, you might have to login via Patreon one more time.

0.4 will become available on 5th for $40 Patrons, on 12th for $20 Patrons, on 16th for $10 Patrons, on 19th for $5 Patrons and two months from now for everyone else

Worked on save menu interface. Now it shows correct in-game date in the loading menu.
Main menu now remembers your language choice when you start the game.
You can now open main menu by pressing ESC button.
Added several background images for the main menu.
Fixed a bug locking the players from bathroom events and related dialogs.
Changed mall's and fitness club's schedules. Now they close at 21:00.
Kate doesn't know about the mall until she talks about morning runs with Julia.
Added cooldowns on job related conversations with Julia.
Now Kate doesn't watch erotic channel if Julia is in the room, even before they talk about it.
Added events where Kate can play with herself while she's watching erotica.
Julia can catch Kate, there are dialogs about it.
Added more events in the bathroom. They become available after Julia catches Kate in the living room.
Added several dialogs about modesty. They become available after an event in the bathroom.
Now when Julia is watching TV in the living room, images on TV change from time to time. Same with the laptop in her room.
Fixed bug when list of save files wasn't updating after sleeping.
Fixed bug where conversation with Julia could change to the conversation with an NPC Kate was talking before talking to Julia.
Added functionality to save system so new content shouldn't break old saves.

Previous 0.3 fixes:
Fixed important events so players can't accidentally skip them (trying out college uniform on Sunday, first and second days in college).
Decreased time spent on painting the basement from 6 to 3 hours before the special event and from 2 to 1 after.
Added cooldown for painting the basement so you can't paint it several times in the row. It wasn't available for technical reasons. Now it's 7 hours before the event and 14 after.
Fixed the bug when you could forever talk to Julia about the basement.
Fixed the text at the start of the game. Both for patrons and for guests.
Fixed mistakes in dialogs where NPCs were saying other characters' lines.
Added missing background for the hall. Sometimes Julia had black background instead of the correct image.
Fixed a bug where the game showed two options (login via Patreon or play as a guest) even after you logged in. Now it should only happen once, and after you login you'll see "play the game".

Последний раз редактировалось nickolai. 2019-06-17 17:17, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

2019-06-17 15:46
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Автор: nickolai. Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2019-06-17 15:46 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
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Зарегистрирован: 2013-08-12 19:04
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Маладца !)

2019-06-17 16:37
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