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Being A DIK (DrPinkCake) (11/20200(ENG+RUS) [L] 
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Зарегистрирован: 2016-08-18 10:11
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Being A DIK [ver. 0.5.2 Rus / ver. 0.6.0 Eng]


Год выпуска: 2020
Версия: v0.5.2 Rus / v0.6.0 Eng
Жанр: 3DGC, Animated, Male Protagonist, Female domination, Milf, Combat, Dating Sim, Humor, Point & Click, Puzzle, Romance, School setting, Strategy, Turn based combat, Twins
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: DrPinkCake
Перевод: версия 0.2 - ImperatorNick; версия 0.5.2 - admin, Nikol
Тип издания: Лицензия
Движок: Ren'py
Язык интерфейса: Английский / Русский /
Язык текста: Английский / Русский /
Таблэтка: не требуется

Системные требования:
    Операционная система: Win 7 / 8 / 10
    Процессор: CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.2 GHz
    Оперативная память: 512 MB
    Видео-карта: 128 Mb
    Свободное место на диске: ~10,5 GB
    DirectX 8.1 или выше

Being A DIK - это новая игра от создателя Acting Lessons!

Главный герой игры - молодой человек из малообеспеченной семьи уезжает от своего овдовевшего отца и его летней любви учиться в колледж под названием Burgmeister & Royce. Когда он окунется в жизнь новичка и его убедят присоединиться к грядущему братству Дельта Йота Каппа (Delta Iota Kappa), он столкнется с новым миром, наполненным конфликтами, алкоголем, наркотиками и сексом...

Релиз обновлен 13.11.2020! В раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.6.0!

Прохождение (Walkthrough) игры с подробной иллюстрированной инструкцией на русском языке (в формате pdf) от авторов odinochka-47 и mibund06:
    1386 - если вы находитесь в эпизоде 1
    4413 - если вы находитесь в эпизоде 2
    3985 - если вы находитесь в эпизоде 3
    0421 - если вы находитесь в эпизоде 4
    4226 - если вы находитесь в эпизоде 5

#77724.06.2020 - Добавлено прохождение 5-го эпизода (BeingADIK Сезон 2)

    После скачивания необходимо распаковать игру (архив BeingADIK-v0.5.2-pc_Rus.zip) на жесткий диск компьютера
    Открыть файл BeingADIK.exe


    Fixed a bug with Episode 6 gender class that could happen if you didn't play mini-games.
    Fixed a bug with the episode report for Sage.
    Fixed a bug that didn't show season 2 perfect classes in the episode report.
    Updated pricing of Experience and Dumpster in the mansion minigame.
    Corrected typos

    Added Episode 6 that includes
    3336 renders
    162 animations
    34 songs
    25 sound effects

    Added a fast travel system for free roam events. It can be turned off in Preferences and is only active for a subset of free roam events starting episode 6.
    Updated code for affinity and DIK status calculations.
    Added an optional text box mode with an opacity slider to the preferences menu. Text legibility is improved by enabling this mode, but you will get centered text and a low opacity black text box when playing the game.
    Removed the option Rollback side from preferences, due to redundancy.
    Fixed bad variable names, episode 1-5, overriding a python library.
    Your affinity will now be displayed in conjunction with major choices.
    Fixed a bug with the number of scenes displayed in the Stats app that could be unlocked in episode 5.
    Fixed a misalignment issue of the gallery for an Episode 5 mixed special render.
    Revamped the episode title and ending overlays for episodes 1-6.
    Made cosmetic changes to the episode stat report for episodes 1-6.
    Revamped the Reward app.
    Revamped the Scenes app.
    When unlocking a special render, the character you unlocked a render for will have an exclamation mark in the Rewards app.
    Fixed a bug where writing on Maya in episode 5 would register almost any word as being cute.
    Fixed a faulty button placement of Maya #4 special render in episode 5.
    Corrected typos

    Fixed a bug that was introduced in v0.5.1, where English tests would fail when cheating.

    Corrected typos
    Fixed a bug where a point wasn't being credited to MC or Derek in the DIK evaluation.
    Fixed a bug with the Bios app where notifications didn't show for new messages.
    Fixed a bug that occasionally caused cheating in English mini-games to fail.
    Fixed a bug causing a line being drawn over art when Maya holds a list and changed those renders to fix windowed mode misalignment.
    Fixed a bug where Maya #1 special render wouldn't unlock if you opened the phone immediately after finding it.
    Fixed a bug that didn't reset the keys of Jill's piano if leaving before finishing playing the song.
    Fixed a bug with Rooster, episode 4, where new clucks didn't display correctly after the cluck of Cathy was deleted.
    Added timers that hide the money and special render banners that pop-up and occasionally didn't disappear during the game.
    Tweaked the timer for the painting mini-game. It's slightly easier to pass the mini-game.
    Added supporters to the credits list

    Added Episode 5 that includes
    2456 renders
    157 animations
    25 songs
    18 sound effects
    Added an icon to indicate if a Cluck in Rooster is new.
    Fixed a bug where you could repeatedly play guitar in Isabella's home during her free-roam event in Episode 4.
    You can now use whitespace (space) in the save names.
    Updated the Chat and Swyper apps chat interface.
    When you unlock new gallery pictures in Swyper, the main menu of Swyper will show indicators for it.
    Swapped the end credits for a code-based variant.
    Changed the backend calculation of unlocked renders. Corrected typos

    Fixed a bug where a wrong render would show when buying from Derek, during his free-roam event in episode 4.
    Fixed a bug in episode 1 where the chat with Josy wouldn't trigger a dialogue prompt during the date in certain cases.
    Adjusted the difficulty setting for Brawler.
    Added 2 unused animation to a lewd scene (rooftop , episode 4).
    Fixed a bug that caused cheating to fail on the English test in Episode 4.
    Fixed a cosmetic bug with Brawler with text messages after winning a fight multiple times and getting no reward.
    Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash at the Save/Load screen if special characters were used to comment the save.
    Fixed a bug with the phone that displayed your current affinity incorrectly.
    Corrected typos Re-processed an animation in Episode 3 that caused GPU spikes for a subset of GPUs.
    Added two songs to the main menu music list
    Fixed a bug where music didn't play when replaying a lewd scene in Episode 4.
    Added a tutorial for the tennis mini-game

    Corrected typos
    Changed the scoring of the tennis mini-game.
    Fixed a bug with the quick menu that caused it to change settings when loading a game during mini-games. The quick menu is now treated locally instead of as a persistent variable, meaning that you need to set your preference in every game you start.
    Fixed a bug causing cheating in the English mini-game go to 100% completion instead of the current cheating boost.
    Corrected the credits list with missing supporters

If you find more bugs/typos/corrections, please let me know.


Dr PinkCake

Season 1 (v.0.4.0)

Added Episode 4 that includes
    2532 renders
    134 animations
    21 songs
    14 sound effects

    Added a new dating app, Swyper.
    Changed the design of the apps Chat and Call
    Changed the design of the Bios app
    Added 14 characters to the Bios app
    Changed the design of Rooster app
    Updated all character avatars to higher quality art

    Fixed a music bug with Envy's lewd scene in Episode 3.
    Re-encoded all animations Episode 1-3 to increase the quality.
    Fixed a bug where you would get a lewd text from Sage even if you didn't get her lewd scene.
    Fixed a bug where one digit didn't show for the vault in Episode 1 if you played with minigames enabled.
    Fixed a bug in Episode 2 where Sarah kissed you even if you lost the CUM-petition.
    Fixed a bug that would change the visibility setting of the Quick Menu after playing Brawler.
    Fixed a bug that would cause the choice box to be too small when deleting all save files and starting the game from scratch.
    Corrected typos of Episodes 1-3

    Added Easy mode to Brawler and a way to reduce the difficulty from within the app.
    Fixed a bug with cross fading of music that caused two tracks to play at once
    Corrected typos
    Reduced the image cache size from 1GB to 300MB, to accommodate for low-end PCs.
    Added detection of modified game data that caused severe game breaking bugs.


Added Episode 3 that includes

    2289 renders
    99 animations
    17 songs
    9 sound effects

    Added 2 new tile sets for the shuffle mini-game.
    Added 7 new phone backgrounds, unlocked by making different choices in the game.
    Updated the Bios app with new characters and made the code generic.
    Scenes and Rewards can now be replayed/viewed from the main menu.
    Changed the design of Rewards and Scenes menus.
    Changed the design of the game menus.
    Changed the design of the skip function and general GUI frames.
    Changed the design of Save/Load menus, PLEASE NOTE! Old saves will look weird in these menus. You will have to save them again to fix this problem.
    Changed the design of Quick menus.
    Added modification of the Quick menus. You can now select which buttons you want to see, also if the quick menu should be enabled, disabled or enabled when hovered.
    Changed the design of choices, tutorials and help messages.
    Changed the design of all free roams.
    Replaced the Brawler app and the story fights in Episode 1 and 2.
    Added more options for the path mini-game to increase the variety.
    Added 3 new main menu background screens.
    Conversations and bios will now automatically scroll to the bottom and most recent message.
    Changed the design of several apps and made them generic for future additions.
    Removed the Notes app. The Save comment functionality has been added to the Save screen. You can no longer save a comment about your game.
    Added a new social media app for the phone, "Rooster".
    Redesigned the Math class.
    Redesigned the English class and increased the timer duration with 15%.
    Redesigned the Gender studies class

    Fixed a bug for the Maya lewd scene where Massive Chicks got the wrong variable. It would show as you fingering Maya in the relationship report even though the scene didn't unlock.
    Fixed an erroneous answer in the Episode 2 Math test.
    Fixed errors with the relationship report that caused the wrong messages to be displayed for Maya and Sage.
    Fixed a bug with the music app that had the wrong path for the song wings.mp3
    Fixed a bug with the free roam at Isabella's home where you would jump to the wrong room after playing brawler or shuffle.
    Fixed a bug with unlocking the Pet names app that occurred when playing the game for the first time.
    Fixed several typos. Thanks for reporting them to me.
    Added a prompt when stealing money in Jill's dorm.
    Made the Vault digits, found during free roam, colored so it will be easier to spot them.
    Changed music during tests to be less intrusive.

    1709 renders
    77 animations
    23 songs
    26 sound effects

    Fixed typos
    Fixed a bug where the special render menu wrongly hinted where a render could be found
    Redesigned the money system (back-end only)
    Redesigned the Scene gallery menu to include a scrollbar.
    Removed the word Gilts from the first English test, to conform to American English.
    Fixed a bug that caused Shuffle puzzles to be unsolvable.
    Increased the timer of the Shuffle game by 25%
    Increased the timer of the English game by 25%
    Added a new App, Vault. Vault is used for both mini-game players and non mini-game players. It unlocks special renders. For non mini-game players, Vault unlocks the renders that otherwise would be unlocked through mini-games.
    Added a button in the Preferences menu for playing the intro of the game with Jill again.
    Added one new minigame.
    Fixed a bug with the major DIK/Chick scale that would penalize the score wrongly.
    Fixed a bug with the relationship report for the girls where a negative score couldn't be calculated.
    A short report of choices you've made for each girl and how you get along is replacing the temperature system. This decision was made since the game is primarily choice based and representing your status with a score wasn't the best in terms of game design.

    Fixed a bug in Brawler where adding too many skill points to a skill would crash the game.
    Cheating on the English test has been improved. Words are now randomly selected from the pool of remaining words to find.
    Added two words to the English test (Hilts and Gilts)
    Fixed several typos (thanks for reporting them to me)

First release
Added Episode 1 that includes
    1301 renders
    51 animations
    41 songs
    31 sound effects

    #777#77701.03.2019 - первый релиз игры версии 0.1.1
    11.05.2019 - игра обновлена до версии 0.2.0
    25.08.2019 - в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.3.1
    03.09.2019 - русская версия игры обновлена до 0.3.1, с поглощением английской версии
    05.02.2020 - игра обновлена до версии 0.4.1
    13.03.2020 - игра обновлена до версии 0.4.2
    29.05.2020 - в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.5.0
    01.07.2020 - русская версия игры обновлена до 0.5.2, с поглощением английской версии
    13.11.2020 - в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.6.0









2020-11-23 09:29
  • Торрент
Автор: Samara Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2020-11-23 09:29 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Статус: Проверен
Размер: 18.35 ГБ (19 705 923 584 байт)
Скачали: 1 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: 4 года 3 месяца 18 дней 13 часов 56 минут 58 секунд назад Последний личер: 4 года 3 месяца 18 дней 8 часов 20 минут 47 секунд назад
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