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Пустынный Сталкер / Desert Stalker (Zetan) (01/2022)[3DCG, point and click, male protagonist, female protagonist, rpg, adventure, postapocalyptic, incest..](ENG+RUS) [L] 
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Пустынный Сталкер / Desert Stalker [ver. 0.07c Rus / ver. 0.08b Eng]

Год выпуска: 2021
Версия: v0.07c Rus / v0.08b Eng
Жанр: 3DCG, point and click, male protagonist, female protagonist, rpg, adventure, postapocalyptic, male domination, female domination, incest, graphic violence, harem, slavery, horror
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: Zetan
Издательство: Zetan
Перевод: Kasatik
Тип издания: Лицензия
Движок: RenPy
Язык интерфейса: Английский / Русский /
Язык текста: Английский / Русский /
Таблэтка: не требуется

Системные требования:
    Операционная система: Win 7 / 8 / 10
    Процессор: CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.2 GHz
    Оперативная память: 512 MB
    Видео-карта: 128 Mb
    Свободное место на диске: ~3 GB
    DirectX 8.1 или выше
Действие игры происходит в постапокалиптическом Египте. Игрок берет на себя роль пустынного сталкера - свободного воина, бродящего по дюнам и разрушенным городам будущего, совершающего набеги на старые гробницы и сражающегося с рейдерами, чтобы собрать старые артефакты, которые ценны в его родном городе "Зета" (Zeta).

Релиз обновлен 03.01.2022! В раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.08b!


    После скачивания необходимо распаковать игру (архив DesertStalker-v0.07c-pc_Rus.zip) на жесткий диск компьютера
    Открыть файл DesertStalker.exe


New Content:
- Added 1 new story scene.
- Added 1 new side mission.
- Added 2 new small events.
- You can now sleep with your lovely wife instead of alone if you choose to do so.
Reworks and Revisions:
- Reworked d1a (initial Raiders scene) from the ground up.
Minor changes:
- Slightly changed "Sightseeing with Kateryna" mission's introduction to flow better.
- Fixed Asani being brought back from the dead under certain conditions.
Technical changes:
- Added the ability to select and view past main menu animations
- Overhauled the structure of audio/image folders (unfortunately this means no partial update)
- Added basic Android gestures (experimental)
- You can now change the namebox POV in Edit Details
- Fixed a handful of typos and text errors
- Fixed an inconsistency between Kateryna's visit and it's marker
- Ain is no longer doomed to be Abrax' wife (fixed the Harem scene)
- Fixed an inconsistency regarding the fate of the kidnapper girl
- Nadia can now be unlocked in the Gallery
- Fixed a wrong condition in Thermae dialogue
- Fixed some stray interpolation variables that should be persistent
- Fixed Zahra being in the basement on Fairy's gentle variation
- Fixed the flipped default relationship values
- Disabled "Presentation Options" due to a last-minute bug
- Fixed wrong character name in Ain's harem scene
- Fixed a wrong condition in one of the Thermae dialogues
New Content:
- Added 1 new story scene.
- Added 2 new side missions.
- Added a new Harem variation (Ain solo).
- Expanded the Fairy basement scene.

Reworks and Revisions:
- Revised d1b (Ivy's introduction scene).
- Reworked the world map from the ground up.
- Reworked the style of the main menu (options, gallery, loading screen).

Minor changes:
- Added an option to change the namebox perspective in Edit Details.
- Hopefully fixed the "None" issue with names that some players encountered
- Added an in-game menu to change names/relationships
- Relationships are now permanent and should carry over to the gallery
- Fixed Fairy not being unlocked in Gallery if you got her from the trader
- Fixed a missing flag in Fairy's basement event
- Fixed Ain's first meet Gallery scene
- Fixed excess notifications for repeated Fairy's event
- Fixed the credits, no more error log
- Various typos and text corrections
- Fixed Zahra's relationship bug
- Fixed spelling errors
New Content:
- Added 2 new stories / side missions.
- Introducing the first 3 NSFW animations.
- Added the Harem / living room & 1 variation scene. (More variations coming in the future).
- Added a free roam basement with access to girls kept in there & 1 new scene.
- Added an ingame library that contains a codex about characters and places.

Reworks and Revisions:
- Reworked the intro of the game. Instead of seeing a black screen when starting a new game, the player will get a proper introduction.
- Reworked and improved room visits. You can now lay down and have a chat with Zahra, Ain and Shani about multiple topics (to be expanded as the story goes on).
- Revised d2e (Shani's tomb scene).
- Revised d1e (Ain Zahra Introduction. Full skin and lighting rework coming in the future).
- Revised the beginning of d1b (Ivy's introduction).

Minor changes:
- Changed the home menu and world map background music due to copyright concerns.
- Changed some old low quality sounds.
- The gallery will now only show 1 time NSFW scenes. Repeatable free roam scenes will not be shown in the gallery.
- Quality of life updates for multiple HUD elements.
- Removed the repeatable kitchen scene from free roam (for now).
- Various typos and text corrections
- Fixed an error on declining Kyra/Asha due to incorrect variable
- Fangs' Q&A is now more streamlined
- Fixed a missing flag preventing Kyra from being unlocked in the Gallery under certain conditions
- Fixed the trader interaction leading to opposite responses
- Fixed Emilia not getting offered the second time under certain conditions
- All quests have appropriate ending markers now
- Emilia's room introduction event has been revised
- Ain's room becomes unavailable after her punishment, for consistency reasons
- Fixed some renders in Ain's introduction, that were overflowing the screen
- Added the missing Home Menu tutorial image
- Added Quick Menu option in preferences
- 8 new scenes (750+ pictures)
- refreshed some scenes with several renders
- Rework of the home menu from day 1-5
- added a quest log
- added markers for important events
v0.04 Public
Bug Fixes
- 8 new scenes
- You can now visit Ain, Shani and Zahra in their rooms. *1
- added a teaser for car inspection
- multiple text corrections (Thanks to CynicalADM and dsnow!)

*1: Room activities will be expanded over the coming updates
v0.03 Public
- improved text editing in most scenes
- minor bug fixes
- reworked pictures of Shani's introduction
- a slightly adjusted Ain character model in various scenes
- a few extra panels at the end of Emilia's introduction
- reduced the main character's tsar bomb to a fatman in the massage scene
- removed the necessity to click through panels in repeatable NSFW moments
Major updates:
- 2 story missions
- 2 side events
- added the first two repeatable events
- whole rework of Ain and all her scenes (explanation below) *1)
- discord is set up! Link *2)

Minor changes:
- improved the open world quest mechanics
- added back a familiar option to the first raider encounter (uncut version) *3)
- fixed spelling errors like "elf"
- added options to avoid two prologue NFSW scenes
- reworked the censor function a bit
- removed the game over after letting the elf die *4)
- added a "go to sleep" option to start a new day
- made the dialogue textbox more transparent
*1) Ain rework: This had to be done due to legal concerns. I know the character was popular before, but I wanted to make sure I won't get in trouble where I live, so I made her more mature. I also cannot offer seperate versions for the same reasons. I'm sure you will like the updated character as much if not more. This was the reason for the delayed update

*2) Discord: My mods and me will still work on the discord channels and things may vary, but it's up and running and open for discussions and WIP posts.

*3) Raider scene: Scene is optional, only minimally changed

*4) Figured out that it is possible without putting in much work after all. You guys were also right when you said that an RPG should have a choice there, so I put it back in.
Giving the player more choices:
- added a censorship option
- added a relationship options

Reworked parts of Day 1:
- made Scene 2 and 5 brighter
- made the interaction with the crazy raider girl less extreme
(similar scene like in 0.01 planned for a future update, this was done to not scare off players from the get go.)
- edited the dialogue a bit and added a game over in scene 2
(The elve is a main character. Letting the player continue after killing her is pointless and only adds coding time I could save. The "decayed" event can also be started by buying her free.)
- changed some music tracks
(If you didn't do it before; try playing with music and sound on, it took at least 20% of dev time)

Added Day 2 (End of prologue)
- 6 scenes in total.
(An introduction to the world, different characters and future NSFW scenes.
v0.01 Prologue
Initial Release

    #77717.07.2021 - первый релиз русской версии игры 0.05c и английской - 0.06
    22.07.2021 - русская версия игры обновлена до версии 0.06, с поглощением английской версии
    09.10.2021 - игра обновлена до версии 0.07c
    03.01.2022 - в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.08b

Эро и хентайные игры отключаются в настройках профиля:

2022-01-23 08:50
  • Торрент
Автор: Amigos Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2022-01-23 08:50 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Статус: Проверен
Размер: 6.43 ГБ (6 907 908 127 байт)
Скачали: 1 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: 2 года 1 месяц 18 дней 8 часов 51 минуту 8 секунд назад Последний личер: 2 года 23 дня 15 часов 18 минут 31 секунду назад
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