Vis [ver. 1.5 VN Rus] + Rise of the Legend [ver. 0.8 Eng]
Год выпуска: 2021 Версия: v1.5 VN Rus + Rise of the Legend v0.8 Eng Жанр:male protagonist, fantasy, 3DCG, milf, incest, voyeurism, corruption Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик:Mad King Games Издательство:Mad King Games Перевод: Djadovan Тип издания: Лицензия Движок: RenPy Язык интерфейса: Английский / Русский / Язык текста: Английский / Русский / Таблэтка:не требуется
Системные требования:
Операционная система: Win 7 / 8 / 10 Процессор: CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.2 GHz Оперативная память: 512 MB Видео-карта: 128 Mb Свободное место на диске: ~5 GB DirectX 8.1 или выше
Описание: Тебя зовут Эйден, ты из королевской семьи, которая правит новообразованной колонией. Твой отец, король, держит королевство в крепкой хватке, удерживая власть, пока не прольется последняя капля крови. Отправляйтесь в приключение, которое сформирует известный мир и за его пределами, неся бремя династии, которой суждено следовать за вами даже в смерти. Каждое решение, которое вы примете, будет представлять собой столп или падение вашей империи. Ковать, убивать, развращать и править.
После скачивания необходимо распаковать игру (архив на жесткий диск компьютера Открыть файл Vis.exe Играть (Язык меняется в настройках игры)
#777 v1.4 - New story content. - First part of the sandbox, implemented. This contains the economic engine, day/night cycle, edicts, brothel, and the army management. - Introduction to the first courtesan. Her name is Julia. - Fixed a bug related to one of Liliana's scenes. - Status now has visible values. v1.3 - New story content. - Romantic scenes with Morgana (if the requirements are met) - Introducing the first deity available in-game. v1.2 - New content that will reveal a small part of the plot, alongside some of the most powerful enemies. - Actions in this part, will reflect on the next update that will be related to religion and deities. v1.1 - New content that will set the things in motion for Chapter I. There are three major events where you will decide the outcome. - A small preview of what is about to happen from chapter I. v1.0 - New content that can trigger Liliana's romantic route, if you have enough lust and romantic points. This will also trigger bonus scenes. - Fixed a blocker that prevented some players to proceed further into the main campaign. - Fixed minor bugs. - Added multiple answers for Liliana's riddle.
Riddle answers that are accepted A piano or A Piano or Piano - New content that will set things into motion for the Prologue ends. - The possibility to start/reject a romantic route with Liliana v0.9 - New content. Things are starting to settle up and our hero is about to face challenges never seen before.
- Improved animation. I am starting to improve the idea of animation and so I hope in the end we can have a build that is state of the art.
- Anete route. As Anete is back in Colonia, now we are going to find more about her and also we are going to see how she grows as a character. While developing this I was thinking that maybe there will be players that initially refused a romantic route with her but with this update or with another they would want to change that and start a romantic route. With this update and with others, I will implement an option where you can stick with the choice where you will not have any romantic route with her or you can change that and head on the romantic road with her. Why I did that?! Because I would hate for players to start the game all over so that they can change their option. As a side note, this will be available only for a number of updates. After that, au revoir.
- Fixed bugs. There were some visual issues that I needed to take care of. v0.8 N/A v0.7 - Story progression - Updated UI - Day/Night Cycle - The first two chapters have been proofread. - Fixed issues with Ava sex scene and the MC 'hammer'. Scenes have been redesigned. - Bug fixed. v0.6.0.3 - New content. v0.6.0.1 - New content and improved UI. v0.6 - New content - The new beta feature implemented. This will mark the beginning of the free-roaming gameplay. It will be a feature that will need some months to be fully implemented but in the end, I am sure that it will be unique. - From this update, players will unlock scenes, only if they have the necessary points. So the points gain from the previous updates will be used v0.5 - Fixed status bars (yey) - Three new characters - New content. v0.4 This update has a unique story, out of many and we will also meet a new character.I've also implemented a new route for the v 0.3 ending with different scenes for that choice. - New content. - New character. v0.2 Implemented features: - The main character will have a custom name, set by the player ( mandatory). - New content. - Ambient audio for scenes. - Retouch on some implemented scenes from v 0.1. v0.1 First Release
#77722.11.2020 - первый релиз русской версии игры 1.1 27.12.2020 - игра обновлена до версии 1.2 Chapter 1; в раздачу добавлено дополнение Rise of the Legend английской версии 0.8 28.11.2021 - русская версия игры обновлена до версии 1.4 Chapter 1; в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 1.5 Fix + VN 31.12.2021 - русская версия игры обновлена до версии 1.5 VN, с поглощением английской версии
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