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Subverse (Streembit Ltd) (02/2022) (ENG+RUS)[3D Game, voiced, male protagonist, monsters girl...] [L] 
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Subverse [ver. 0.3.201 Rus]

Год выпуска: 2021
Версия: 0.3.201 Rus
Жанр: 3D Game, voiced, male protagonist, monsters girl, sci-fi, animated, turn based combat, strategy, rpg
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: Studio FOW
Издательство: Streembit Ltd

Тип издания: Лицензия
Движок: Unreal Engine
Язык интерфейса: Английский / Русский /
Язык текста: Английский / Русский /
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблэтка: не требуется

Системные требования:
    ОС: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64bit)
    Процессор: Intel Core i3-2100, AMD FX-6300
    Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
    Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, AMD Radeon HD 7950
    DirectX: Версии 11
    Место на диске: 25 GB

    Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    ОС: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64bit)
    Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD Ryzen 5 1400
    Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
    Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 570
    DirectX: Версии 11
    Место на диске: 25 GB

Новая сексуальная научно-фантастическая пародия, в которой вы командуете своим собственным звездолетом, наполненным самыми горячими красотками в галактике, которые готовы воплотить ваши фантазии в жизнь в полностью анимированных любовных сценах!

    Открыть файл Subverse.exe
v0.3.0 (10/20/2021)

New Features
    Added Elaisha's main quest story block. (Includes new mantics, new navigation area, more missions including level 2 difficulty scenarios, the Kloi enemy faction and more PANDORA scenes).
    Added 3 Strike Rule (If a player fails a mission or checkpoint 3 times, they will be provided the option to skip the mission).
    Added option to enable “Use Background Images” under the graphics tab during dialogue sequences to assist with performance.
    Added some camera movement and zooming control options to PANDORA scenes.
    Added PANDORA scene descriptions.
    Added Archives so that users can replay previous dialogue story sequences from the Captain’s Quarters.
    Added Zanderson Dooper TV Segments. These can be listened to by clicking on the screens found in the Laboratory or Engineering room onboard the Mary Celeste.
    Added directional damage to Grid Combat.
    Added additional environmental hazards (exploding barrels) to Grid Combat.
    Added persistent radial HUD to Space Combat under gameplay control settings.
    Added Elaisha Sorn to the Gallery mode.

    Updated the recruitment scene “Skip” button to read “Exit Scene” instead.
    Update to UI that provides more information on what Tier Mission/Event is available after interacting with an anomaly. 3 small tabs will be visible above the planet name label. Current scheme: green tab = tier completed, yellow tab = available, black tab = not available.
    Changed "planets scanned" to "anomalies scanned" in Navigation.
    Included resources UI to Navigation Screen.
    Characters now display their level on the character select screen.
    Added a pulsing glow to the “skip” prompt to help notify players.
    Updated autoplay button in PANDORA to highlight when enabled.
    Updated recruitment scene “Skip” button to read “Exit Scene” instead.
    Changed the “Continue” button’s label to “Skip” to avoid confusion during recruitment scenes.
    Updated recruitment scenes “Next” button to read “Play Scene” and once scene completes, it will read “Replay Scene”.
    Removed autoplay button during idle pose when transitioning to recruitment scenes from a dialogue section.
    Updated PANDORA cards to display large when hovered.
    Updated PANDORA card art, which includes scene descriptions.
    Added additional PANDORA categories, Tentacles & FUTA.
    Relocated where the pooter points are displayed on the PANDORA card selection screen.
    Optimized PANDORA light shaft material.
    Slight buff to Lily’s sniper in Space Combat.
    Increased Keisterstations Health in Space Combat.
    Added descriptions for waifu Space Combat weapons and stats to character selection screen.
    Created a Gallery input tab within the control’s settings menu.
    Various buffs to friendly melee character’s HP in grid combat.

Bug Fixes
    Fixed issue where PANDORA autoplay would carryover between selecting different scenes.
    Fixed issue where text sizes on end screen resources would adjust size if skip was pressed.
    Fixed issue where waifu stats were showing up in the locker room before unlocked.
    Fixed issue with table hover on board Mary Celeste in the bar area.
    Fixed soft lock issue involving Peter Penetrator in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue where Killi could be countered by ranged units in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue when targeting near an ally character could cause a crash in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue where melee type enemies would move around the map instead of rushing when too far away from the target in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue where if an enemy character moved to a cell containing health drops could cause them to disappear in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue where pickups could be picked up by enemies if they were deployed during the player's turn in Grid Combat.
    Fixed several typos throughout CODEX and navigation system.
    Fixed issue where Gallery album in Captains Quarters wall could be clicked post clicking another interactable in the room even if the Gallery tutorial was not completed.
    Fixed issue where the last cinematic frame played could be seen on the next cinematic playing on start.
    Fixed issue where zoom animation can be spammed by pressing left click when returning to the jump-gate in Navigation.
    Fixed issue where an enemy character could move to an out of bounds tile on Tauri’s Crown Grid Combat mission.
    Fixed issue where attacks that stun still get countered.
    Fixed issue where tutorial info box shows Dromstik as ranged energy in Grid Combat.
    Fixed issue where opening the conversation log as a video begins playing causes the UI to disappear.
    Fixed issue when clicking “Next” on recruitment scenes would not update name to “Recruitment” unless button was clicked again.
    Fixed issue where windows scaling arrow displayed instead of Subverse mouse arrow when using the cum slider.
    Fixed issue where text size on mission complete screen would be inconsistent when skipping.
    Fixed various issues with skipping and fast-forwarding in the dialogue system.

Known Issues (Does not include all issues)
    Bridge projector fails to update color scheme throughout Mary Celeste consistently with the addition of Hydra Nebula.
    Clicking the Help button in DIS remove the help text but you can't re-enable it sometimes
    Physics on dangling pieces such as tentacles or hair (i.e. Huntress or Killi) may clip through the character's body.
    Yellow/White screen flashing artifact during space combat when using FXAA aliasing method. Most likely due to the lens flare.
    On rare occasions, unintentional song plays during some areas of the game.
    On rare occasions, clicking the Help button in the dialogue section of the game can remove the help text but can't be re-enabled until restarting or starting a new scene.
    Potential stuttering when playing back cinematics for some systems. Note there is an option to disable 4k videos from the graphics tab under settings. This has improved performance for some users.
    Hovering tool-tip text is covered by Subverse cursor.
    Hovering tool-tip text for “Use Background Images” has the incorrect description.
    Elaisha has some weightpaint-related issues in some of her Dialogue Scene idles.
    Lily’s toes in the Full Throttle scene need tweaking.
    Animation blending in You’re Mine now scene needs finalizing.
    Cinematics Subtitles disabled for this release.

    For new play throughs starting with version 0.3.0, some PANDORA scenes will remain locked until a certain character is acquired such as a Waifu or Mantic. Note that scenes with mantics that are not in the game as playable characters at this time will still be available to purchase with Pooter Points until the next version of the game includes said mantic.
    Less than a handful of PANDORA scenes have camera controls disabled as these scenes have an animated camera in place.

v0.2.2 (07/20/2021)
New Features
    Added Gallery call out.
    Added "Clear Input Cache" button.

Bug Fixes
    Fixed issue with Main Menu settings not refreshing.
    Fixed issue where switching between Waifus, in the middle of a pose transition, would break the transition.
    Optimized memory management when loading Gallery sounds.
    Fixed issue where Picture Wall callout was not working properly.
    Fixed issue where resources were not updating when opening the Gallery.
    Fixed issue where "Stop Spin" button would not disappear when manually stopping a Waifu.

"Clear Input Cache" button can be accessed from the settings. Players can use it in case they run into non-working bindings. It is worth nothing that a restart is required after clicking the button.
v0.2.1 (07/13/2021)
New Features
    Added Gallery

Bug Fixes
    Fixed bug where the EULA UI slider was invisible.
    Fixed bug when hovering over Gallery in the bar would not highlight it properly.

v0.1.3 (04/09/2021)

New Features
    Added version to the Main Menu.
    Added ability to toggle between 4K and HD videos to avoid cutscene stuttering on some machines.
    Added ability to change AA methods.
    Added real-time shadows to Grid Combat Characters on Epic Settings.
    Added locks to locked Nebulae.
    Added call out when players have new trophies.

Bug Fixes
    Improved loading times.
    Fixed bug where Tibold's fight would lock if he was killed before all of the waves were deployed.
    Fixed bug where Tauri had a predefined loadout.
    Tweaked Lily's and Killi's toe weights.
    Fixed MC Bridge graphical glitches on low graphical settings.
    Optimized characters for MC rooms for faster loading.
    Optimized Hangar and Bar levels and sub-levels for faster loading.
    Fixed PANDORA animation desync glitch.
    Fixed issue where dialogue autoplay kept getting disabled by the forward button.
    Fixed issue where opening the dialogue log and pressing forward or autoplay would kill the UI.
    Fixed issue where being in the dialogue log while autoplay is supposed to trigger neither disables autoplay, nor continues the dialogue; now it continues dialogue when closing log.
    Fixed Lily Recruitment Premium PANDORA scene crash.
    Fixed DEMI not having eyes in the Bridge room.
    Fixed Typo in Zanderson dialogue line.
    Fixed typo in item description.
    Fixed Typo in Grid Combat detail panel description.
    Fixed Captain's skin tone not changing in KilliAfter1.
    Disabled bloom and shadows on lowest settings.
    Unpackaged videos from main content file to reduce cutscene reading times.
    Fixed bug where one of Killi's treasure hunt speeches would disappear, causing the game to appear soft locked.
    Fixed issue where characters couldn't be targetted when on the bottom of the screen.
    Fixed issue where Waifus would appear to level up indefinetly during the loot screen.
    Fixed issue where PANDORA and Quest Log tutorials' dialogue window could not be clicked causing it to appear soft locked.
    Fixed issue where Grid Combat player characters could move twice if they waited.
    Improved way Key Bindings work.
    Increased size of some UI elements to improve readibility.
    Fixed issue where mission cards were updated before missions would start.

v0.1.2 (04/02/2021)
New Features
    Implemented Save Patcher System: This system will automatically patch saves to fix any inconsistencies (missing key items, progression locks, etc.), whenever the player loads a game. It is worth noting that, before the first patch is applied, it will back up the save file (A big thanks to the discord testing team who helped a lot in making this happen)
    Added quest indicating the end of the Early Access release
    Added App Icon

Bug Fixes
    Changed “Continue” button’s label to “Skip”, to avoid confusion during recruitment scenes.
    Fixed issue where inventory wouldn’t scroll if players had more than 48 items.
    Fixed issue where devotion rewards were not triggering.
    Fixed issue where devotion conversations were not triggering.
    Updated some of PANDORA’s preview cards to reflect the captain’s current design.
    Improved bloom-glitter (on low anti-aliasing) issue in PANDORA and dialogue scenes.
    Fixed DoF issues on PANDORA scenes.
    Fixed some Grid Combat characters’ missing shadows.
    Disabled shadows and DoF on low graphical settings.
    Toned down physics on Kasidora's veil.
    Fixed PANDORA right and middle mouse button double-click issue.
    Fixed various typos.
    Fixed issue where Killi’s music would play twice during the cinematics.
    Fixed issue where planet mission card would not update properly if players visited several planets in a row.
    Fixed issue where a white box would appear during Lily’s ultimate attack if videos were not playing.
    Fixed progression lock where changing save slots, in the same game session, could cause quests to be marked as “Completed”.
    Fixed issue where dialogue skipping was impossible after Killi’s recruitment scene.
    Fixed progression lock where pressing the skip conversation key, during a loading before a dialogue sequence, could cause some quests to not trigger even if the “Interact” button was clicked.
    Fixed issue where continue would not appear at the end of the mission results’ screen.
    Fixed issue where enemy ships could bounce off objects and remain stuck in a drifting state.
    Fixed issue where you could return to the Mary Celeste from the navigation during tutorial by pressing the "Return To Ship" key.
    Fixed interaction triggers on 3 quests (Revenge of the Red, Final Piece and Gornagoth’s Trove).
    Changed order in how main menu cards are displayed.
    Changed how the EULA is initialized so it doesn’t lock if players are unable to view the background video.
    Fixed issue where Side Quests weren’t being updated on the main menu after they were completed.

Currently, the only way to reset the key bindings to their defaults is to close the App and then delete the Input.ini file under C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Subverse\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor (if AppData is not visible, under Windows 10, on your explorer, go to View and then check “Hidden Items”), before restarting it. In addition, if you are experiencing issues with key bindings, please follow the aforementioned troubleshoot.


    21.07.2021 - первый релиз английской версии игры 0.1.3 Early Access
    22.07.2021 - игра обновлена до версии 0.2.1 Early Access
    02.08.2021 - игра обновлена до русской версии 0.2.2 Early Access
    17.12.2021 - игра обновлена до версии 0.3.201
Эро и хентайные игры отключаются в настройках профиля:

2022-02-02 03:41
  • Торрент
Автор: Klingon Хэш: ---
Добавлен: 2022-02-02 03:41 Приватный: Нет (DHT включён)
Статус: Проверен
Размер: 21.4 ГБ (22 976 557 054 байт)
Скачали: 0 (Раздающих: 0%)
Здоровье: 0%
Сидеров: 0 Личеров: 0
Скорость раздачи: 0 байт/сек Скорость скачивания: 0 байт/сек
Последний сидер: Нет Последний личер: 6 месяцев 24 дня 20 часов 10 минут 25 секунд назад
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