#777 Год выпуска: 2012 Версия: 2012.05.01 Платформа: PC Разработчик: xpadder.com Совместимость с Vista, 7: полная Системные требования: Любые минимальные Язык интерфейса: Мультиязычный Русский присутствует Таблэтка: Не требуется Описание:Xpadder - Программа для симуляции нажатий клавиш клавиатуры и движений мышки при помощи джойстика(геймпада).
Xpadder Лучшая в своем классе программа из за своих возможностей и гибкости настроек аналогов которой на данный момент нет. С ее помощью можно сконфигурировать не только игры а все что угодно например MS Office
Ключевые особенности Xpadder
- Подержка 32 и 64 битных ОС семейства Windows. - Полная эмуляция всех функций клавиатуры и мыши. - Подержка до 16 геймпадов одновременно. - Тонкая настройка нажатия любой кнопки. - Возможность создания индивидуальных стилей оформления для каждого геймпада. - Поддержка игровых рулей, танцевальных ковров, гитар и прочих специфических манипуляторов. - Программа работает в Portable режиме и не прописывается в реестр. - Программа имеет маленький размер и легко поместится на Flash носителе.
А зачем он вообще нужен ?
- Можно играть в игры где поддержки геймпада нет или она плохо оптимизирована. - Играем на джойстике в интернет или дос игры. - Используем геймпад как пульт управления аудио-видео плеерами с помощью горячих клавиш. - Настраиваем свой профиль геймпада для любого win приложения.
Состав PowerPack Раздачи: Кроме основного файла программы Xpadder_*.exe Раздача содержит необязательные дополнения:
Темы главного окна программы 92 шт папка - themes При проблемах с сохранением настроек убедитесь что программа запущенна от имени администратора
- Подключаете ваш геймпад и устанавливаете на него драйвера Прога драйвером не является - Выбираете папку из которой у вас будет работать Xpadder (любая папка на ПК) и копируете туда Xpadder_5.7.exe - Запускаете Xpadder_*.exe нажимаете три раза на зеленые кнопки, из списка выбираете русский язык - Программа спросит где хранить файлы игровых профилей варианты: 1й Мои документы 2й В папке с прогой - Потом вопрос про ассоциацию файлов профилей *.xpadderprofile *.xpaddercontroller жмем Ассоциировать - В открывшемся окне жмем на маленький джойстик вверху справа выбираем пункт Новый - В новом окне мы находимся во вкладке Изображения жмем открыть и выбираем картинку из папки controllerimages - Переходим во вкладку Стики и жмем галочку включено на запрос "Жми стик влево" жмем влево на своем геймпаде... - Во вкладка крестовина делаем также, на вкладке кнопки жмем оставшиеся кнопки вашего геймпада и они появятся - Теперь осталось разместить их с помощью мыши так чтобы кнопки соответствовали геймпаду и нажать Применить - Для большей красоты главного окна в правом верхнем углу жмем кнопку с ключом и переходим во вкладку тема жмем открыть и выбираем изображение из папки themes
Ниже приведен кофигурационный файл программы с комментариями к некоторым строкам изменения которых дает возможность более тонко настроить ваш профиль будет дополняться по мере появления свободного времени ;---------------------------- ; Xpadder Configuration File ;----------------------------
[Core Settings] LastVersion=**** - Текущая версия программы LastHost=FF505889 Language=Russian - Язык по умолчанию
[Default Locations] DefaultControllerLocation= - Директория с профилями джойстиков если пусто значит корневой каталог DefaultProfileLocation= - Директория с игровыми профилями DefaultImageLocation= - Директория с изображениями тем программы
[Options] StartWithWindows=0 - Запуск программы при старте винды AssociateFiles=1 - Ассоциация файлов с расширением .xpadderprofile и .xpaddercontroller с программой StartMinimized=0 - При запуске автоматически сворачивать программу в трей AutoOpenLastProfile=1 - При последующем запуске программы открывать последний профиль ScanForXInput=1 ShowAnimations=1 - Показывать визуальные анимационные эффекты ProcessNonSelectedControllers=1 ConnectVirtualControllerForTesting=0 MinimizeWhenClosingMainWindow=1 RememberWindowPositions=1 - Запоминать положение окна на рабочем столе при закрытии AutoMinimizeOnOpenProfile=0 ReturnToSet1AfterMinimizeRestore=1 ShowTaskbarButtonWhenMinimized=0 - Показывать иконку в трее при минимизации ShowIconInNotificationArea=1
[Window Positions] - Координаты окна программы на рабочем столе которые меняются при закрытии AssignmentSettingsWindowPosition=45,411 AssignmentAdvancedSettingsWindowPosition=212,186 ControllerPropertiesWindowPosition=65535,65535 ControllerSettingsWindowPosition=245,142 DPadSettingsWindowPosition=65535,65535 HelpWindowPosition=280,205 MainWindowPosition=498,218 MouseSettingsWindowPosition=65535,65535 ProfileSettingsWindowPosition=339,280 SettingsWindowPosition=242,186 Stick1SettingsWindowPosition=65535,65535 Stick2SettingsWindowPosition=65535,65535 TriggerSettingsWindowPosition=65535,65535
- Added Windows 8 and Windows Server 8 support - Added TapTime slot - Added Profile menu Recent option and changed Open to use open dialog (suggested by Reboot) - Added option for individual controller files for identical controllers - Added list scrollbar scrolling - Added "Return all windows to primary monitor" tray option - Added "Allow multi-monitor window positioning" option - Added automatic Watch edit to new AutoProfiles (thanks to Primal Fear) - Added automatic indenting of detail dialog values - Added advanced assignment time/distance value saving across advanced assignment window closes (thanks to Primal Fear) - Added program exit option from first run legal dialogs - Added "Show debug settings" option - Added Set naming - Added Set Settings window - Added Set clearing - Added menu to Stick and DPad Settings windows - Added Ok buttons to Profile Settings windows (profile, stick, dpad, trigger, set, mouse) - Added Dialog Help About text to CopyText button - Added Program icon to Dialog Watch list - Added processor debug checkboxes - Added Virtual Controller panel - Added TestAllSubWindows debug button - Added Benchmark engine and tests - Added "Show window design guides" checkbox to Debug page - Added Automatic scanning option and manual scan button - Added Escape key usage to close all windows (except Assignment ones as they depend on keypresses) - Added text entry dialog window - Added Enter key usage in text entry dialog - Added Installation and Debug pages to Settings window for future features - Added Name editing to assignment right-click menu - Added VirtualController list - Added detailed DirectInput CreateDevice error message - Added Profile and Controller version information when pasting/opening data created in a newer version - Added controller icons to Controller list (dynamic icon used if controller file has been loaded) - Added double-click function to lists (currently only enabled in Virtual Controller list to dis/connect) - Added RememberLastSettingsPage option to Debug settings page - Added Windows Game Controller control panel button to Settings>Controllers page - Added scanning help to main window help button - Added "last version run" recognition - Added "Unused" indicators to Set buttons and menus - Added Assignments based on button-hold-duration - Added Assignments on release - Added AutoProfile program selection as well as active window - Added AutoProfile system - Added clicking of AutoAdd Sequence Pauses checkbox text to toggle checkbox - Added controller hiding - Added controller ID to controller list - Added controller settings page auto-selection - Added Controller Transparency theme option - Added Copy and Paste function for controller files via the controller menu (you can now post controller files on forums without needing to zip, upload and link) - Added Copy and Paste functions for controller images - Added copy button to topright of all lists so contents can be easily copied to clipboard - Added Copy Text buttons to all dialogs and the Help and Controller Properties windows to help with debugging and reporting errors (saves having to produce screenshots) - Added CopyText button to assignment advanced schedule - Added Disabled mouse cursor to Assignment image if Editing is disabled due to sequences and the advanced assignment window is not open - Added DistanceZones so sticks and triggers can have different assignments based on distance - Added Explore button to Controller/Profile menus and Language Settings page - Added first-run legal and license dialogs - Added global AutoProfile (de)activation - Added hints to lists so all text can be seen if too long - Added internal controller image compression for future use - Added Japanese translation (thanks to Stimpy) - Added language translation credits in the About box - Added multiple controller watches (one watch autoopens different profiles onto each controller) - Added name-icon background to Controller Settings Stick and DPad direction names - Added pasted data recognition (copying a controller and pasting as profile is now not possible) - Added Pause 0 for pause-free sequences - Added QuickSave icons to controller and profile name buttons - Added rumble animation to controller tabs - Added scrollbars to all lists (they are visual only so the actual bar cannot be dragged yet) - Added support for dual stick settings windows - Added support for stick 1 to be analog if stick 2 was pov - Added support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 (original and R2) - Added syncing of time slots and selected time value - Added Tap or Hold - Added theme button background to controller tab icons - Added threads error detection - Added Unicode support - Added unused language file line check - Added virtual controller option - Converted version system to YYYY.MM.DD (old files are still readable though)
- Fixed a bug where tray menu did not show controller file names (reported by ace674) - Fixed a bug where starting with Hold/Release Zone 0.01s caused another to be added in schedule - Fixed a bug where adding a Pause 0.00s did not turn single stage into sequence - Fixed a bug where new cycle was not displayed on button in main window if last cycle was a sequence - Fixed a bug where title bar icon was missing when Xpadder started on Windows Vista/7 with aero theme enabled - Fixed a bug where memory was not freed when deleting a controller family - Fixed a bug where a range check error occurred if any window was off the top or left of the screen when Xpadder closed (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where negative desktop locations could not be saved - Fixed a bug where centering windows on the primary monitor did not take into account the taskbar - Fixed a bug where windows could reappear across multiple monitors - Fixed a bug where irregular multi-monitor positions were not handled correctly - Fixed a bug where restoring minimized window after resolution change did not use last position correctly - Fixed a bug where opening a subwindow on a different monitor to the main window caused the subwindow to use the main window monitor - Fixed a bug where automatic AutoProfile deactivation did not work if Settings window was not open (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where Set Settings window remembered its position using Profile Settings window location (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where Set Settings window used Profile Settings window location when being displayed (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where main window appeared in the bottom-right of screen if previous session started minimized and did not show main window (thanks to mattg568 and Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where automatic AutoProfile de/reactivation occurred when default profile was non-existant or deactivated (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where virtual controllers could be edited while connected - Fixed a bug where Xpadder sometimes caused an unnecessary shell refresh on startup - Fixed a bug where SetSettings window was not checked when checking for any subwindow being open - Fixed a number of small text bugs - Fixed a bug where tray icon sometimes failed to appear when starting Windows/did not reappear if explorer crashed (thanks to Reboot) - Fixed a bug where new controllers opened command line profiles in order of detection and not in user-defined controller order (thanks to rob) - Fixed a bug where right-clicking tray icon with no controller tabs caused a range check error (thanks to kribby) - Fixed a bug where DisplayNames button did not update status when changing sets (thanks to Mobeeuz) - Fixed a bug where taskbar button did not appear during first-run dialogs - Fixed a bug where running Xpadder while a different Xpadder was showing first-run dialogs did nothing instead of showing error message - Fixed a bug where running Xpadder while a different Xpadder was running and 64bitExplorer was in an Xpadder folder did nothing instead of showing error message - Fixed a bug where running Xpadder while a different Xpadder was running and 32bitExplorer was in an Xpadder folder showed running location as Explorer location - Fixed a bug where INI file saved on program exit even if no changes had been made - Fixed a bug where changing associate files option did not trigger an INI save - Fixed a bug where detecting axis in Controller Settings window caused temporary white boxes to appear at the top of the controller image - Fixed a bug where changing order of tabbed controllers did not refresh tabs if selected controller did not change position - Fixed a bug where copying a controller image immediately after pasting it could cause an error - Fixed a bug where hardware message did not return a value - Fixed a bug where PrintScreen and Pause responded to assignment keypressing (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where closing a dialog window returned focus to main Xpadder window and not top-most subwindow - Fixed a bug where BMP saving header filesize was fixed and not based on size parameters (exported theme images had header errors) - Fixed a bug where pasting controller data displayed [Opening controller] instead of [Pasting controller] - Fixed a bug where Virtual Controller edit button showed Properties icon instead of Edit icon - Fixed a bug where some controller elements (3dconnexion Space Navigator puck for example) could cause an error in Controller Settings window when detecting a stick - Fixed a bug where some drivers reported raw data that caused an error in the Controller Properties window (thanks to kris) - Fixed a bug where selecting another Controller Settings page from the Buttons page while holding a button caused an error (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where automatic scanning did not use the space left by manual scan button for tab usage - Fixed a bug where AdvancedAssignment ScheduleText was listed twice - Fixed a bug where cyan sequence highlight on buttons did not extend when buttontext was displayed (thanks to MadMouse) - Fixed a bug where MouseSpeed "Move Together" checkbox label did not toggle checkbox - Fixed broken dynamic component error system with new dialog display - Fixed a bug where some buttons were 24 high, some 25, some 26 - Fixed a bug where Language list did not highlight current language in use when first selecting Language page - Fixed a bug where copying an empty list caused a range check error (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where Controller control names and directions were not checked for excessive length when loading the data - Fixed a bug where Controller list was too wide so it did not end above Properties button - Fixed a bug where CompilerDirectives were not included in DirectX headers (affected exe size) - Fixed unnecessary "Do not clear", "Do not delete", "Do not overwrite" buttons from prompts as "Cancel" provides the same function - Fixed a bug in assignment window where Shift could be constantly added - Fixed a bug in Stick settings windows where stick 2 auto-assign caused an error - Fixed a bug where 2 or more controllers and a higher number of matching AutoProfiles caused an error (thanks to ron5001) - Fixed a bug where a bad device driver that caused an enumdevices exception was assumed to be the result of a debug version of DirectInput (thanks to Andy M) - Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment Clear button remained in focus after clear dialog was displayed - Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment Insert, Delete and Clear buttons did not disable when they had no effect (thanks to hiryu) - Fixed a bug where Advanced Assignment window started with focus on a button - Fixed a bug where assignment repeat system could trigger unnecessary profile changed prompt - Fixed a bug where assignment was not shown on button if it was not in the first holdzone - Fixed a bug where AutoProfile recent window list was positioned badly (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where AutoProfiles sorted Profiles with identical watches unnecessarily (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where Chinese text in dialog caused English text on remainder of line to use wrong font - Fixed a bug where closing an Xpadder subwindow triggered the default AutoProfile - Fixed a bug where closing sub-windows via a button was not handled correctly - Fixed a bug where closing sub-windows was not handled correctly - Fixed a bug where Controller and Profile name buttons lost yellow "changes made" highlight if controller was disconnected - Fixed a bug where Controller Image clear button did not update controller tab icon - Fixed a bug where Controller properties axis list had end bracket if axis list was empty - Fixed a bug where CopyText button was badly placed in Advanced Assignment schedule - Fixed a bug where CoreDisplayRefresh thread was not set to highest priority (may have caused slow animations) - Fixed a bug where coreloop read DirectInput for all XInput controllers instead of only current one when dual raw data required (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where coreloop stick angles were not 100% accurate - Fixed a bug where cursor mouse mode no longer worked (sets stick mode and stick diagonals so look/camera filters are either on or off) (thanks to Cable) - Fixed a bug where deleting controllers from controller list caused Range Check Error (thanks to MadMouSe) - Fixed a bug where disabling XInput could cause an error if a controller was using XInput at the time - Fixed a bug where display could flicker on dual-core systems - Fixed a bug where Gradient button style created random colours in some areas (thank to Antonio) - Fixed a bug where Help did not explain missing options in mouse settings window if no mouse assignments are currently assigned - Fixed a bug where instructions to disable debug version of DirectInput were not correct - Fixed a bug where invalid controller files or pasted controller data used the word "profile" instead of "controller" in the error message - Fixed a bug where logging off/shutting down windows was not handled correctly - Fixed a bug where main Assignment Group help described old right-click method (thanks to Cable) - Fixed a bug where main dialog window text was too wide - Fixed a bug where mouse settings window did not update with new options when single mouse direction was assigned - Fixed a bug where pasting a copied Controller image from Chrome did not process magenta Transparency correctly (thanks to Oke_Doke) - Fixed a bug where pasting a profile showed "Opening profile" instead of "Pasting profile" while animation occurred - Fixed a bug where pasting some international text caused a Range Check Error - Fixed a bug where pressing the DPad while scanning for a stick caused an error problems (thanks to Danny) - Fixed a bug where Profile KeyTapTime slider value was hidden (thanks to Cable) - Fixed a bug where Profile Settings button in main window was treated as Profile Name click - Fixed a bug where release type text appeared in language, controller and profile files and in boot exename check dialog - Fixed a bug where save profile dialog showed "opening" text instead of "pasting" when pasting a profile over unsaved profile - Fixed a bug where saving controller file with a new name when controller settings window was open did not update its titlebar with new name - Fixed a bug where selecting item off the bottom of a list caused the list to jump to the top - Fixed a bug where selecting the default location as My Documents was ignored if files were not actually saved to it on the first run - Fixed a bug where simulated keypresses were not released on non-minimized animated exit of program - Fixed a bug where some devices (notably Logitech webcam) caused error when detected (big thanks to blinkFRO for extensive testing) - Fixed a bug where some false lines were processed when creating/checking a language file - Fixed a bug where some international text could be lost when saving a file - Fixed a bug where some language lines were inefficient multiple sentences - Fixed a bug where sorting AutoProfiles reversed entries with matching watches after a watch had been altered (thanks to Primal Fear) - Fixed a bug where stick settings status image diagonals were inaccurate - Fixed a bug where tabbed application (IE for example) tab changes did not appear in AutoProfile watch list (thanks to TBD2009) - Fixed a bug where the associate files option did not remain disabled across restarts - Fixed a bug where the tab image did not resize when more controllers were connected - Fixed a bug where the trigger deadzone value did not update as the trackbar moved - Fixed a bug where tray icon menu showed windows version of controller name instead of user-defined controller file name - Fixed a bug where unlinked controllers did not retain order - Fixed a bug where Update and Windows 2000 XInput help remained from v5.3 - Fixed a bug where white parts of the tab icon were transparent - Fixed a bug where Windows options were badly arranged and help did not match order - Fixed a bug where XInput device type listed "GamePad Gamepad" when it should be "GameController Gamepad" - Fixed a profile update memory leak - Fixed an update bug for Dpad, Stick and Trigger images and improved visuals - Fixed other minor bugs - Fixed some English mistakes (thanks to Terrence Hill) - Fixed some slot scheduling bugs - Fixed some theme clashing bugs - Fixed stick settings window layout
- Improved core loop memory pointers - Improved Hold and Release Zone scheduling - Improved sequence time mapping - Improved slot type detection - Improved cycle and schedule access in CoreLoop - Improved sequence detection - Improved debug settings page (split into subpages and moved keyboard test here) - Improved file open/save dialog handling - Improved language translation storage and integration - Improved Polish language storage - Improved AutoProfile Edit Watch dialog text (suggested by Primal Fear) - Improved slot bitmap creation - Improved popup menu creation - Improved timing slot visuals - Improved slot edit icons - Removed incomplete Dutch translation - Improved starting while minimized method - Improved boot dialog display method - Improved window positioning prior to starting minimized - Improved controller family linking - Improved controller file change detection - Improved dialog window size - Improved some DirectX structures - Improved dialog schedule when running another version in same location as older/newer INI - Improved DirectX definitions - Improved popupmenu handling - Improved controller naming - Improved tray icons and creation - Improved all window captions that show controller names - Improved dialog details display - Improved Edit Watch dialog caption - Improved screen resolution error text - Improved debuglog time and entry text - Improved exe size by removing built-in help text (the information is now on the forum) - Improved application programming interface - Improved boot and startup sequence - Improved Windows version detection by removing Windows 2000 and earlier detection and fallback code - Improved boot sequence to check Windows version, resolution and DirectX before instance checking - Improved message handling - Improved command line parameter reading - Improved command line help switch processing (handled by new instance only and is not passed to any previous instance) - Improved image locking system - Improved empty set indicators in popup menus (replaced "Unused" text with empty set icon) - Improved controller loop value handling - Improved selected tab display code - Improved subwindow processing to allow easier future subwindow addition without creating bugs - Improved subwindow close method - Improved subwindow existence checking - Improved list creation to prevent future width bugs - Improved stick, dpad, trigger status label updating - Improved compiler directives - Improved panel creation - Improved application manifest - Improved environment variable retrieval - Improved controller image down/upload dialog text - Improved subwindow footer creation - Improved controller data axis loading - Improved BMP header saving - Improved INI window location saving of centered windows by saving blank value instead of 65535,65535 - Improved INI window location loading - Improved assignment window footer component locations - Improved subwindow layouts - Improved executable compilation via code optimization, automatic inlining and debug information removal - Improved DLL linking - Improved file access (replaced very old file access code with shiny new file object system) - Improved newer data handling (pasting or opening newer profile or controller data prompts to continue instead of giving an error) - Improved subwindow creation and destruction - Improved dialog window creation - Improved dynamic checkbox and label creation internally - Improved DLL error messages - Improved list selection processing after list contents update - Improved virtual controller detection (uses physical controller detection system for accuracy) - Improved virtual controller capacity (was 1 now 16) - Improved Delete AutoProfile dialog details - Improved INI reading for single numbers - Improved scrollbar visuals for future dragging function - Improved icon handling for future dynamic icons - Improved accessibility of disconnected controller settings and profile - Improved advanced assignment buttons layout - Improved advanced assignment testzone - Improved advanced assignment time value entry - Improved AutoProfile executable watch sort criteria from full path to executable name for a neater list - Improved blank translation handling (reduced exe size) - Improved compiler directives to produce a smaller and faster executable - Improved CoreLoop SubWindow update determinations - Improved coreloop to fill input array faster - Improved cycle handling - Improved flag support for future language re-ordering and addition/removal - Improved internal icon compression (reduced exe size) - Improved key press/release emulation - Improved keyboard scanning system - Improved keyboard test timing, and display - Improved language file rating check - Improved language line id length (reduced exe size) - Improved language list ordering (based on popularity instead of alphabetically by English) - Improved language loading memory usage - Improved language update system (reduced exe size) - Improved main settings window closure event - Improved new language file creation - Improved screen update system - Improved set selection handling - Improved slot processor - Improved slot scheduler - Improved slot time selection - Improved stick deadzone main display (red buttons only appear when relevant stick subwindow is open) - Improved timings (process and threads now run in real-time) - Improved window dimensions (new minimum resolution is 600x400) - Improved Windows service pack detection on non-English systemsAdded "installation" language selection and instant language selection - Improved Windows version information layout (in About box) - Improved XInput version descriptions (in About box) - Increased maximum automatic controller links from 32 to 255 - Increased maximum languages from 16 to 255 - Optimized Advanced Assignment Cycle help - Optimized all sub-windows - Optimized executable code by using latest compiler - Optimized for Windows XP and higher - Optimized Xbox 360 properties text display - Replaced "Download v?" for binary files with conversion email instruction - Replaced all "Details" buttons with the more conventional "Properties" text - Replaced capital letters in settings help windows with square brackets (not all alphabets have case distinction) - Replaced confusing save icons with traditional disk icons - Replaced external language files with built-in versions - Zip distribution is no longer needed - Removed Language Update button to promote editing archived language file not own local copy - Removed old binary recognition for controller and profile files - Removed update system and all internet-related code
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