[size=129]Sega Ages 2500: Phantasy Star I: Generation 1 (100% translated to English)[/size]
#777 Год выпуска: 2003 г. Жанр: JRPG Разработчик: Sega Издательство: Sega Платформа игры: PS2 Регион игры: NTSC Мультиплейер игры: нет Язык интерфейса игры: ENG Тип перевода игры: нет Носитель: DVD5 Возраст: 12+ Описание: _Итак, это римейк первой части из серии Phantasy Star 1. Одной из самых выдающихся игр на Sega Master System (SMS). В римейке переработано практически всё: движок, музыка, бои. Здесь представлена английская адаптация римейка - на английский переведен весь текст, что есть в игре.
Солнечная Система Алго, где-то в галактике Андромеда. Вокруг звезды Алго вращаются три планеты: Палма - планета-столица системы, Мотавия - планета-пустыня, недавно колонизированная паламианцами и третья планета Дезорис - представляющая из себя ледяную пустыню. Климат на Дезорисе не позволяет строить города на поверхности, поэтому все селения на Дезорисе, включая город - космопорт паламианцев Скур, расположены под землей. Власть в Алго захватил тиран Лассик, который жестоко давит на корню любое сопротивление, которое пытаются поднять недовольные жители. Один из участников сопротивления - Неро Ландейл, был убит тайной полицией Лассика. Его сестра Элис Ландейл решила выполнить последнюю просьбу своего брата - найти и убить Лассика. Римейк первой части из серии Phantasy Star на Sega Master System, переработано все: движок, музыка, бои. Так же переведён весь текст в игре на английский.
P.S. Тем, кто собирается играть в Phantasy Star Generation 2 рекомендуется сохранить сейв после прохождения этой части, чтобы во второй части открылся квест на воскрешение персонажа, которого убивают посреди игры(как Aeris в FFVII, но, что интересно, задолго до неё
Translation Notes & Hints: by Kyence The translation was made to be as accurate as possible. However, the translator felt it was necessary to make one major change.
In the beginning of the game, Alisa looks over a cliff and asks Nero to protect her. While this is probably a more powerful for the Japanese, to the translator this doesn't fit the scene and feels out of character for Alisa compared to the original Phantasy Star. It was changed to have Alisa swearing to avenge her brother's death and to make La Shiec pay.
Some other minor changes have been made since then, but they're small enough that they won't affect your enjoyment of Phantasy Star generation:1. Check the readme for more information.
With this v2.10 translation of Generation:1, there are no more abbreviations; in other words, ALIS is no longer going to EQP her LACONSWD. Spell names are restored to their full nonsensical glory, character names are their original intentions, abbreviations are expanded, menu graphics have been remade, and dialogue is updated and clarified.
Phantasy Star Generation:1
Version 2.10 by Kyence
Features: This ISO contains English translations to enable play by non-Japanese speakers. It also expands off the original v1.00 translation, giving it a variable width font, new menu graphics, original spell names, and expanded text pretty much everywhere.
Disclaimer: This translation is being provided to the community at no cost. It is intended for players that already own the original PS2 disc but cannot play it due to the language barrier. It may not be redistributed in English without the permission of Kyence (kyence@kyence.net). It may not be sold, or used for commercial purposes. It may be used as a template to translate the game into other languages, as long as credit is given to Kyence, Tryphon, and vivify93. All rights reserved by Sega/3D Ages/D3 publishing.
Use: Simply load the ISO in PCSX2. I completed both the alpha and beta tests on PCSX2 v1.2.1. The Japanese BIOS is required to play this game. If you experience any lag, adjust the speedhacks; please refer to PCSX2 manuals for additional information, or visit this website: http://wiki.pcsx2.net/index.php/Sega_Ages_2500_Seri...ar:_Generation:1
As of this writing, play on an actual console—whether it be any of the models of PlayStation 2 or PlayStation 3—has not been tested.
Tryphon for adding the missing English letters in v1.00, and for v2.10: adding the variable-width font routine, helping me by supplying countless bug fixes, making the new English menu graphics, and just being an all-around patient saint!
Orakio_Rob (orakio@gazetadealgol.com.br) for inspiring Kyence with his team's Portuguese translation and the invaluable decompression software that made the translation possible.
Ignitz and Rodolfo for demystifying the compression and developing the decompression software.
Missagh Alami (http://www.pscave.com) for spreading the word and helping to host the game.
Kyence (http://kyence.net/) for having made the original v1.00 translations, even going so far as to make two different versions so people could have Lutz be called Noah, if they so wish!
The many people who have shown so much interest in this game's translation...without your support, Kyence would have taken much longer to get herself motivated! That goes for me, too!
Q: Will there ever be a version with character and spell names used in the Sega Master System game? (Lassic, Noah, Exit, etc.)
A: If Kyence ever makes a version of Phantasy Star Generation:2 with the Sega Genesis character names? Yeah, absolutely. I will want to match her work. But for now—please don't make me! Hahahaha.
Q: Are the monster names the original Japanese names?
A: Yes. The only change Kyence made was to call the Casba Dragon "Wise Dragon" instead of "Dragonwise." In English, adjectives appear before the verb. I also changed the name of the late-game enemy "Snail" to "Hardshell," because I didn't think that such a weak name was fitting of a strong monster. Lastly, the enemy "Ghost" had its name changed to "Revenant," because it's a zombie, not a ghost!
Q: How literal is the translation?
A: As Orakio Rob mentioned on his site, this is more of a "localization." Due to space constraints, some sentences and phrases were originally shortened; I did my best to expand them, but I'm an editor, not a translator, so some nuance may still be lost. Cultural differences in idioms required equivalent English sayings. Also, due to cultural differences, the characters often talk with questions. It is typical to be more assertive in English speech, so when an inquisitive sentence structure was unnecessary, in English, it was written as a statement. However, the feel of the game was preserved throughout.
Q: Did you or Kyence make any changes to the script?
A: Both of these first two stem from Kyence's translation. One NPC...Phil in Parolit. His original script was flip-flopping between believing the existence of Medusa, almost obsessed, and then making fun of the characters after they say they beat her. Even Myau thought he was a loon. It was difficult to figure out what the heck the Japanese script was supposed to convey. To amuse herself, Kyence made him a stoner, playing a silly pun. I preserved that, since I liked it!
Kyence also changed the beginning sequence with Alisa standing over the cliff. In the Japanese, she keeps saying "I...I...protect me, Nero!" Kyence changed it to "My brother...La Shiec will pay. I swear it!" It goes along more with the scene and the original translation in English for the Master System game. On the other hand, you will notice many NPC have musician names (like Wiz, Bahamen, and Aaliyah)—these were the actual names used in the Japanese version. Someone really liked them!
As for changes I made to Kyence's work? Honestly, not much is different beyond my expansion and clarification. I did add a couple of hints to the game's script, so you can put that walkthrough away and just enjoy the game a little. You still have to explore the planets to get where you're going, but the game should give you a clear sense of direction. Believe me when I say this is superior just for a more readable typeface, though.
Q: What was that about added hints?! Are you trying to make my Phantasy Star into Barbie: Horse Adventures or something?!?!
A: Nooo, no no no! I just wanted you to not have to refer to a full walkthrough to make it through this fantastic gem. You'd normally be searching for hours or not even find these things if I hadn't dropped them into the game, not that that's a bad thing. I think the hints I gave are relatively subtle. If you don't believe me, here is a full list of all freshly-added hints.
1. A relatively minor hint toward the side quest with Phil and Sharissa listed in the HINTS file; at one point, Sharissa now wishes she had something to make her happy.
2. A hint on where to find the Laconian Armor. You'd find it normally by exploration, but given that it's one of the sacred armaments, I figured it should be lent some more direct respect by the dialogue.
3. The smallest of hints on where to find the Frost Dragon. This time, the location is NOT given, but your search radius is narrowed down by a bit.
4. Lastly, I DID directly reveal the location of the laerma tree...if you look for the right informant, that is.
Any other hints in the game were there in the first release of the translation. I promise that it's still good old tough-as-nails Phantasy Star. Honest!
Q: Why did you change the spell names?
A: Actually, I didn't! I kept them all the same from the Japanese version; no other version of Phantasy Star until now has kept these names, not even SMS Power!'s translation of the SMS original. Like the team did with Phantasy Star Generation:2, I'm going to be making some translation notes after this section for those interested.
Q: How long did the update take? And what did Kyence have to do?
A: Two years for v1.00. Kyence had to figure out the pointers and offset values in order to make space for additional letters wherever she could. She did it all using the MadEdit hex editor and the UltraISO software. The original game was encoded into SHIFT-JIS. Any data she replaced was entered decompressed. She translated all of the game text into English herself! As for me, it took Tryphon and I about two months to update this to v2.10; I had a lot of free time, and editing, by nature, is simply a much quicker process than translating.
Q: Will Kyence be translating Generation:2 to English?
Lucia's Mirror, Helen's Necklace, Europa's Earrings, Ring of Vulcan: These are all mythological references of some sort; Helen and Europa are Greek, while Vulcan is Roman. As for Lucia? I have no idea. The name sprung to mind Lucia from Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, so I wrote that she was a priestess in the description.
PelorieMate, Roginine: Why aren't these Monomate and Dimate to match the fluids? Because in the original Phantasy Star, Colas and Burgers were energy food. PelorieMate is a parody of the real-world energy bar CalorieMate by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. in Japan. Likewise, Roginine is a parody of the real-life Japanese energy drink Arginine V by Kirin. I double-checked with Kyence and a couple of translation sites for Generation:1 that she directed me to—bokokun's Game Lists on GameFAQs and Wolfgang Landgraf's Home of Phantasy Star Generation:1—and these two retained their Master System names in the remake, alright.
Flaeli, Giflaeli: Took this spelling of the fire-elemental spells from Phantasy Star IV, which you'll see is going to be a recurring trend. It apparently takes its name from "flare." Flarey or Flaery might've been a better spelling, but Flaeli seems fine for now.
Froze, Gifroze, Rafroze: Not like "I froze the chicken;" it's said more like "froh-zay."
Tandre, Gitandre: Why Tandre and not Tandle, as in Phantasy Star IV? There's another spell used by enemies in Phantasy Star IV called Tandil, which is apparently a mistranslation of Tandir, Turkish for "thunder." I figure that Tandle suffered the same issue. By the way, it's said "tahn-dray," not "tahn-der."
Curela: The romaji of this is Kyuara, and I recognized Kyua- as "cure." So that just left the -ra. Could it be Cura? No, people would accuse me of making things up to put Final Fantasy references in Phantasy Star. What about Curera? No, too similar to Cura. Wait, I get to set the precedent here! And thus Curela was born.
Warla, Mawarla: Taken from Phantasy Star IV again. Mawarla was originally Muwarla, possibly standing for M. Warla, (Magic Warla?) but I felt that Mawarla is a bit better for a spell name; it takes the Ma- from the first two letters of "magic."
Telele: Taken from Phantasy Star IV. It's apparently pronounced "tell-ell."
Powma: Originally Pauma. Powma would be closer to Pama, if my knowledge of romaji is correct, but I felt Pow-, taken from the English "power," would be a better way to start off this spell's name.
Lucsta: Originally Rakusuta. I don't have the faintest idea as to what it's meant to be, but Raku- reminded me of the romaji for the English word "luck," which I believe is "rakku." So I named the spell Lucsta. To me, it makes sense; it grants you an infallible escape from battle, which is pretty dang lucky.
Tolupa: I want to say I've heard the spelling "Traport" for this spell name, but I don't know where. Even if I did remember, Traport isn't a valid spelling of this for a few reasons. Firstly, the romaji is "toruupa;" that's right, it ends in "-pa," not "-pooto." Secondly, Trapa wouldn't work because the doubled "u" means that the intent was for the "u" to stay when translated to English. I made the "r" an "l" because I wanted the word to somewhat resemble the English word "teleport."
Surto: Originally "Suruto." I was almost about to name this spell Sluto when I realized what the hell that spell name contained... So I pondered. Surt is the name of a Norse mythological figure, Sult is too close to "slut," actually naming it Slut is out of the question...and eventually, I just decided to name it Surto. Nice and neutral name.
Rapt: Not as in "May I have your rapt attention, please," it's an anagram of the word trap. It was like this in Japanese first, so I preserved it here.
Mwode: The original spelling was Muode, and I just kind of upped the spelling a little bit to make it more phonetically accessible. It's said "mwoh-day," just so you know.
Explosion: The original name was closer to "Explose" or "Exploze," and Kyence had changed it so it wouldn't be as Engrishy. I stood by her decision.
Hell's Gate: This was originally "Heru Inbiti." I'm not sure what "Inbiti" is supposed to be. Maybe short for "Invitation?" Kyence named this Hellfire, but bokokun's translation guide on GameFAQs suggested to call it "Hellgate". I chose to expand it a bit and call it Hell's Gate. "Invitation to Hell" or "Hell Invitation" both sound awkward as spell names, anyway, and Hell Invitie is just...no.
Medical Treatment: Quite a doozy of a spell name, ain't it? Originally Medical Treat, shortened to Med. Treat in Kyence's translation, and originally changed to just Treatment at first...and then Phantasy Star Generation:2's translation came out. Amia (AKA Anna) has a new special skill that originally shared its name with this Collabo Spell. Kyence expanded its name to Medical Treatment, so I chose to follow suit for conistency.
Thank you so much for playing this translation that Kyence initially started so she could get through the game and enjoy it herself!
As for me? I'm glad to have done this, even if I did get so lazy at the end that I stole and slightly rewrote Kyence's readme from v1.00, haha. The game looks and reads much better now, with no horrid Terranigma-esque font. I did this update because, while I do appreciate very much so what Kyence did, the font and all caps and abbreviations were impeding my enjoyment of the game.
To be blunt, this update was made entirely for selfish reasons: so I could play Phantasy Star Generation:1 and not have to suffer through any of that. I also did want to update it to Phantasy Star Generation:2's standards, and now there's not so big of a gap between the quality of the two games' translations.
If you want to translate this into your language, contact Kyence and/or Tryphon. All I did was edit text, so I don't really have much to do with the actual translation.
Use: This file contains an introduction and listing of every Collabo Spell (Short for Collaboration Spell.) in Phantasy Star Generation:1. The game tells you absolutely nothing about how they work, and Kyence originally made a somewhat messy spreadsheet of their effects and what combinations are valid. I thought that a more simple plain text guide would be cleaner and of better assistance to players.
If you want to play the game totally blind, please STOP READING NOW and close the document!
Special thanks to bokokun of GameFAQs for initially figuring out how Collabo Spells work.
Table of Contents
Section A00: Introduction Section A01: List of Collabo Spells Section A02: Combination List
So what are Collabo Spells, exactly? In the weapon shop of the very first town, Camineet, you'll find some crystals for sale with a pendant icon preceeding their names. Each crystal is named after an elemental or healing spell that each of the three spellcasting party members will learn. Each teammate, even Tyrone, can equip said crystals to gain some bonus effects.
Flaeli Crystal - 5,500 meseta Adds fire element to weapon Allows wearer to cast Flaeli
Hewn Crystal - 5,500 meseta Adds wind element to weapon Allows wearer to cast Hewn
Tandre Crystal - 5,500 meseta Adds lightning element to weapon Allows wearer to cast Tandre
Froze Crystal - 5,500 meseta Adds ice element to weapon Allows wearer to cast Froze
Heal Crystal - 7,000 meseta Restores 20 HP after wearer's every action Allows wearer to cast Heal
Curela Crystal - 7,000 meseta Attempts to protect wearer from negative status effects Allows wearer to cast Curela
In addition to these effects, you can also equip two Spell Crystals at once, and you'll be granted the ability to cast a powerful new spell for 0 MP! However, it does have a price—every time you use a Collabo Spell, whether it be a simple Flaeli or the powerful Hell's Gate, there's a chance that one of your Spell Crystals could break. So be sure to only use your Collabos when you're in a dire situation.
As you can see from the prices, they're not exactly meant for you to be able to buy them from the get-go. Later on in the game, however, you'll probably be able to afford your first one or two Spell Crystals, and fully enjoy the benefits they bring to the table.
This is a list of every Collabo Spell and its effects. I didn't include spells that are normally accessible by casting them via the magic menu. Collabo Spells can only be used in battle.
Fire-elemental -------------- Fire Wall - Wall of flames singes one enemy. Fire Storm - Wind causes fire to spread across a group of enemies. Disaster - Fire strikes like a thunderbolt and blazes all enemies. Explosion - Nuclear reaction of ice and fire explodes on one enemy.
Wind-elemental -------------- Tornado - Giant gale storm slices all enemies.
Lightning-elemental ------------------- Thunderstorm - Strikes one enemy with lightning and attempts to paralyze them.
Ice-elemental ------------- Blizzard - Freezing ice storm damages all enemies. Flash Freeze - Lightning bolts and an iceberg damage all enemies. Snow Slider - Torrents of snow crash down on all enemies.
Non-elemental ------------- Hell's Gate - Devil's eye spies upon one enemy and the Reaper comes to damage them. Luster Banish - Sacred discus brings judgment to one enemy, damaging them.
Curative -------- Recovery - Fully restores all allies' HP. Last Photon - Fully recovers one party member's MP. Medical Treatment - Removes negative status effects from all party members. Return - Revives one party member.
Now, earlier when I mentioned that you can cast one of the spells I listed above at no cost other than the price of the crystals and the chance that said crystals may break, I omitted a minor detail. Your character's weapon type has to match up with the spell you want to create, or the collaboration won't work. Hey, it's not my fault that the dang spells are finicky about how they activate! It doesn't make altogether too much sense about when a collaboration will work with a weapon, so I've taken the liberty of making a list here.
Global ------ These Collabo Spells can be used with any weapon.
Use: This is a small text document of hints that Kyence believed are relevant to aiding you in your Phantasy Star Generation:1 adventure. Though I did update this a bit, I only updated names and terms to reflect those used in v2.10, altered the linebreaking, and fixed some typos. The document is still written from Kyence's perspective.
If you want to play the game totally blind, please STOP READING NOW and close the document!
Table of Contents
Section A00: Weapon Hints Section A01: Control Shortcuts Section A02: Collabo Spell Info Section A03: The Numeros Family Side Quest Section A04: Other Notes
1) Claws are better than fangs! Don't let the stats fool you! The Iron Claw that yields two attacks, despite the lower Attack value, actually deals more total damage than the single attack of the Ivory Fang. An example: a Dezorian vs. Myau at level 45: 46 damage + 44 damage = 90. Compare that to the flat 66 damage for the Ivory Fang.
The same thing applies to the Crystal Claw; use it over the Gold Fang. Myau almost always attacks twice, and his total attack is second only to Tyrone.
You may actually want to keep this logic in mind for all of the dual-hitting weapons. Alisa gets knives and daggers and Tyrone gets guns and machine guns, though unlike his double-shot regular guns, machine guns shoot all enemies.
2) The canes can be used as items by anyone, including Tyrone! The Magic Stick casts Flaeli, the Crystal Rod casts Hypnos, the Caduceus casts Raheal, and the Psycho Wand casts a spell that recovers about 50 MP.
3) The Toglis Claw mentioned in the Phantasy Star Cave walkthrough is actually the Thick Fur, Myau's best armor.
4) The Heal Ring, Thick Fur, and Dezoris accessories allow the wearers to recover HP when walking, but NOT in battle.
2) Press R1 when standing on to land or next to water to automatically board the appropriate vehicle.
3) Press R1 when dialogue is scrolling on-screen to automatically display all of the text.
4) Press L2 when an Atlas is active to hide the dungeon floor label and mini-map. While the mini-map is hidden, it's incapable of disappearing. You can walk around the dungeon as much as you like without its effect wearing off.
1) Equipping a Spell Crystal like Flaeli, Froze, Hewn, and Tandre adds that element to your weapon. By selecting Collabo in battle, you can use spells of that element.
2) Buying a Heal Crystal and equipping it grants HP restoration after each action in battle. Equipping two Heal Crystals grants even more healing!
3) The Collabo called Thunderstorm paralyzes bosses, including the dragons, La Shiec, and Dark Falz!
4) The strongest Collabos are Luster Banish and Hell's Gate.
5) The Collabo called Last Photon can be used twice, then the Heal Crystal will shatter. Last Photon recovers all MP for one ally.
3. Return to Camineet and talk to Dos again to receive 1,000 meseta.
4. Do the same for Uno and receive another 1,000 meseta.
5. Return to Bortevo and speak with Tres once more to get yet another 1,000 meseta. Make sure to talk with him again so he mentions his sister in Abion.
6. Talk to Seis in Abion and she'll gift you the Heal Ring.
7. After that, return to Tres and speak with him again.
8. After getting the Iron Claw, go to Drasgow, then come back to Uzo and speak to Edgar.
9. Talk to Cuatro in Casba. He'll mentions Siete in Uzo.
10. Talk to Siete in Uzo, and she'll mention an Ocho.
11. Locate and speak with Ocho in Skure. He gives you 3,000 meseta.
12. Speak to Nueve in Parolit, and he'll give you 3,000 meseta.
13. Cinco is in Drasgow; she mentions Nueve. Then she gifts you 2,000 meseta.
14. Talk to Diez in Torua Gate.
15. And lastly, find and speak with Cero in Baya Malay Tower: B3. He'll hand you a bunch of Trimates! Make sure you have room in your inventory. If you get PelorieMates, you missed a Numeros family member somewhere.
1) After defeating Medusa, talk to Phil in Parolit. He will give you a book. Then go and speak to Sharissa in Camineet to sell the book for 5,000 meseta!
2) You cannot even get through Aukbar Pass without a Dezorian Ring.
3) Note: In the Phantasy Star Cave walkthrough, a bug was mentioned in the sequence of going to the top if you leave Baya Malay after speaking to Damoa and getting Damoa's Crystal. However, I tested this—leaving, saving in Camineet, and going straight to the top...I did not have a problem. Make sure when you speak to Damoa that he mentions going to the top of the tower before leaving him.
4) Hint: When you need to go to Baya Malay, if Hashim doesn't talk to you about the Mwode spell, talk to Faith in Scion, then talk to him again.
PS2 ISO MD5 Calculator v2.24 by Chook -------------------------------------------------- File Name : Phantasy Star I Generation 1 (ENG)(DVD)(v2.10) File Size : 1 381 990 400 Image Mode : DVD 5 Size Error : Correct Size + Lock Sector ESR Patch : No -------------------------------------------------- Created On : 01.12.2015 Created By : ULTRAISO 8.0 Disk Name : SLPM-62362 Application: PLAYSTATION Volume : PHANTASY STAR I GENERATION 1 Publisher : PSCAVE Copyright : RUTRACKER Preparer : SQUAREFUN -------------------------------------------------- Sony ID : SLPM-62362 Version : 1.02 Region : NTSC-J Japan Sony LOGO : Absent -------------------------------------------------- REAL MD5 : 797655cf8d8d691d2f507318f4e9d0d4 4 REDUMP : 797655cf8d8d691d2f507318f4e9d0d4 -------------------------------------------------- REAL SECTORS: 674800 SIZE: 0x525F8000 LOCK SECTOR1: 674800 END: 0x525F8000 USED SECTORS: 664556 ZERO SECTORS: 0 ==================================================
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